June 22, 2024, 9:30 AM

Top News

Kate Irwin / PCMag:
Apple will withhold the release of Apple Intelligence, iPhone Mirroring, and more in the EU this year, citing concerns about DMA's interoperability requirements  —  - Firm says it'll withhold Apple Intelligence from EU this year  — Big Tech firm cites concerns over EU's Digital Markets Act
More: MacRumors, The Verge, Financial Times, Euractiv, The Register, Daring Fireball, Wall Street Journal, Spyglass, OSnews,, CNBC, The Decoder, Benzinga, Sam Lover, COINOTAG NEWS, CoinGape, The Crypto Times, Gizmochina, Anadolu Ajansı …, Sammy Fans,, SiliconANGLE, Pixel Envy, Android Headlines,, Decrypt, The Information, Cointelegraph, Notebookcheck, Redmond Pie, Cult of Mac, iThinkDifferent, Neowin, Six Colors, Trusted Reviews, Digital Trends, Phandroid, NewsBytes, Tech Xplore, Engadget, Quartz, Axios, Dexerto, The Apple Post, PhoneArena, Liliputing, Forbes, XDA Developers, iClarified, Android Authority, BGR, 9to5Mac, and AppleInsider
Mark Sullivan / Fast Company:
In response to plagiarism allegations, Perplexity CEO Aravind Srinivas says the company “is not ignoring” robots.txt, but does rely on third-party web crawlers  —  The AI search startup Perplexity is in hot water in the wake of a Wired investigation revealing that the startup …
Craig Trudell / Bloomberg:
Source: a group that claims to have hacked car dealership software provider CDK Global has demanded tens of millions of dollars in ransom, and CDK plans to pay  —  - Eastern European cybercrime group demanding extortion payment  — CDK down for several days as dealerships experience fallout
Washington Post:
As power needs of AI push emissions up, tech companies explore experimental clean energy projects such as atomic fusion and futuristic geothermal power plants  —  As power needs of AI push emissions up and put big tech in a bind, companies put their faith in elusive — some say improbable — technologies.
Zack Whittaker / TechCrunch:
Change Healthcare says the February ransomware attack on its systems resulted in the theft of medical records of a “substantial proportion of people” in the US  —  Change Healthcare has confirmed a February ransomware attack on its systems, which brought widespread disruption …
Dylan Martin / CRN:
Q&A with AMD executive Forrest Norrod on increasing AI investments, releasing accelerator chips at a faster cadence, AMD's open standards approach, and more  —  In an interview with CRN, AMD executive Forrest Norrod talks about how the company is “dramatically” increasing investments …
Greg Bensinger / Reuters:
Sources: Amazon has considered a $5 to $10 monthly price tag for a revamped Alexa with generative AI features, dubbed “Remarkable Alexa”  —  Amazon (AMZN.O) is planning a major revamp of its decade-old money-losing Alexa service to include a conversational generative AI with two tiers …

Sponsor Posts

Introducing Tadpole: the tiny webcam for laptops  —  With a mirrorless Sony sensor, directional microphone, and tap-to-mute feature, the Tadpole works with both Mac and PC and is the perfect webcam to take with you everywhere.
Tribe AI:
Build AI products that matter  —  Tribe AI helps organizations rapidly deploy AI solutions that have real business impact.  We bring together world class AI talent and tooling to drive differentiated results.
Kulkan Security:
Hire Kulkan as your penetration testing partner  —  Kulkan prioritizes deep-dive manual security reviews, dissecting your software and infrastructure to find issues that once remediated can truly reduce security risk.
How to create an FAQ chatbot for your business  —  Already a critical department in any organization, customer support teams have also evolved into one of the major deciding factors in swaying target customers to buy their product/service.
A running list of the best startups to join  —  We've analyzed thousands of startups using the same data VCs use and distilled our list down to the top 2%.  Discover and join the next Stripe, Airbnb, or Coinbase today.
The Logan Bartlett Show:
EP 109: Sebastian Siemiatkowski (CEO, Klarna) on the Future of Klarna, Valuation Changes and AI in Finance
A podcast hosted by Logan Bartlett, an investor at Redpoint Ventures, covering tech with industry insiders.
Subscribe to The Logan Bartlett Show!
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Nikkei Asia:
Tom Warren / The Verge:
Andrew Liszewski / The Verge:

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Todd Spangler / Variety:
Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai / TechCrunch:
Shirin Ghaffary / Bloomberg:
Ivan Mehta / TechCrunch:
Michael Sheetz / CNBC: