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7:25 PM ET, October 18, 2008


 Top Items: 
Henry Blodget / Silicon Alley Insider:
Twitter: We'll Announce Our Secret Business Model Early Next Year  —  “It's like the stupidest question in the world,” Fred Wilson said of the robotic query chirped at Twitter people in every interview ("But how are you going to make money?")  —  Given the rate at which Twitter has seized …
Discussion: Business Week
Mark Evans:
A Stupid Question?  —  Since Twitter emerged as a communications tour de force with millions of users, the question has been: “How's Twitter going to make money?”  —  Apparently, it's a stupid question.  In fact, it's the stupidest question in the world.  —  According to Fred Wilson …
Fred / A VC:
The Stupidest Answer In The World
Discussion: ReadWriteWeb and VoIP Watch
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
Destruction Of Bloglines Now Complete; Founder Prepares To Switch To Google Reader  —  Users who hadn't already left Bloglines for Google Reader and other functional RSS readers are doing so now, largely because Bloglines has stopped working and the company has done absolutely nothing …
Ellen Knickmeyer / Washington Post:
Al-Qaeda Web Forums Abruptly Taken Offline  —  Separately, Sunnis and Shiites Wage Online War  —  Four of the five main online forums that al-Qaeda's media wing uses to distribute statements by Osama bin Laden and other extremists have been disabled since mid-September, monitors of the Web sites say.
Discussion: Slashdot and
David Chartier / Ars Technica:
Google monetizes start page, vocal minority gets vocal  —  If you love something, set it free.  Then, if you're lucky, maybe you can figure out a way to make money with it.  Despite what appears to be a vocal minority that is unhappy with the changes, that's what Google may have finally …
Discussion: Micro Persuasion
Steve Gillmor / TechCrunchIT:
FriendFeed to add Realtime APIs next week  —  Play in Popup |  Download  —  Twitter appears to have an unassailable lead in users and their resultant Follow clouds.  Though Track is dead and IM is postponed indefinitely, the service has added a political track page with a company-selected keyword cluster around the political race.
Cameron Baker / TheTechLounge:
Mitsubishi LaserVue 65" HDTV - We Meet Again … Specifications  —  Images  —  Introduction  —  Kurtis and I got another chance to check out Mitsubishi's LaserVue DLP set in the early morning hours this Tuesday, and this time we were armed with some juicy, hand-picked HD goodness.
Discussion: I4U News, Gizmodo and Engadget HD
Arn / MacRumors:
Apple Enabled GPU Hardware Decoding of h.264 on New MacBooks, Pros and Airs?  —  Tonight, forum user MGLXP noticed that playback of 1080p high definition trailers from Apple took far less CPU time on his new aluminum MacBook (28% CPU) as compared to his old MacBook Pro (100% CPU).
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
Some Of These Layoffs Aren't Really Layoffs  —  I've spoken to a lot of CEOs this week who are going through layoffs or who are thinking of going through going through layoffs.  The list of those who've pulled the trigger gets longer every day, and the unparty seems to just be getting started based on the email flow that we're seeing.
Michael Arrington / TechCrunch:
Pressflip Founder Quits: “I'm Tired Of The Fight”  —  One thing investors don't really like to see is founders abandoning the startups they funded.  But that is exactly what Ted Dziuba is doing with his startup PressFlip.  —  In a blog post Dziuba wrote that he was leaving the company …
Due next from Apple: refreshed 20- and 24-inch iMacs  —  Assuming last minute snags are avoided, the coming weeks should bring new iMacs, rounding out Apple's 2008 hardware introductions as the company enters the holiday shopping season with one of its strongest product portfolios ever.
Michelle Meyers / CNET News:
Move over pinochle, Web surfing stimulates aging brains  —  Functional MRI brain scans show how searching the Internet dramatically engages brain neural networks (in red).  The image on the left displays brain activity while reading a book; the image on the right displays activity while engaging in an Internet search.
Discussion: Freakonomics
Anthony Ha / VentureBeat:
Surprise!  Venture investments falling  —  No one should be surprised to hear that venture investment dropped during the last three months, with notable decreases in first-time financings and Internet investment.  And the worst is probably still to come, since Q3 numbers don't reflect the recent meltdown of the finance industry.
Claire Cain Miller / Bits:
Venture Capital Investment Down 7 Percent in Third Quarter
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Introducing Tadpole: the tiny webcam for laptops  —  With a mirrorless Sony sensor, directional microphone, and tap-to-mute feature, the Tadpole works with both Mac and PC and is the perfect webcam to take with you everywhere.
Tribe AI:
Build AI products that matter  —  Tribe AI helps organizations rapidly deploy AI solutions that have real business impact.  We bring together world class AI talent and tooling to drive differentiated results.
Kulkan Security:
Hire Kulkan as your penetration testing partner  —  Kulkan prioritizes deep-dive manual security reviews, dissecting your software and infrastructure to find issues that once remediated can truly reduce security risk.
App spotlight: ServiceNow for Zoho CRM  —  Businesses that invest in separate tools for CRM and ITSM often find it time-consuming to import data from one to the other.  Integrating both tools leads to easier data synchronization …
A running list of the best startups to join  —  We've analyzed thousands of startups using the same data VCs use and distilled our list down to the top 2%.  Discover and join the next Stripe, Airbnb, or Coinbase today.
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 More Items: 
Evan Koblentz / Wireless Week:
T-Mobile Considers Options, Lawsuit for FCC's AWS Plan
Discussion: Boy Genius Report and Phone Scoop
Tony Smith / The Register:
Netbooks take ten per cent of Euro PC market
Discussion: Engadget
Ryan Singel / Threat Level:
‘Anonymous’ Member Unmasked, Charged With Web Attack on Scientology
Jacqui Cheng / Ars Technica:
Beijing: Smile! You're on Internet cafe camera!
Discussion: WebProNews and
 Earlier Items: 
David A. Sampayo / Technologizer:
Why the Kill Switch Make Sense for Android, and Not for iPhone
Michael Masnick / Techdirt:
Is Web 2.0 About Exploitation Or Empowerment?