Top Items:
Samsung Expands Ties to Android on Tablets — Samsung plans more tablets despite ongoing legal battles with Apple, and Computex, Asia's answer to Las Vegas's Consumer Electronics Show, starts this week, with Acer and Intel expected to make a splash. WSJ's Andrew LaVallee and Jake Lee discuss.
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ASUS announces the Padfone (update: eyes-on!) — If pads and phones are the fastest growing categories in consumer tech, surely a Padfone would be the ultimate combo? That's what ASUS thinks, and it's just introduced an Android smartphone device that comes with a tablet it can dock into.
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Alastair Sharp / Reuters:
As RIM struggles, talk of a change at top surfaces — (Reuters) - The two men who made BlackBerry a household name may not have the luxury of time to fix Research In Motion's flagging fortunes. — Investors are clamoring for RIM to come up with a credible response to Apple's iPhone …
AppleInsider, asymco, Electronista, BlackBerry Cool and PhoneArena
Online Personalization Creates Echo Chamber to Affirm Biases — ON the Web, we often see what we like, and like what we see. Whether we know it or not, the Internet creates personalized e-comfort zones for each one of us. — Give a thumbs up to a movie on Netflix or a thumbs down to a song on Pandora …
Technology Questions
PBS hacked in retribution for Frontline Wikileaks episode — The website, and data associated with the PBS television network, its programs, and its affiliate stations, appear to have just been hacked by an entity calling itself LulzSec (or “The Lulz Boat").
CNET News, TechEye, VentureBeat, Disruptors, Threat Level, Digital Trends, TG Daily, The Firewall,, New York Times, Softpedia News, Pocket-lint and Gawker
Darren Pauli / SC Magazine Australia:
Hacked PBS reports TuPac, Biggie alive
Hacked PBS reports TuPac, Biggie alive
Online NewsHour, Boing Boing, The Huffington Post, @parislemon, @newshour, @lulzsec, @lulzsec and @gaberivera
Phishing Sites Hosted on Google's Servers — Google Docs allows users to create documents, spreadsheets, et cetera at (hosted in Google's cloud): — Spreadsheets can even contain functionality, such as forms, and these can be published to the whole world.
Give Twitter credit for trying to stand up to the courts - unlike others — Its recent bad publicity has only come about because it has a more transparent approach to privacy than Facebook or Google — Isn't Twitter terrible? Breezily handing over user information with barely a hint of resistance at the first sign of legal action.
The Next Web, PSFK, ITProPortal and Examiner
Linus Torvalds Approves Linux 3.0 RC1 — Nearly 20 years after Linus Torvalds' first Linux post and after 39 major releases for the Linux 2.6 kernel, the OS inventor signed off on Linux 3.0. The new kernel is now available as RC1. Torvalds posted the 3. RC1 as a 93 MB download …
Technology Questions
NVIDIA's quad-core Kal-El used to demo next-gen mobile graphics, blow minds (video) — You might think yourself too grown-up to be wowed by shiny, glittery things, but we doubt many will be able to watch NVIDIA's new Glow Ball tech demo without a smidgen of childlike glee.
VentureBeat, Computerworld, SlashGear, NVIDIA, GottaBeMobile, 9 to 5 Mac,, DailyTech, TechSpot, AllThingsD, New York Times, CNET News, TechEye, ITProPortal, LaptopMemo, Fudzilla, Pocket-lint, BGR,,, 9to5 Google, Electronista, LAPTOP Magazine, IntoMobile and GigaOM
Gigabyte announces S1080 Windows 7 tablet with USB 3.0 and optical drive dock — We're here at Computex's pre-show event to get some hands-on time with a few new products. As expected many tablets are present, and one such device is Gigabyte's S1080 Windows 7 tablet, which we almost mistook as Viewsonic's Viewpad 7.
Anatomy of a trending topic: How Twitter & the crafting community put the smackdown on Urban Outfitters — Today has been a fun ride. Behold the power of social media muscle. — This morning, online buddy Gayla Trail (also known as You Grow Girl) posted a link to her Facebook page.
Pitos Blog, Conversation Agent and Runnin' Scared