Top Items:

I.M.F. Reports Cyberattack Led to ‘Very Major Breach’ — WASHINGTON — The International Monetary Fund, still struggling to find a new leader after the arrest of its managing director last month in New York, was hit recently by what computer experts describe as a large and sophisticated cyberattack whose dimensions are still unknown.
Reuters, Reuters, L.A. Times Tech Blog, Digital Trends, Computerworld, thinq_, CNET News, The Next Web, Pulse2, Gizmodo and Gawker

IMF Computer System Infiltrated by Hackers Said to Work for Foreign State — The International Monetary Fund's computer system was attacked by hackers believed to be connected to a foreign government, resulting in the loss of e-mails and other documents, according to a person familiar with the incident.
Naked Security and Examiner

Digital Black Friday: First Bitcoin “Depression” Hits — Currency experiences massive inflation in a single day, markets stay open — The day was October 28, 1929 and the sky was falling. That Monday the DOW Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) fell 12.82 percent.
@pkedrosky, @dubsnipe, @bitrific, @thefraj, @lulzsec, @adult, @senorprogrammer, @kuja, and Slashdot

Amazon Sales Tax: The Battle, State by State — NEW YORK (TheStreet) — Amazon(AMZN) is in the midst of a heated battle with states over whether it should be required to collect sales taxes. — While this has been an ongoing debate, the dispute recently escalated as states look to recover deficits coming out of the recession.
Associated Press

Amazon Cancels Connecticut Website Sales Agreements, Citing New State Tax — sent notices Friday to the owners of Connecticut websites saying the online retailer was ending cooperative sales agreements, effective immediately, because the newly enacted state budget would require the online retailer to collect sales taxes.
New Haven Register, Examiner and Capitol Watch

New MacBook Air Due This Wednesday? — On the heels of the Nuance speech screenshots, @ChronicWire claims that Apple will be releasing the new MacBook Air this wednesday. — Apple has been said to be prepping the new Sandy Bridge/Thunderbolt MacBook Airs for June-July.
@chronicwire, 9 to 5 Mac and AppleInsider

U.S. Underwrites Internet Detour Around Censors — The Obama administration is leading a global effort to deploy “shadow” Internet and mobile phone systems that dissidents can use to undermine repressive governments that seek to silence them by censoring or shutting down telecommunications networks.

Why do Republicans tweet so much more than Democrats? — Representative Anthony Weiner's embarrassing tweet has had a chilling effect on congressional Twitter use, an analysis by shows. — But there's another mystery contained in TweetCongress's infographic …
Soshable, CNET News and PC Magazine

Nuance speech-to-text references baked into iOS 5 internal settings — Although it didn't appear in Scott Forstall's presentation and is yet to show up in iOS 5 SDK findings or in the actual developer beta release, references to Nuance integration have appeared in iOS 5′s internal preferences.
App Advice, MacStories, MacRumors, @chronicwire, Electronista and parislemon, Thanks:markgurman

Apple's 5.7% drop last week was par for the course — Average post WWDC loss: 5.4%. Average gain from the previous year: 56.8% — There was the usual gnashing of teeth on the Apple (AAPL) investor boards when the company's share price dropped $6.18 ($1.8%) Monday, the day of Steve Jobs' iCloud keynote.

Google, Microsoft hold steady in May search engine rankings — There wasn't much change at the top of the charts in search engine market share. Google remained on top at 65.5 percent, followed by Yahoo at 15.9 percent and Microsoft at 14.1 percent, according to comScore.
TechFlash, comScore, Inc., Search Engine Land and Tech Trader Daily

1Gbps fiber for $70—in America? Yup. — American ISPs have convinced us that Internet access is expensive—getting speeds of 100Mbps will set most people back by more than $100 a month, assuming the service is even available. Where I live in Chicago, Comcast's 105Mbps service goes for a whopping $199.95 …

When Engineers Lie — Twenty years ago, when I was writing Accidental Empires, my book about the PC industry, I included near the beginning a little rant about how good engineers were incapable of lying, because their work relied on Terminal A being positive and not negative and if they lied …