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Cables Shine Light Into Secret Diplomatic Channels — WASHINGTON — A cache of a quarter-million confidential American diplomatic cables, most of them from the past three years, provides an unprecedented look at backroom bargaining by embassies around the world, brutally candid views …
Wikileaks, TechCrunch, Gov 2.0, Guardian, Reuters, Computerworld, Mashable!, LaptopMemo, Fortune, Network World, Erictric, Pulse2, Threat Level, TG Daily, CNET News, TechEye, Examiner, ReadWriteWeb, virtualeconomics, Boing Boing, United Tech Guys,, Spiegel Online and Wall Street Journal, more at Mediagazer »

WikiLeaked Diplomatic Cables Confirm China's Politburo Was Behind Google Hacking Incident — Details about the U.S. State Department cables obtained by WikiLeaks are starting to come out. Although WikiLeaks itself may be under a denial of service attack, it provided several newspapers around …
CNET News, Techie Buzz, John Battelle's Searchblog, New York Times, and Boing Boing, Thanks:beet_tv

US embassy cables: browse the database — Use our interactive guide to discover what has been revealed in the leak of 250,000 US diplomatic cables. Mouse over the map below to find stories and original documents by country, subject or people
Gawker, New York Times, Spiegel Online and TeleRead, more at Mediagazer »

WikiLeaks And The Failure Of Cyberattacks As Censorship
The Atlantic Online, Techie Buzz, Erictric, Examiner, Ben Metcalfe Blog, BBC and Hillicon Valley, Thanks:forbestech

For DecorMyEyes, Bad Publicity Is a Good Thing — SHOPPING online in late July, Clarabelle Rodriguez typed the name of her favorite eyeglass brand into Google's search bar. — In moments, she found the perfect frames — made by a French company called Lafont — on a Web site that looked snazzy …
Skrentablog, Examiner, FM Blog, LAPTOP Magazine, AuctionBytes Blog, Pulse2, The Social Customer Manifesto, Gawker, Deep Jive Interests and Gadgetopia

Google's “Gold Standard” Search Results Take Big Hit In New York Times Story — The New York Times has a great, detailed story out today about a merchant with an unusual marketing strategy: be mean to customers. Any publicity, even negative publicity, means a win with Google's ranking algorithms.

When businesses attack...their customers — Get Satisfaction is better known these days for providing a platform for companies to “love their customers,” but at times it's also a channel for consumers to make their voices heard to companies that actively spurn them.

What should Google do? — Twitter was abuzz last night with links to the David Segal's amazing NYTimes yarn of a bad internet actor who says he uses — and eggs on — customer complaints to get more links and mentions online, thus more Googlejuice, thus more business.

Is Facebook Preparing to Launch Video Chatting In a Partnership with Skype? — While working on the Green Any Site facebook application, and digging around facebook, I noticed a curious little object in their code which wasn't there a few days ago. — The object, which is simply called VideoChat …
All Facebook, BlogsDNA, The Next Web,, Gizmodo, Pulse2, Techie Buzz and Pronet Advertising

Now a Giant, Google Works to Retain Nimble Minds — When a product manager at Google told his bosses this year that he was quitting to take a job at Facebook, they offered him a large raise. When he said it was not about the money, they told him he could have a promotion …

Black Friday Boasts $648 Million in U.S. Online Holiday Spending, Up 9 Percent vs. Year Ago — Thanksgiving Day Surges 28 Percent to $407 Million as Consumers Increasingly Use Day for Online Shopping — comScore (NASDAQ : SCOR), a leader in measuring the digital world …
Digits, New York Times, VentureBeat, Pulse2, Techie Buzz, ShopperTrak and MediaMemo

Comcast internet down across parts of the eastern seaboard, fix on the way — Twitter's abuzz with angry Comcast customers tonight, as internet service is down in Boston and parts of the eastern United States, a situation the company's since confirmed at its official Twitter account.
Computerworld, Faster Forward and

George W. Bush to answer live questions from Facebook HQ tomorrow — Former US president George W. Bush will be live from Facebook headquarters tomorrow answering questions about his new book “Decision Points”. — Facebook announced the news this afternoon and after just 35 minutes …