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iPhone Video Recording Interface, Digital Compass, Voice Control and Auto-Focus Camera — Since the release of Apple's iPhone 3.0 beta firmware, users have been scouring the configuration files looking for evidence of future iPhone capabilities. The possibility of video recording …
VentureBeat, AppleInsider, 9 to 5 Mac, MobileCrunch, iLounge, The iPhone Blog and Mobile Tech Addicts

Exclusive Apple iPhone 3.0 screenshots leak out — One of our trusty ninjas just blessed us with some exclusive iPhone 3.0 shots. Things like detailing a video recording application, more settings options, an accessibility entry, and even showing that Apple could possibly be integrating voice dialing, too.

Some questions related to Google News and the Associated Press — Posted by Alexander Macgillivray, Associate General Counsel for Products and Intellectual Property — Yesterday I entered the following search in Google News: [Phish in mountain view]. The search results led me to click …
Digits, Contentinople, TechCrunch,, Google Watch, Search Engine Land, CNET News, Screenwerk, Network World and Between the Lines

iTunes Store now infected with variable pricing, Amazon still $0.99 — As promised, variable pricing has now been implemented at the iTunes music store. Already, we're seeing most of the top 10 singles and 33 of the top 100 hitting the top price-point of $1.29 (encoded as DRM-free 256kbps AAC).
Ars Technica, Technologizer, Fast Company, Contentinople, last100, MediaMemo, The Register, TG Daily, Boy Genius Report, tinyComb, 9 to 5 Mac, Mashable!, TUAW, MacRumors,, p2pnet,, Obsessable and

How the Internet Got Its Rules — TODAY is an important date in the history of the Internet: the 40th anniversary of what is known as the Request for Comments. Outside the technical community, not many people know about the R.F.C.'s, but these humble documents shape the Internet's inner workings …

introducing the boxee API — we are very excited to officially release the boxee API. it is a big part of our mission to bring open-source and the creativity of the Internet to the living room. the guys over at boxeehq have been able to build impressive stuff without real documented tools …

Boxee Continues To Innovate With API And New Alpha Version For Mac, Apple TV

Apple Launches Nehalem-Powered Xserve — Apple is unveiling an upgrade Xserve system powered by Intel's new Xeon 5500 series chips, also known as Nehalem EP. The Apple announcement comes a week after Intel launched Nehalem EP, and less than a week after Apple enthusiast sites started talking …

GM and Segway announce two-wheeled urban transport vehicle — UPDATE: Check out our test drive... General Motors and Segway have teamed up on Project PUMA (Personal Urban Mobility and Accessibility), a two-wheeled city vehicle capable of reaching speeds up to 35 miles per hour …
VentureBeat, Guardian, Between the Lines, eWeek, DailyTech, The Last Mile, Gearlog and SlashGear, Thanks:czaveri

Yahoo Opens Up Its Music Site: Now Includes YouTube, Pandora, — Yahoo introduced a new version of its Yahoo Music artist homepages today, which now include links to YouTube videos, Pandora radio stations,, and photos from Flickr. Yahoo also plans to open up its API …

More music and more fun with your first Walkman™ phone — Bring your beat to the street with the new Sony Ericsson W205 Walkman™. The W205 makes the Walkman™ phone experience more accessible to consumers and is perfect for those who want all the classic Sony Ericsson mobile phone features …

PSP 2 coming pre-Christmas will be an iPhone beater — Sony's new compact handheld console will feature sliding touchscreen and dual analogue sticks — Whether it's labelled the PSP 4000 or the PSP 2, there's been a lot of rumour recently about an imminent successor to Sony's handheld console.
Silicon Alley Insider, Gizmodo, TheFeed, CrunchGear, Kotaku, SlashGear,, and

Blockbuster-R.I.P.? — The death knell may be ringing for Blockbuster. Today the video-rental giant admitted that if it cannot complete the financing deals that it is currently working on, there is a good chance the company may be forced to shut its doors.
PC World, Engadget, Associated Press, Reuters, Wall Street Journal, DailyTech, The Constant Observer, CrunchGear and NewTeeVee, Thanks:atul

Ready for 3G Galore?? — We're holding this in the rumor column for now, as it appears to be a real screenshot sent our way but we're still working toward 100% confirmation. We have, what appears to be a list of 3G cities going live this year for magenta.

NEW NATIONAL BROADBAND NETWORK — The Rudd Government today announced the establishment of a new company to build and operate a new super fast National Broadband Network. — This new super fast National Broadband Network, built in partnership with private sector, will be the single largest …

YouTube, and Now We Do Too — Well, this is a day that has been a long time in coming. The Library of Congress has been working for several months now so that we could “do YouTube right.” When you're the stewards of the world's largest collection of audiovisual materials (some 6 million films …

Xbox game based on Iraq conflict battle angers veterans — A video game based on one of the bloodiest battles during the Iraq conflict has been branded ‘crass and insensitive’ by those affected by the fighting. — Six Days In Fallujah, published by Japanese games giant Konami …

Apple tops in cap growth, bottom in CEO pay — Here's an interesting pair of lists. — On Seeking Alpha, Birinyi Associates' Cleve Rueckert lists the 40 S&P 500 stocks with the largest changes in market capitalization so far this year. Although other shares have scored higher percentage gains …

Time Warner COO: Metered Billing Is What Consumers Want - It's only fair, says Time Warner Cable COO Landel Hobbs — Time Warner Cable techs and the company's PR folk spent last week being smacked around by the Internet for the company's plan to expand ultra-low caps and metered billing into four additional markets.

Facing Up To Facebook's Value — It takes a lot of ads to make all those friendships pay off. — How many Facebook users does it take to make a profit? Based on the advertising rates Facebook proffers, the number would hard to overstate. — As a social network, has been a remarkable success.

Coming Next: Using Your PC as a Cable Box — While the top executives at the Cable Show last week were jockeying to cut deals to distribute major cable networks over the Web (for paying customers), the engineers in the background were talking about a completely different approach to getting cable programs onto computers.