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Android netbooks on their way, likely by 2010 — The image above shows a netbook Asus EEEPC 1000H running on Google's mobile operating system Android. Huh? You thought Android was for mobile phones, right? Well, as we've written before, Google is planning to use Android for any device — not just the mobile phones.
Search Engine Watch, jkOnTheRun, CrunchGear, atmaspheric, Liliputing, SlashGear, GigaOM, Open Gardens and Lockergnome Blog Network

Android netbook is a possibility — Analysis Google plans to annex laptop land — IT LOOKS LIKE GOOGLE is doing some work to make its Android operating system work on netbooks. — Matthäus Krzykowski and Daniel Hartmann who run an outfit called Mobile-facts claim that it took …
Open Source

Google's iPhone app has a hidden menu — In November, Google launched voice search capabilities for its native iPhone application. It took a fairly pointless app and made it cool, interesting and useful. But alongside that update Google added a hidden menu, which it revealed today on the Google Mobile Blog.

Ring in the New Year with Bells and Whistles — Happy New Year! — One evening in Zurich, after a late night cake run, we decided that our iPhone app, Google Mobile App with Voice Search, could do with a little bling. The result of this is a few extra options hidden below the preferences on the Settings tab.

Mysterious pink iPhone 3G hits eBay, cue onslaught of rumors — Say wha'?! An iPhone in a hue other than black, white, or silver? While a red model has been rumored since before the 3G even launched, we've never thought about a pink one — let alone one hitting eBay.

Unusual disk latency — The following screenshot shows two spikes of unusually high disk I/O latency during a streaming write test: — This screenshot is from Analytics on the 7410. The issue is not with the 7410, it's with disk drives in general. The disk latency here is also not suffered …
MAKE Magazine

Be vewwy vewwy quiet... I'm fetching bits! — We all know that conventional rotating hard disk drives aren't the sturdiest gizmos in the world. We're trained to treat our laptops gingerly when they're running, and many laptops are equipped with motion sensors that move the disk heads away …
Data Center Knowledge

Enjoying the show, avoiding the flamethrower: life inside Apple — What's it like working inside Apple when the MacWorld announcements are made? The man who set up many of its email systems and worked there 17 years explains the inside story of the preparation, the unveiling - and why it's sometimes best to avoid Steve Jobs

Internet Explorer's share of the browser market fell below 70% in November — Not coincidentally, Mozilla's Firefox browser has also surpassed 20 percent market share for the first time. — And Google certainly isn't reluctant to kick Microsoft while it's down, as it now automatically recommends …
PC World, Silicon Alley Insider, Beyond Search, Search Engine Watch, and Slashdot

Do you remember 2008? Techmeme (still) does, with a chronological top 50 list — If you're like me, you're not happy at all about 2009. As of this evening, no signs of economic recovery have yet emerged, and it feels like people haven't even gone back to work.

iPhone 3G unlock arrives at last, time to eat some yellowsn0w — So, it didn't quite land before midnight as some had hoped, but we're sure you were partying too hard to notice. The Dev-Team just launched its long-awaited iPhone 3G unlock, dubbed “yellowsn0w,” and while they're still working …

TWPLY - From Alleged Spammer to Sold on Sitepoint in Less Than 24 Hours — Earlier today, ultra Twitter master Robert Scoble called Twply a spammer. Twply basically takes any “@” reply messages on Twitter and sends them to your email. It's hard for me to call Twply a spammer …
Microblink,, Mashable!, TechCrunch, Black Web 2.0,,, Scobleizer, Twitterrati, The Noisy Channel and broadstuff

The Coming Venture Capital Boom — No, I am not a Pollyanna. I see the today's carnage as much as everyone else. This year is going to be tough. The destructive firestorm of leveraged, momentum investing has destroyed much of the forest. But the forest will begin its renewal because Life Goes On …

Exclusive Hands-On with Voodoo's Firefly Concept Gaming Laptop — Lots of neat and ground-breaking laptops will be on display this coming week at CES, and Voodoo may just lead the pack. — The world has never seen the HP branded Voodoo Firefly prototype, dubbed the “HP Firefly with Voodoo DNA …

JPG Magazine Says Goodbye — Today is a particularly sad day for all of us at JPG and 8020 Media. — We've spent the last few months trying to make the business behind JPG sustain itself, and we've reached the end of the line. We all deeply believe in everything JPG represents …