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How Facebook is Killing Your Authenticity — We all know that the delineation between public and private was eroded by Facebook a long time ago. Over. Done. But now Facebook's sheer scale is pushing it in a new direction, one that encroaches on your authenticity. — Facebook is no longer a social network.
Discussion:, broadstuff, @loic, @stevecheney, Scobleizer and Howard Lindzon

Facebook Comments Have Silenced The Trolls — But Is It Too Quiet? — As you've noticed by now, we're about a week into our latest experiment in troll-slaying with Facebook Comments. So far, the reactions have been very mixed and very interesting. Publicly, many of the reactions were initially negative.
@mattcutts, @stevecheney, @parislemon, The Next Web, @loic, @ed and @sbmiller5, more at Mediagazer »

Prediction: Facebook is no longer a viable marketing strategy for startups — Chris Dixon is causing (surprise surprise :) a bit of an uproar with his blog post “SEO is no longer a viable marketing strategy for startups.” Chris's post is overstated but what I agree with is that SEO …
@lusciouspear, Soshable, Nick Halstead and

SEO Remains A Viable Marketing Strategy For Anyone
SEO, @mattcutts and Beyond Search

Why Payments Are Hard, Even For Apple And Google — Editor's note: Guest author Ohad Samet is an expert in managing fraud and other risks in payments systems. He was previously a senior manager at PayPal and blogs at As Risky At It Gets. — We hear a lot of chatter about new payment services …

Ex-Microsoft Employee: 5 Things The Kayak Deal Tells Us About Bing — On Friday, Microsoft announced a partnership with Kayak to provide travel results. Jay Bhatti is a former Microsoft employee who founded the people-search engine Spock. Here's what he sees in the deal:
Discussion: and All about Microsoft Blog

iPad 2 Extends Apple's Lead: Apple Will Dominate The Tablet Market For Years — Apple's iPad 2 isn't a massive advance over the first iPad, but with hardware, software, apps, distribution, and pricing combined, it is still by far the best tablet on the market.

Sprint announcing Nexus S 4G, EVO 3D, and EVO View tablet at CTIA? — The media — yours truly included — has been trying to figure out why Sprint has booked an insane two-and-a-half hour slot at CTIA later this month. That's not the kind of event you throw together just to rehash …

Bing Deals Android and IOS App Leave Windows Phone 7 Users Behind — Contribute content like this. Start here. — While everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion, the one that matters most is Microsoft's. It serves as an indicator of what the future holds for Windows Phone 7 and its users, and it is the most shocking.

AOL-HuffPo Deal Officially Closes Today-More Big Media Hires Signal New Content Direction Under Arianna — AOL will officially close its $315 million acquisition of the Huffington Post today, according to several sources close to the situation. — The culmination of the deal-which has already …

Financial Times Digs Gold Out of Data — PARIS — For newspapers, connecting with readers is the ultimate challenge. At newsstands, many customers choose a paper only after they see the headline on the cover. The lady in hair curlers and a bathrobe might choose “Toe job to no job,” …
Felix Salmon and @jayrosen_nyu, more at Mediagazer »

Latest Geminoid Is Incredibly Realistic — Okay, I admit it... I found myself wondering whether this was in fact a real robot, or actually a fake robot.

TV's Next Wave: Tuning In to You — The television is channeling you. — Data-gathering firms and technology companies are aggressively matching people's TV-viewing behavior with other personal data—in some cases, prescription-drug records obtained from insurers—and using …