Top Items:

Honeycomb Has A Fighting Chance Against The iPad — If you'd asked me a week ago what I thought about Honeycomb, the tablet version of Android, I would have said that it was in very bad shape and that it would be several months before it could even hold a candle to the iPad 2.

3 Reasons that We are Moving Away from Facebook as a Platform — In the past, we have used the Facebook Like button as a baked-in promotional mechanism to drive referral marketing of deals, and that formed the core functionality of our product (see screenshot below for an idea …

Bing Maps To Be Powered (Replaced) By Nokia? — I had a chance lunch with a person with close connections to Nokia about a week ago. Naturally we began talking about the outlook for the Microsoft-Nokia Windows Phone deal. He was hopeful but mindful of the risks for both companies.
Screenwerk,, PhoneArena, and The Nokia Blog

Why Microsoft bought Skype — There is so much to write about but I'll begin with Microsoft buying Skype for $8.5 billion. The pundits are debating whether this move by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer makes good business sense, but that's the wrong way to look at it.
Telegraph, Edible Apple, @jason, Scotland on Sunday, Launch and Guardian

Entering The Minority Report Era: A Video Series — Stephen Spielberg's Minority Report captured the imagination of many in the technology space. The film made some bold predictions about technology and even though it was released nearly 10 years ago in 20002, we are seeing some things …

Full text: Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's advice to USC grads — Yesterday we offered a few highlights from Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer's commencement address Friday at the University of Southern California, via media coverage of the ceremonies. Since then we were able to get ahold of the full transcript.
@petecarroll, GeekWire, Seattle Times and USC News

How good is Google's Instant Mix? — This week, Google launched the beta of its music locker service where you can upload all your music to the cloud and listen to it from anywhere. According to Techcrunch, Google's Paul Joyce revealed that the Music Beta killer feature is 'Instant Mix …

L019: Bitcoin P2P Currency: The Most Dangerous Project We've Ever Seen — by Jason Calacanis and the LAUNCH team — A month ago I heard folks talking online about a virtual currency called bitcoin that is untraceable and un-hackable. Folks were using it to buy and sell drugs online …
Discussion: and Boing Boing, Thanks:hunterowens

How Viral PDFs Of A Naughty Bedtime Book Exploded The Old Publishing Model — The party line on piracy is that it's bad for business. But what to make of the case of “Go the F**k to Sleep,” the “children's book for adults” whose viral-pirate PDF launched the book to the number-one spot on a month before its release?

‘Yes We Ban!’ — Turks Protest Internet Censorship … ISTANBUL — Thousands of Turks gathered in some 40 cities and towns around the country on Sunday, to join marches organized on Facebook against state Internet censorship. — The trigger for the protests was a decision by Turkey's Internet regulator …
The Register, Business Wire, Today's Zaman,, New York Times, The Next Web, CNN, Bloomberg and @carlesdijous

Japan won't allow Sony to turn PSN back on until it's assured it's safe — Sony may be busy flipping the PlayStation Network switch back to the “on” position around the globe, but one locale where it won't be doing so just yet is its homeland of Japan. The Dow Jones newshounds report …
Discussion:, Kotaku, VG247, Eurogamer, and PlayStation Blog

Green Light is On — Sony PlayStation Network Returns in US
Inquirer, Ars Technica, The Firewall, Joystiq and PC Magazine

Another Milestone For Twitter As @LadyGaga Becomes First User To Reach 10 Million Followers — Last month I wrote about how Justin Bieber had become the second Twitter user to reach 9 million followers, with Lady Gaga being the first. — I speculated on which of them would be the first to reach 10 million.
BBC, Neon Limelight, Digital Spy, Examiner and

New Privacy Laws in India and China Could Make IT Outsourcing Ugly — Think privacy issues are a pain when they affect consumers? Get ready for the grandfather of all corporate computing headaches. Big privacy-law changes in India and China are about to turn data-processing outsourcing …