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Speedier, simpler and safer: Chrome's basics get even better — Just three weeks ago, we kicked off the Year of the Rabbit with a speedy Chrome beta. Today, we're excited to bring these speed improvements and more to everyone using Chrome. With today's stable release …
Computerworld, The Register, TechSpot, BetaNews, Digital Trends, SAI,, Google Chrome Releases, The Next Web, TechCrunch, Electronista, CNET News, gHacks Technology News, Webmonkey, Download Squad,, MacStories, Techie Buzz, iClarified, Softpedia News, ReadWriteWeb, Ubergizmo, Engadget and Gizmodo, Thanks:a_usman

What's New in Chrome 10? — Google Chrome 10 is ready …
PC World

Instant Previews now available on mobile — Instant Previews provides a fast and interactive way to evaluate search results. Starting today, Google Instant Previews is available on mobile for Android (2.2+) and iOS (4.0+) devices across 38 languages. Similar to the desktop version of Instant Previews …
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Google Instant Preview comes to Android 2.2 and iOS 4+

Anatomy of a Crushing — A number of people asked about the technical aspects of the great Delicious exodus of 2010, and I've finally had some time to write it up. Note that times on all the graphs are UTC. On December 16th Yahoo held an all-hands meeting to rally the troops after a big round of layoffs.

An Update on Windows Phone Marketplace; new tips, policies and regional access program — As we enter the final month of a very busy first quarter of 2011, I thought I'd take this opportunity to update developers on the status of the Windows Phone Marketplace and share some news.
eWeek, Computerworld, CNET News,,,, SlashGear, ThinkMobile, Electronista, The Next Web, Many Niches,, WinRumors and Port 25

YouTube, Netflix, Hulu: Meet Facebook — Every digital heavyweight is making a play for your living room. Apple, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, everyone. With one odd exception: Facebook. — Now that's over. The social media giant is taking its first step to connect …
TechCrunch, PC World, SAI, paidContent, Macworld, Techie Buzz, BetaNews, Tech Trader Daily, Fast Company, CNET News, SAI, Ars Technica,, Electronista, FierceIPTV and Mobile Marketing Watch

Warner Bros. to Rent Movies Digitally on Facebook, Starting With ‘Dark Knight’
Inside Facebook, GigaOM, Yahoo! News,, ReadWriteWeb, Engadget, Fast Company, All Facebook, Gearlog, Digital Trends, LAPTOP Magazine, WebProNews, GMSV,, PC World, The Next Web, Ubergizmo, VentureBeat, NBC Bay Area, The Huffington Post and The Atlantic Online, more at Mediagazer »

Deutsche Telekom, Sprint Said to Discuss T-Mobile USA Deal — Deutsche Telekom AG has held talks to sell its T-Mobile USA unit to Sprint Nextel Corp. in exchange for a major stake in the combined entity, said people with knowledge of the matter. — Talks have been on and off …
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Study: Facebook Photo Sharing Reflects Focus on Female Appearance — What affects women's self worth also influences their social networking behavior — BUFFALO, N.Y. — In a new study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking, University at Buffalo researcher Michael …
CNET News, Digital Trends, Friending Facebook Blog, The Atlantic Online, NBC Bay Area and Network World

Adobe outs experimental Flash-to-HTML5 conversion tool, calls it Wallaby — Ah, if only we could flip a big happy switch and convert all the web's Flash content into (functional) HTML5 code. It's a dream shared by many and, funnily enough, the company pushing to make it a reality is none …
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Apple's iPad 2 launch predicted to have stronger sales but shorter lines — Initial sales of the iPad 2 are expected to surpass the first-generation device, but numerous new points of distribution for Friday's launch are predicted to dilute lines of people.
Technologizer, eWeek, The Register, Examiner, PhoneArena,, MacNN and

Daily Bubble: Lead Generator HubSpot Grabs $32 Million From, Sequoia and Google Ventures [BoomTown] — Another day, another honking big funding for another online start-up. — This time it is Cambridge, Mass.-based HubSpot winning Silicon Valley's version of the lottery …

Google Voice Now Offers SIP Addresses For Calling Directly Over IP — Wouldn't it be great if you could call a Google Voice number directly via SIP? So that you could bypass the PSTN when calling a GV number and go directly over IP? With potentially all the advanced capabilities that could give? …
Electronista, BGR, Digital Society, Ubergizmo, VoIP & Gadgets Blog, Android Phone Fans, OnSIP blogs, TruVoIPBuzz and Know Your Cell, Thanks:aharpaz

Bill Gates'g philanthropy costs him richest-man title — (Reuters) - Bill Gates didn't lose his title as the world's richest man last year; he gave it away by plowing billions into his charitable foundation, experts say. — Forbes will release its 2011 billionaires list on Wednesday and Gates …
Digital Trends, Gearlog and GeekWire

Fox DMCA Takedowns Order Google to Remove Fox DMCA Takedowns — The Chilling Effects web archive was founded in 2001 as a response to the usually secretive practice of sending so-called ‘takedown notices’ to have content removed from the web. This, according to the activists involved, was having a ‘chilling effect’ on free speech.

Software Progress Beats Moore's Law — One of the old jokes in computing is that what the hardware giveth, the software taketh away. — The biblical vernacular is meant to convey the commandmentlike certainty of a set order of things. And the implication of the old saw is that chip-based progress …
Fast Company and James Governor's Monkchips

Are Mobile Apps Violating Open Source Licenses? — Rampant Violations — There are a lot of mobile apps that use open source software, but how many of them are in compliance with open source licensing rules? As it turns out, not very many. — A new study from open source services …
Fortune, Computerworld and

Microsoft's music/video services futures: The plot thickens with ‘Ventura’ — Recent questions about the future of the Microsoft Zune music/video service have remained largely unanswered. But my contacts have shared a new, relevant piece of the puzzle. And that piece is codenamed “Ventura.”
Discussion:, CrunchGear and SAI

CHART OF THE DAY: Foursquare Users Doubled Since Facebook Launched Places — When Facebook rolled out its “Places” checkin product it was easy to think that it would flatten Foursquare. So far it just hasn't happened. Today Foursquare announced it has 7.5 million users, which is up from 3 million when Places launched.

Apple and Appropriate Secrecy — About a year and a half ago, I was disappointed with one of the key choices Apple had made, given that they're often described as one of the most admired companies in the world. I wrote a piece called “Secrecy Does Not Scale”, to try to describe the issue:

Cash Registers May Get a Groupon Button — Groupon talks with register manufacturers about making its coupons as easy to use as credit cards — Bloomberg — Groupon, the largest provider of online daily deals, is talking with cash-register makers about adding features that would make it easier …

The 10 idiosyncrasies of Steve Jobs — Think you know Apple's enigmatic leader? Think again. The great man is famously secretive, but we've unearthed some nuggets of info from work and home that provide a glimpse to what he's really like, from his car's numbers plates, how he decorates his house, to where he parks.

While FarmVille players water their crops, Messenger climbs to #2 app on Facebook — As Frederic from NewsGrange noted today, the Messenger app snuck up and overtook FarmVille this week as the second most popular app on Facebook in terms of daily active users.
Discussion:, NewsGrange, and The Next Web