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Google set to launch Photovine? It applied for the trademark, now it owns the matching domain name — Google applied for a trademark on “Photovine” on June 7 with the United States Patent and Trademark Office. — As of June 14, it appears Google owns
Digital Trends, SAI, 9to5 Google, RazorianFly, Electronista and The Next Web

Google testing yet another redesign, kills 'I'm Feeling Lucky' — Google appears to be testing yet another redesign of its search engine, incorporating a new stylish colour scheme but also moving website links to a new position, underneath the title. — The redesign isn't available to all users …
PC Magazine, Pocket-lint, Google Operating System, Beyond Search and EverythingAndroid

Fake Identities Were Used on Twitter in Effort to Get Information on Weiner — At least three months before the revelation that former Representative Anthony D. Weiner was sending lewd messages and photos to women online, a small group of self-described conservatives was monitoring his exchanges with women on Twitter.
The Atlantic Wire, Runnin' Scared, Gothamist, Patterico's Pontifications, Gawker and The Daily Beast

CBS Shuffles CNET Editors — More management changes at CBS' digital arm: Veteran editor Dan Farber is once again running CNET News, a position he last held in 2008. — CNET editor in chief Scott Ard will stay on at the company, but will focus on CNET's reviews, which he had overseen prior to his promotion in 2009.

Real Racing 2 HD wireless, dual-screen gaming with iOS 5 on iPad 2 hands-on (video) — It's just one week after Nintendo unveiled dual-screen gaming on the Wii U at E3, but Apple's iOS 5 beta is already bringing a very similar experience to the living room — many months before Nintendo's latest console is expected to ship.
App Advice, Redmond Pie, FSMdotCOM, TUAW, eHomeUpgrade, MacRumors and MacStories

Oracle expert claims Google may owe up to $6 billion — Calling it “breathtaking” and “out of proportion to any meaningful measure,” Google (GOOG) attorneys revealed late Friday that an expert working for Oracle (ORCL) has estimated Google may owe between $1.4 billion and $6.1 billion …
Reuters and 9to5 Google

What Photo Sharing App Should You Use? — Well who isn't building a photo sharing app these days? At this point I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Google came out with its elaborately named attempt like tomorrow. — But seriously, with such a glut in the mobile photo sharing market …
Appolicious Advisor, Thanks:percival

The NY Post, the iPad and the web — First, I don't care about the NY Post. It's always been a crap paper. In the old days it was a crap liberal paper, now it's a crap Murdoch paper. — On the other hand, I sometimes click on links that take me to the Post. — Permalink
@felixsalmon and @mathewi

iCloud to Auto-Resolve Sync Conflicts — MobileMe's sync conflict resolver. Via BusySync — When it runs into conflicting data, Apple's upcoming iCloud service will automatically determine which is the correct one without bringing the user into it, according to Daring Fireball's John Gruber.
RazorianFly, AppleInsider, MacStories and Daring Fireball

Time Warner Cable Considering Billing Web Customers by Usage, CEO Says — Time Warner Cable Inc. (TWC), the second- largest U.S. cable-television operator, is testing technology to measure consumption-based billing for broadband Internet use, said Chief Executive Officer Glenn Britt.
Discussion:, Adweek, DSLreports and MediaPost

Up Close With Google's Search By Image: Hits, Misses & More — Earlier this week at its Inside Search event, Google announced a new way to search the web called Search By Image. Rather than enter a text query, Search By Image lets you begin your search with an image and Google will (try to) …

JavaScript decoder lets MP3s play in Firefox without Flash — The introduction of HTML5 and super-fast JavaScript engines to the latest web browsers has brought with it a wealth of new functionality. The focus seems to have been put on the ability to play video in a browser without Flash, or making games.