Top Items:
Google Launches MyMaps — Tonight Google launched MyMaps. It adds the ability to create and share maps directly from Google's site (you can see a map that I created above). These maps will be added to Google geoindex and will be available to search in Google Earth and in Local Search.
Paul Kedrosky's …,, Micro Persuasion, Center for Citizen Media and Live Maps
Map-making: So easy a caveman could do it — Posted by Jess Lee, Product Manager, Google Maps — Humans have been making maps since the Stone Age. In fact, map-making predates written language by several millenia. Nowadays, people make maps online using tools like the Google Maps API …
Search Engine Journal, CyberNet Technology News, Google Maps Mania and InformationWeek Weblog
My Maps - New Google Maps Update Supports Google Earth Features — Google has just released a significant update to Google Maps which allows anyone to, in a sense, create their own maps "mashups" - or what they call "My Maps". Google was kind enough to demo the new features to me on Wednesday.
Google MyMaps Smashes Mash-ups — Google is announcing a new service, My Maps, that allows anyone to create their own Google Maps-based mashups, reports The Wall Street Journal. Essentially, anyone can go in and plot all the great Thai restaurants in San Francisco, and save it as SF Thai Food Maps.
A fresh, new look for AdSense ads — You may have noticed that some of your ad units have started to look a little different lately — we're happy to announce that, just in time for spring, we've given our standard ad units a fresh makeover. After extensive testing and research …
The State of the Live Web, April 2007 — Hey, it's that time again, time to slow down, take a deep breath, and dig into the data! — About this Report, and the Obligatory Plug for Technorati — Technorati is known widely for its quarterly State of the Blogosphere reports, analyzing the trends around blogs and blogging.
Trash TechCrunch And Win A Free Pass To The Web 2.0 Expo — We've gotten our hands on three free passes to the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco on April 15-18, valued at $1,500 each. We traded these passes for excess advertising inventory on our sites, and our plan is to give them away to readers.
Discussion:, cruel to be kind, Read/WriteWeb, blog and Techquila Shots
Ask.Com's 'Revolt' Risks Costly Clicks — Web Users Feel Duped — In U.K. Campaign — LONDON — Internet-search site has adopted a risky advertising strategy in Britain: highlighting the huge popularity of rival Google Inc. — The goal of the campaign is to convince consumers …
WSJ Covers's "Information Revolution" Ad Campaign
Nokia makes payment to Qualcomm for right to use UMTS patents after April 9, 2007 — Espoo, Finland - Nokia announced today that it has paid Qualcomm USD 20 million for patent licenses covering the second quarter 2007. Nokia and Qualcomm have had patent license agreements since 1992 …
Marketing in Second Life doesn't work... here is why! — Last week, the Hamburg-based research firm Komjuniti published the first extensive survey of Resident attitudes toward real world marketing in Second Life. It's been a long time in coming: a British branding agency established …
MediaVidea, CrunchGear, Glass House, Modern Marketing, flashpoint, Like It Matters and bytesized
The Man Who Would Change Microsoft: Ray Ozzie's Vision for Connected Software — Ray Ozzie has a long and storied history of technological innovation, with accomplishments that include creating Lotus Notes and founding Groove Networks. But Ozzie may now be facing the most daunting challenge of his career …
Rough Type, Don Dodge on The Next …, The Universal Desktop, Connecting the Dots, Between the Lines and Channel 9
TiVo Plays a Trump Card: Web Smarts — What is it with the rash of new set-top boxes lately? One recent box brings the best of the Internet to your TV screen, like podcasts, Web videos and Internet radio. Another one is a video recorder that you can operate from anywhere in the world …
Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check
Apple confirms U.S. iPhone launch set for June — Apple Inc. has confirmed reports that its iPhone cellphone will be released in the United States in June. — An e-mail sent Tuesday to people who signed up on Apple's website to receive information about the device read: "Talk to you soon.
Rewriting ethics rules for the new media — Some members of the so-called old media establishment may no longer be able to wag a finger at what they say is questionable ethics among bloggers. — Two weeks ago, video blogger Amanda Congdon's appearance in online infomercials …
Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim
WEP key wireless cracking made easy — Code breakers have discovered a technique for extracting a 104-bit Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) key in under a minute. — Cryptographic weaknesses with the first generation wireless encryption standard have been known for years …
George Ou