Top Items:

Twitter's “Quickbar Uprising” Is Nothing: Wait Till The Ads Really Show Up — Some people hate Twitter's new iPhone app, and Twitter is listening: It's going to change the app slightly. — Which won't appease the people who hate Twitter's new iPhone app at all.
Examiner and Mobility Digest

Twitter Reacts to the #Dickbar Uproar: Not Killing It - Just Making it a Little Bit Less Annoying — When Twitter launched the latest version of its iPhone app a few days ago, most users were more than happy to get auto-completion for names and hashtags, among many other improvements.

Following @gruber's coinage, I propose all future complaints about Twitter 3.3 be tagged #dickbar.
Scripting News, @gruber, @fuzzyscorpio, @anildash, @dsilverman, @fredericl, @joshelman, @scobleizer, @nzcspaul, @justinaddition, @pragmaticgeek, @greatcaffeine, @parislemon, @lqd, @nebhale, @gruber, @marcoarment, @al3x and The Next Web

Google Responds To Android Malware, Will Fix Infected Devices And ‘Remote Kill’ Malicious Apps — On March 1, news broke that dozens of malicious applications had made their way to Android Market, each infected with a rootkit that could grant hackers deep access to Android devices that installed them.
Google Mobile Blog, Fortune, Mobilized, VentureBeat, and Techie Buzz

The Legal Magic Bullet That Protects Twitter And Yelp — Yelp and Twitter both get thousands of complaints a month, often asking for material to be taken down that is allegedly defamatory or otherwise illegal. They almost never comply. Speaking today at an event in Silicon Valley …

Techdom's Talent Poaching Epidemic — As social networking and mobile computing grow, companies compete for top executives — Over the past seven months, executives at Zynga, the popular social gaming company, plotted how to recruit Neil Roseman, an engineer who had led's …

Microsoft's Nightmare: First They Came For The Tablets, Then The Netbooks.... Taiwanese PC maker ASUS plans to release netbook PCs that run Google's Android and Intel's Meego operating systems, says its CEO. — The fact that ASUS is floating the idea again two years after abandoning …
Discussion:, Tom's Guide, LAPTOP Magazine and The Microsoft Blog

SEO is no longer a viable marketing strategy for startups — Many of the today's most successful informational sites such as Yelp, Wikipedia and TripAdvisor relied heavily on SEO for their initial growth. Their marketing strategy (whether deliberate or not) was roughly: 1) …
Beyond Search and @dannysullivan

Hyperlocal Heartbreak: Why Haven't Neighborhood News Technologies Worked Out? — Neighborhood news aggregator has been acquired by AOL, according to multiple reports this morning. Apparently it's being bought for less than the big pile of money that high-profile investors put into it, back when hopes were high.

ChronoPay's Scareware Diaries — If your Windows PC has been hijacked by fake anti-virus software or “scareware” anytime in the past few years, chances are good that the attack was made possible by ChronoPay, Russia's largest processor of online payments. — Tens of thousands of documents stolen …
TorrentFreak and F-Secure Antivirus …

New music industry plan: halt flow of money to pirate music sites — The international music trade group IFPI has found a way to shut down, it hopes, piratical iTunes-style websites operating in countries like Russia and the Ukraine—it wants to curtail their ability to accept major credit cards.

The App Wall — A couple nights ago, a friend sent me a message. “So glad we finally have a way to talk without hanging out.” — He was, of course, kidding. He sent me the message through Yobongo, a new location-based realtime chatting app that launched this week.
Scobleizer and @scobleizer

iPad May Be Magical. Apps Aren't. Here's Why. — It has been nearly a year since I first came in close contact with the original iPad. It blew my mind, and since then, it has become a daily accompaniment. I create content on my MacBook Air, but I spend a lot of time consuming content and media on the device.