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Up next for Apple: the return of the Newton — Apple Inc, which helped spawn the PDA market with its Newton MessagePad line in the early '90s, plans to give the concept another go with a modern day reincarnation of the old fan favorite based on the company's new mutli-touch technology, AppleInsider has learned.
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Why does Apple get a free ride? — I really don't want to get into the usual pissing match that seems to occur whenever someone fails to bow down and worship Steve Jobs' every move, but I can't help myself. Why aren't we seeing more outrage — okay, even a little bit of outrage …

Apple sends takedown notice to iPod hacker's ISP — Yesterday, Erica posted in her state of the iPod touch jailbreak that a hacker named "Martyn" had obtained a broken iPod touch, and was planning to dive in and download every bit of code on it in the increasingly complicated effort to put 3rd party applications on the iPod touch.
Engadget,, TechSpot News, O'Reilly Emerging Telephony, 9 to 5 Mac and Digg

Five Reasons Why The Mobile Web Sucks — I've had it with all the hype about mobile being the next big thing — more to the point, I've had it with the mobile web. Here are five reasons why the web on the go still has a long way to go. — 1. Wireless carrier networks are SLOW

Yahoo! to Close Its Podcasting Site — Two years to the month after launching its large podcast search and listening site, Yahoo! has announced that Yahoo! Podcasts will cease operation on Halloween, October 31st. The site never came out of Beta before the plug was pulled.

Gateway One all-in-one desktop breaks cover — A whole slew of sites this morning spilled out info on Gateway's new "One" PC, which Gateway was teasing us about the other day. Due to be announced tomorrow at Digital Life, the Gateway One is a sleek little all-in-one number …

Gateway's all-in-one PC — Gateway may be a shadow of its one-time self but apparently wants to prove that it still has some life as an independent company before formally being subsumed by Acer. Its "One" desktop—so-named because of its all-in-one form—follows the likes of Apple, Sony …

Surprise: MSN Has Built the Video Site of the Future — There are big changes underway over at MSN Video, some of which represent a real look forward for the industry. It's hard to believe, and it isn't pretty, but this is a site you've got to check out. The site's design, full screen player and advertising model are big.

Calculation Issue Update — Yesterday we were alerted to an issue in Excel 2007 (and Excel Services 2007) involving calculation of numbers around 65,535. The Excel team would like to provide a description of the issue and explain what we're doing about it. — Background
Today @ PC World, Christopher Null, AppScout, Joel on Software,, The Register, Computerworld, CNET, Compiler, The Tech Report, Computerworld Blogs blogs, Brier Dudley's blog, ParisLemon, Memex 1.1, jkOnTheRun, All about Microsoft, BetaNews, Good Morning Silicon Valley, Digital Inspiration and Mashable!

New ways to dig into Book Search — Posted by Pramod Sharma and Garima Sahai, Software Engineers — Every time I go into a bookstore or library, I go straight to the sports section, to check out the newest books on running. In my spare time I'm a runner, and I like to be up on the latest developments in marathon training.
Google Operating System

Supreme Court To Determine If Patent Holders Can Shake Down Entire Supply Chain — from the more-judicial-patent-reform dept — While Congress continues to fight over patent reform (often missing the bigger issues for those that the lobbyists are most interested in) …

Supreme Court agrees to take yet another patent case with tech implications
Associated Press

Growth of web applications in the US: Rapid adoption, but only when there's a real benefit — Status and implications for the tech industry September 25, 2007 Summary: Adoption of web applications is moving faster than most observers realize The rise of web applications …

MIT students turn famed Harvard statue into 'Halo' chief — It goes without saying that in addition to a stellar reputation for academic innovation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology is renowned for its geeky pranks. The best-known of these was perhaps the time when students decorated …

Free Wi-Fi Still an Elusive Goal — SAN FRANCISCO — The same forces slowing development of single-city wireless Internet networks are now overwhelming their supersize versions that cover thousands of square miles and scores of municipalities. — A telling example of the malaise can be found …
The Progress & Freedom …

When wireless > DSL: Sprint, Motorola show off WiMAX on the Chicago River — On a muggy early-autumn evening, I set sail down the Chicago River with a group of Motorola and Sprint executives, marketing people, analysts, and journalists. Everyone was there to see one thing: Mobile WiMAX …