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Piper Jaffray: iPad 2 totally sold out, 70% to new buyers — By Sunday, Gene Munster's team couldn't find an Apple tablet for sale at any retail outlet — Apple Fifth Avenue Store Friday afternoon. Photo: PED — Gene Munster's team at Piper Jaffray walked the iPad 2 lines in New York City …
VentureBeat, SlashGear, Techland, Ubergizmo, PadGadget, SAI, Shiny Objects, Between the Lines Blog, MacRumors,, The Loop, The Tech Herald … and Internet2Go, Thanks:philiped

Social Is Too Important For Google To Screw Up With A Big Launch Circus — Google will launch a “major new social network” imminently at the SXSW conference, said Read/Write Web early this morning. They were stupendously wrong on timing - Google told us and others that there was absolutely nothing launching …

False Alarm: Google Circles Not Coming Now-and Probably Not Ever — After a report emerged this morning of a new social network focused on nuanced sharing called Google Circles, the company said it was not launching anything this week at the high-profile South by Southwest Interactive event in Austin, Texas.
Google Watch, PC World and @marshallk

Google to Launch Major New Social Network Called Circles, Possibly Today (Updated)
SAI, The Next Web, @googlesxsw, NetworkEffect, TechSpot, broadstuff, WebProNews, The Next Web, @timoreilly, Gizmodo, CNET News, @carnage4life, Search Engine Land, VentureBeat and

Exclusive: AT&T To Impose 150GB DSL Cap, Overages - Notices To Go Out This Week, Capping Begins May 2 — Broadband Reports has learned, and has confirmed with AT&T, that the company will be implementing a new 150GB monthly usage cap for all DSL customers starting on May 2.
DailyTech, Engadget, PC Magazine, VentureBeat, Techland,, DisplayBlog, Hacking NetFlix,, Examiner,, GigaOM, and GeekSugar

Apple's Phil Schiller confirms: white iPhone to be available ‘this spring’ — Whoa, Nelly. Ready for another round? The elusive white iPhone — spotted only in the hands of Woz and occasionally in those of our own Richard Lai — may ship after all. After hearing from Apple …

Apple rejects ‘wave and pay’ for new iPhone — Apple will not include “wave and pay” chips in the new iPhone to be released later this year, dashing industry hopes that a universal standard for the technology would be adopted in 2011. — Sources at several of the largest mobile operators …
Engadget, Gizmodo, 9 to 5 Mac, Softpedia News, Fonehome, Product Reviews, Phones Review, SlashGear, MacStories, SAI and MacHackPC

Moving on from iPad “office productivity” apps — In the last decade, Apple introduced their first line of notebooks that didn't have dial-up modems built in, because dial-up modems were on their way out and most people didn't need them anymore. But for the few that still did, they offered a little USB modem to ease the transition:

4chan founder: Mark Zuckerberg is “totally wrong” about online identity — Christopher Poole, the founder of controversial online image board 4chan, outlined his vision for Web-based community today at the South by Southwest Interactive conference — and yes, his ideas are in pretty sharp contrast …
ReadWriteWeb, Metagamer, Examiner and Guardian

Twitter explains why developers shouldn't build new clients — Ryan Sarver, a member of Twitter's platform/api team, took a few minutes today to address concerns about the Twitter ecosystem and in particular its announcement on Friday that developers shouldn't develop new twitter clients.
Guardian, @rsarver, @joestump, Technologizer, Mark Evans Tech and GigaOM

BREAKING: Apple iPad 2 Has Been Jailbroken ! [Video] — Yes you read that right ! The famous iPhone developer and hacker Comex, who previously released userland jailbreaks such as Spirit and JailbreakMe, has done the magic yet again ! … In the image attached above, you can clearly see a jailbroken iPad 2 running Cydia.
@chpwn, SlashGear, Engadget, 9 to 5 Mac, Gizmodo, iJailbreak, iPhoneHeat, BlogsDNA, MacHackPC, VentureBeat, PalmAddicts, iPad Jailbreak and, Thanks:taimurasad

The strange story of etherpad — I don't actually know this story - certainly no more of it than anyone who has read a few web pages. But luckily, I'm pretty good at making things up. So I want to tell you the story of etherpad, the real-time collaborative web-based text editor.

5 Years Later, Jack Dorsey Tweets About Twitter's Beginning — @jack — 5 years ago today we started programming Twitter ("twttr" for short). 8 days later the first tweet was sent: #twttr — about 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhoneRetweetReply
NetworkEffect, ReadWriteWeb, Jack's, L.A. Times Tech Blog, SAI and NBC Bay Area