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Piper Jaffray: iPad 2 totally sold out, 70% to new buyers — By Sunday, Gene Munster's team couldn't find an Apple tablet for sale at any retail outlet — Apple Fifth Avenue Store Friday afternoon. Photo: PED — Gene Munster's team at Piper Jaffray walked the iPad 2 lines in New York City …
VentureBeat, MacRumors, SAI, Shiny Objects, Between the Lines Blog,, The Tech Herald … and The Loop, Thanks:philiped

False Alarm: Google Circles Not Coming Now-and Probably Not Ever — After a report emerged this morning of a new social network focused on nuanced sharing called Google Circles, the company said it was not launching anything this week at the high-profile South by Southwest Interactive event in Austin, Texas.
Google Watch, PC World and @marshallk

Social Is Too Important For Google To Screw Up With A Big Launch Circus — Google will launch a “major new social network” imminently at the SXSW conference, said Read/Write Web early this morning. They were stupendously wrong on timing - Google told us and others that there was absolutely nothing launching …

Google to Launch Major New Social Network Called Circles, Possibly Today (Updated)
@googlesxsw, NetworkEffect, TechSpot, broadstuff, WebProNews, The Next Web, @timoreilly, Gizmodo, CNET News, @carnage4life, Search Engine Land, VentureBeat and

Moving on from iPad “office productivity” apps — In the last decade, Apple introduced their first line of notebooks that didn't have dial-up modems built in, because dial-up modems were on their way out and most people didn't need them anymore. But for the few that still did, they offered a little USB modem to ease the transition:

Exclusive: AT&T To Impose 150GB DSL Cap, Overages - Notices To Go Out This Week, Capping Begins May 2 — Broadband Reports has learned, and has confirmed with AT&T, that the company will be implementing a new 150GB monthly usage cap for all DSL customers starting on May 2.
PC Magazine, VentureBeat, DailyTech, Examiner, Engadget,, GigaOM and

4chan founder: Mark Zuckerberg is “totally wrong” about online identity — Christopher Poole, the founder of controversial online image board 4chan, outlined his vision for Web-based community today at the South by Southwest Interactive conference — and yes, his ideas are in pretty sharp contrast …
ReadWriteWeb, Guardian, Metagamer and Examiner

No NFC Payment System in iPhone 5, Pushed to iPhone 6? — In January, Apple was rumored to be including NFC (Near Field Communication) hardware in the next generation iPhone and iPad to allow customers to use those devices to make purchases at retail stores.

Apple rejects ‘wave and pay’ for new iPhone
Engadget, 9 to 5 Mac, SAI and MacHackPC

Apple's Phil Schiller confirms: white iPhone to be available ‘this spring’ — Whoa, Nelly. Ready for another round? The elusive white iPhone — spotted only in the hands of Woz and occasionally in those of our own Richard Lai — may ship after all. After hearing from Apple …
@pschiller, SlashPhone, iClarified, MobileWhack, everythingiCafe, MacStories, Product Reviews, RazorianFly, 9 to 5 Mac, VentureBeat and GeekSmack

Twitter explains why developers shouldn't build new clients — Ryan Sarver, a member of Twitter's platform/api team, took a few minutes today to address concerns about the Twitter ecosystem and in particular its announcement on Friday that developers shouldn't develop new twitter clients.
Guardian, @rsarver, @joestump, Technologizer, Mark Evans Tech and GigaOM

5 Years Later, Jack Dorsey Tweets About Twitter's Beginning — @jack — 5 years ago today we started programming Twitter ("twttr" for short). 8 days later the first tweet was sent: #twttr — about 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhoneRetweetReply
ReadWriteWeb, Jack's, SAI, L.A. Times Tech Blog and NBC Bay Area

BREAKING: Apple iPad 2 Has Been Jailbroken ! [Video] — Yes you read that right ! The famous iPhone developer and hacker Comex, who previously released userland jailbreaks such as Spirit and JailbreakMe, has done the magic yet again ! … In the image attached above, you can clearly see a jailbroken iPad 2 running Cydia.
@chpwn, VentureBeat, 9 to 5 Mac, Engadget, iJailbreak, iPhoneHeat, BlogsDNA, MacHackPC, iPad Jailbreak and, Thanks:taimurasad

The strange story of etherpad — I don't actually know this story - certainly no more of it than anyone who has read a few web pages. But luckily, I'm pretty good at making things up. So I want to tell you the story of etherpad, the real-time collaborative web-based text editor.

What's the best SXSW app? So far, for me, it's LocalMind — I've seen a TON of different location-based apps in the past two weeks. But today I was introduced to one that actually is useful AT SXSW: LocalMind. What does it do? It lets you ask questions of people who are around town.
Screenwerk, @localmind, @keithmcarthur, @guiambros, About Foursquare and IntoMobile, Thanks:scobleizer