Top Items:

99% of Android phones leak secret account credentials — The vast majority of devices running Google's Android operating system are vulnerable to attacks that allow adversaries to steal the digital credentials used to access calendars, contacts, and other sensitive data stored on the search giant's servers …

The Insecurity of Google's ClientLogin Protocol — In a recent blog post Dan Wallach outlined some of the risks of using Android smartphones in open Wifi networks. He found that some Android applications transmit data in the clear, allowing an attacker to eavesdrop any transmitted information.
Technologizer, All Things Digital, VentureBeat, LAPTOP Magazine, BBC, Networking Blog, Gawker, CNET News, mocoNews,, PC World, TechFlash, Hardware 2.0 Blog, PC Magazine, The Toybox Blog, The Next Web, Android Tapp, Consumer Reports News, InfoWorld,, MobileCrunch, Naked Security, Help Net Security, SlashGear, IntoMobile, PhoneArena, Softpedia News, Tools, Electronista, mobiputing, Daring Fireball and

Netflix Now The Largest Single Source of Internet Traffic In North America — Netflix video streaming is now the single largest source of peak downstream Internet traffic in the U.S., according to a new report by Sandvine. The streaming video service now accounts for 29.7 percent …

Unveiled: Audience powers iPhone 4′s impressive noise cancellation — When we analyzed the Nexus One last January, the big news was its Audience voice processor. The Audience chip takes advantage of two microphones (if you're counting, that's one more than most cell phones) to cancel out ambient noise.
AppleInsider, Hardware 2.0 Blog, 9 to 5 Mac, Gizmodo and TiPb

NFC payment systems coming to Apple Store locations? — While it seems that most are flipping a coin as to whether or not the upcoming iPhone will have NFC capabilities, BGR has just been given some information from multiple Apple sources that could possibly sway the argument in favor …
PC World, The Toybox Blog, App Advice, Mashable!, I4U News, Jonny Evans's blog, The Loop, The Digital Reader, AppleInsider, Gadget Lab, Startup Meme, LAPTOP Magazine, MacRumors, The Next Web, everythingiCafe, IntoMobile,, Apple Bitch, MacStories, SlashGear,, O'Grady's PowerPage, Know Your Cell, CrunchGear and TUAW

Apple studies infringement claims by Lodsys — Patent holding firm Lodsys claims revenue from iPhone app developers, but critics say it is abusing the patent system — Apple's legal department is understood to be “actively investigating” claims by Lodsys, a patent holding company based in Texas …
MacStories, CNET News, Computerworld, AppleInsider, Pulse2, TiPb, Edible Apple, MacRumors, Appolicious Advisor, PadGadget, GigaOM, MacRumors and FierceDeveloper

What app developers need to know about Lodsys and the in-app upgrade button patent problem — I previously commented on the fact that Lodsys contacted various iOS app developers with claims of patent infringement and published a rebuttal of Lodsys's defense of its business model.
MacRumors, Engadget, MacStories, Daring Fireball and Fortune

Apple Files “Noteworthy” Trademark for New iPhone App — It appears that Apple may want to drum up a little more mystery and excitement going into this year's WWDC (World Wide Developer Conference) on June 6, 2011. Today, the European Trademark Office has revealed Apple's latest “Noteworthy” trademark filing.
MacRumors, App Advice, Pulse2 and 9 to 5 Mac

HP Picks USB 3.0 Over Intel's Thunderbolt for Desktops — Hewlett-Packard considered using Intel's Thunderbolt interconnect in new desktop PCs announced Monday, but is sticking with USB 3.0 because of wider support, a company official said. — “We did look at [Thunderbolt]. We're still looking into it.
TUAW, Daring Fireball, Pulse2, 9 to 5 Mac, Apple Bitch, Gizmodo, AppleInsider, SlashGear, TG Daily, thinq_, SlashGear, Edible Apple and MacRumors

Nokia N9 Teaser Ad Appears (Video) [Update x2] — Less than a week after we saw it unexpectedly pop up in the FCC database, the MeeGo-powered Nokia N9 (N950?) has appeared in a professional-looking teaser commercial (clip embedded below), further suggesting that not only is this handset still destined …
Engadget, Pulse2, My Nokia Blog, I4U News, SlashGear, Techie Buzz, TmoNews, The Nokia Blog,, IntoMobile and FreakGeeks

Microsoft's Bill Gates says he advocated Skype takeover — Bill Gates says Microsoft's decision to buy Skype will provide better video conferencing opportunities — Microsoft's founder, Bill Gates, has said he advocated the company's takeover of Skype, and urged other board members to support the move.
The Next Web and WinRumors

Microsoft customer satisfaction hits new high as Windows 7 takes hold — Have we finally witnessed the death of the Blue Screen of Death? — OK, so that's still a bit of a reach, but new numbers this morning from the American Customer Satisfaction Index show satisfaction …
Between the Lines Blog,, PC World, and TechEye

Customer satisfaction with AT&T, T-Mobile drops
PC Magazine, L.A. Times Tech Blog,, DSLreports, MacNN, Telecompetitor, TmoNews, Digital Trends and PhoneArena

Apple Proposes Standard for Smaller SIM Cards to Make Even Thinner iPhones — Current micro-SIM (bottom right) punched out of a full-size SIM card (top right) — Reuters reports that Apple has submitted a proposal for a standardized SIM card design smaller than the micro-SIM currently used …
BGR, App Advice, CNET News, Gizmodo, This is my next, Reuters, AppleInsider, GigaOM, The Next Web, TUAW, IntoMobile, MobileCrunch, TG Daily, GottaBeMobile, MacNN, MacStories and iClarified

Guess Who's Exhibiting At BookExpo America For The First Time? Apple — Apple (NSDQ: AAPL), which almost never appears at industry conferences unless it is doing the hosting, will exhibit this year at BookExpo America, the largest trade book fair in the United States.
AppleInsider, MacRumors, 9 to 5 Mac and TUAW

US warns: hack us, and we might bomb you — The US revealed its “International Strategy for Cyberspace” (PDF) yesterday. It's mostly blather about how terrific “cyberspace” is, but it gets more specific on a few key issues like national defense. Could our next war start because of a hack?

LinkedIn Ups Price Of IPO To $42 To $45 Per Share, Valuation Now Over $4 Billion — Wow. According to this filing, professional social network LinkedIn has just upped the pricing of its IPO from between $32 and $35 per share to $42 to $45 per share. This latest pricing …
Tom Foremski, Reuters, Deal Journal, paidContent,,, DealBook, Bloomberg, PE Hub Blog, Betabeat, Tech and China, Reuters, Mashable!, Deal Journal and The Tech Trade

What Happens When It's Google/Android Vs. Amazon/Android? — Reading the news in recent weeks, it's becoming increasingly clear that there are the early signs of a new war brewing in the mobile computing space. And it's a war that promises to be the most fascinating one yet.
PR Newswire, Digital Trends, Gadget Lab, PC World, I4U News, NBC Bay Area, mocoNews, Android Community, TechSpot,, ZDNet and Between the Lines Blog

How Facebook Brings a New Data Center Online — For Facebook, bringing its Prineville, Ore., data center online last month required more than building a specialized facility with customized servers. According to a post today on the Facebook Engineering blog, the social networking leader …
The Register and Data Center Knowledge

Intel says smartphones to be on sale early in 2012 — (Reuters) - Smartphones using Intel's mobile processors will go on sale early next year and the world's biggest chipmaker is also on track with processors for tablets, Chief Executive Paul Otellini said on Tuesday.
VentureBeat and Android Phone Fans

iPhone share of phone market in Q1: 5% volumes, 20% revenues, 55% profit — Operating profits for the eight vendors I track increased at a compounded 25% over three years. As with revenues, the growth is concentrated. The following chart shows operating profit growth across three time frames …
9 to 5 Mac, Fortune and

Apple staff raking in the cash: $419,528 profit per head — Apple earned a massive profit of $419,528 per employee in the past 12 months. That beats Google, Microsoft, Intel and a bunch of other big tech companies by quite some margin. — One reason (of several) that profit per employee …
9 to 5 Mac

New York Releases ‘Road Map for the Digital City’ — Watch live streaming video from nycgov at — New York City will develop an open government framework featuring APIs for city data, relaunch its website and make a host of changes to the way it presents government information online …
Anil Dash

Advertisers Speak Up About Twitter Ads: “The click-through rates were paltry.” — Twitter is focusing on generating revenue this year, as it rolls out geotargeted Promoted Products like Tweets, Accounts and Trends, and more affordable ads for smaller businesses.

VMware Horizon App Manager debuts as user-centric platform for cloud apps — VMware has announced the Horizon App Manager, a new solution with the intention of streamlining access to both personal and business-related cloud-based applications. — Basically, the portal looks …
Technologizer, building43, Scobleizer, The Register, ReadWriteWeb, VMware Blogs, and Rational Survivability

On T-Mobile, All Wi-Fi Calls Are Free — It is one of those things that make you ask the question: what took you so long, guys? If you are a T-Mobile USA subscriber and use one of the mobile phones that support UMA, now all your calls made over the Wi-Fi are free.
LAPTOP Magazine, Electronista, Alec Saunders, Techland, SlashGear, IntoMobile, Android Community and VentureBeat

Former eBay Exec Leaves to Start Shopping Startup — Randy Shoup, the architectural guru credited with scaling eBay as it evolved from beanie babies to billions in revenue, tweeted Monday evening that he has left the online auction giant to co-found a new consumer-focused e-commerce startup,

Facebook Drops Age, Residency, and Industry (Tobacco, Gambling, Dairy) Prohibitions on Promotions — Facebook updated its promotions guidelines this week, and has now confirmed that it no longer blanket-prohibits promotions (including give-aways) for tobacco, dairy, gambling, firearms, prescription drugs, and gasoline.

LunaTik and TikTok Hit the Big Time With Apple Store Availability — The iPod nano wristband accessories Scott Wilson designed shortly after Apple introduced a new model of its smallest-screened iPod have gone from community-funded success to Apple Store shelves.
Betabeat, ReadWriteWeb, The Kickstarter Blog and 9 to 5 Mac