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Google plots e-books coup — GOOGLE and some of the world's top publishers are working on plans that they hope could do for books what Apple's iPod has done for music. — The internet search giant is working on a system that would allow readers to download entire books to their computers …

Download best-sellers and other e-books from Google soon? U.K. report tantalizes — Is Google about to offer a kick-rear bookstore for us e-book fans? — And will yet another e-book format pop up? — The Times in the U.K. says today: … Alex at MobileRead worries that Google …

All Wikipedia Links Are Now NOFOLLOW — I blogged about the Wikipedia Issues with SPAM and the discussions about the use of NOFOLLOW for ALL external Links from Wikipedia. It was done, finally. — As of now are all outbound links from the english Wikipedia Site using the NOFOLLOW attribute, no exceptions.

My Project Du Jour: — Hey you, get a first life, eh? — First off, I am not a Second Life hater. Let me say that again: I am not a Second Life hater. I'm on record as saying that there's something important going on inside the game.

First Life: SL parody with zero sympathy whatsoever. — Scott Beale says, … Link. Thanks to everyone who suggested this. — Update: "Get a First Life" creator Darren got a "Proceed and Permitted" letter (the opposite of a "cease and decist") from Linden Labs: … Link.
Webomatica, B.L. Ochman's weblog, Bloggers Blog, Damien Mulley, and a shel of my former self

Apple to charge Mac OS X Tiger users for final Boot Camp release? — According to a report MacScoop has obtained, Apple will charge current users of Mac OS X Tiger for the final version of Boot Camp that will be released at the same time as Mac OS X Leopard, this Spring.
Engadget, MacUser, Gizmodo, Infinite Loop, MacRumors,, UNEASYsilence, Slashdot and News dugg

The Big Picture — A review of Dreaming in Code, by Scott Rosenberg. — Eyes work using a page fault mechanism. They're so good at it that you don't even notice. — You can only see at a high-resolution in a fairly small area, and even that has a big fat blind spot right exactly in the middle …
Social Media

10 Things You should Know About WordPress 2.1 — Back in December of 2005, I was filling in for Darren Rowse at ProBlogger and I wrote an entry that was very highly read and commented on. The topic was 10 Things You Should Know About WordPress 2.0. The occasion was the release …

Nokia and Engin bring VoIP calls in Australia to Nokia's N80 Internet Edition mobile — Nokia's N80 3G phone has offered inbuilt Wi-Fi along with regular 2G/3G features. Now they've teamed up with Australian VoIP company Engin to offer 10c untimed VoIP calls when in range of a connectable Wi-Fi network

Nimbus gets Rs 550-cr foreign feed — MUMBAI: A clutch of foreign investors including 3i, Cisco and Oman International Fund (OIF) have invested Rs 552 crore in Nimbus Communications in what could be one of the largest-ever private equity investments in the Indian media and entertainment sector.

Office 2007: From bloated to sleek — Life has a funny symmetry, don't you think? When you're born, you're short, toothless and bald. You spend the first part of your life gaining height, teeth and hair—and the last part losing them again. — Believe it or not, Microsoft Office is following the same trajectory., the search engine that ranks products —, a San Mateo start-up, has launched yet another search engine for consumer electronics and other goods. — Wize's promise hangs on a single, skinny thread: Its "Wize Rank" concept. Wize Rank is a numeric ranking of products (from zero to 100).

Kiptronic Takes $4M for Ad Platform — Kiptronic, a San Francisco-based startup that coordinates dynamic ad insertion for audio and video podcasts, will announce today or tomorrow that it has raised $4 million in venture capital funding. The Series A round was led by Blueprint Ventures …

An Insurance Policy for Low Airfares — FARECAST, the Internet start-up that made waves last year by predicting ticket prices for air travelers, is putting its money where its mouth is. — Sort of. — The company planned on Monday to announce Fare Guard, a service that guarantees …