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BlackBerry PlayBook launching on April 10th — We have been told by multiple sources that RIM's very first tablet will be launching on April 10th in retail locations. Additionally, we're told the OS goes GM (gold master) on March 31st and that when you boot up the device right out of the box …

Google Pulls 21 Apps In Android Malware Scare — Google Pulls 21 Apps In Android Malware Scare — Google has just pulled 21 popular free apps from the Android Market. According to the company, the apps are malware aimed at getting root access to the user's device, gathering a wide range …
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Security Alert: DroidDream Malware Found in Official Android Market — Update: Apps released under the developer names “Kingmall2010″, “we20090202″, and “Myournet” contain DroidDream and have been suspended from the official Android Market. To date, more than 50 applications …
InfoWorld, ReadWriteWeb, GigaOM, Guardian, The Register, Droid Life, Android Tapp, Security Watch, and threatpost

Mahalo Reduces Headcount by 10% After Google Algo Change — I feel for Mahalo founder and CEO Jason Calacanis this past week. He finishes his Launch conference (my recap), heads to the afterparty and probably gets 10,000 text messages because that was just about the time that Google announced their algorithm change.
Mashable!, Fast Company, @mathewi and MediaMemo

Google: We're Working to Help Good Sites Caught by Spam Cleanup — When Google updated its algorithm late last week to weed out low-quality content factories from the top of search results, the changes didn't sit well with all. — Many well-known sites that pop up in search results despite having little …

Apple Staffer: iPad 3 Is The One To “Make A Song & Dance About” — We've received some tidbits of information about the iPad 2 launch tomorrow from an Apple staffer: — MobileMe is being revamped with cloud storage features. — The iPad 2 is a ho-hum update. It's more of a speed bump than a redesign.
MacRumors, PC World, Digital Trends, mocoNews, Techland, MediaFile, GottaBeMobile, Softpedia News,, SlashGear, Electronista, Gearlog, Examiner, Fudzilla, Fonehome,,, Pocket-lint, DisplayBlog, Gizmodo, CNET News, SAI, Know Your Mobile, PC Pro,, Apple Bitch, VentureBeat, Crave, Phones Review, App Advice and @gartenberg

With Jobs Definitely Mulling Appearance at iPad Event, Let's Hope the Focus Is on the Product — According to several sources close to the situation, Apple CEO Steve Jobs-who is on a health-related leave from the company-is definitely considering an appearance at its big iPad 2 event tomorrow.
Gizmodo, Technologizer, L.A. Times Tech Blog, Digits, Ars Technica, VentureBeat, Softpedia News, Inquirer, The Huffington Post, CNN, Guardian, MobileCrunch,, TUAW, GottaBeMobile, IntoMobile, TechCrunch, Fonehome, Appolicious Advisor, Poynter, Examiner, Pulse2, Guardian,, I4U News, Network World, BlogsDNA, Redmond Pie, Phones Review, CNET News,,, PhoneArena, Between the Lines Blog, App Advice, 9 to 5 Mac, Digital Trends, Hillicon Valley, SAI, AppleInsider, Bits, AllNewsMac, Macworld, AOL News, Electronista, MacNN, MacRumors, NBC Bay Area, TiPb, and Faster Forward, more at Mediagazer »

Microsoft: Why doesn't Microsoft understand tablets? — Answer (1 of 8): It's interesting to consider how this question would have been answered just two years ago. Before the iPad, the definition of tablet, was, arguably, the Windows tablet. As such, there was a lot of speculation …
GeekSmack and All about Microsoft Blog

How This 19-Year-Old Is Taking On Google — Where might you want to search that Google can't reach? The social slice of the Web, plus everything that an individual has password-protected hovering in the cloud, has been largely off-limits to traditional search engines.

Twitter suspends parody @ceoSteveJobs account — Today, it appears that Twitter has suspended the ceoSteveJobs Twitter account, which had approximately 460,000 followers and over 650 tweets at the time of deletion. — Back in January, it turns out that Twitter received a complaint …
CNET News, TUAW, MacNN and 9 to 5 Mac, Thanks:geeksmack

Say Hello to Flickr for Windows 7 and Windows Phone 7! — Back in January, we let you know about some exciting mobile developments we had in store for you, and some of you may have already caught a sneak peak of the newest member of our family here at Flickr.

HP Says BlackBerry PlayBook Imitates webOS, RIM Responds — There's no denying it. RIM's first tablet, the BlackBerry PlayBook, looks pretty darn similar to HP's TouchPad. Yes, the PlayBook has a smaller 7-inch screen, compared to 9.7 inches for HP's slate.
Engadget, BlackBerry Cool, Digital Daily, Techland, FierceWireless, IntoMobile, Faster Forward, SAI, SlashGear, PhoneArena, Fonehome, The Next Web, Tech Broiler Blog,, Know Your Cell,, Engadget and Electronista, Thanks:mspoonauer

Android developers form ‘union’ to protest Google policies — A group of Android developers have formed the Android Developers Union, a movement that intends to protest Google's Android Market policies. — The group has made seven demands and claims that its members will, if demands are not met …
Marketing Pilgrim and Android Developers Union

Google issues ultimatum to Yelp: free content or no search indexing — Yelp's chief executive, Jeremy Stoppelman has spoken out against Google's use of its users' business reviews on its Places service, saying the search company has failed to offer them any leeway on the matter.
Google Watch, FT Tech Hub, ReadWriteWeb, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Roundtable, CNET News and GMSV

Japan Phone Makers See Opportunity in Android — TOKYO — Japanese mobile phones are a gadget lover's dream. They double as credit cards. They can display digital TV broadcasts. Some are even fitted with solar cells. — And yet, for all their innovations, Japanese-made handsets have had little impact overseas.

Brunch Plans Made Easy on the Thumbs — GroupMe Offers Group Texting by Cellphone for Parents, Patients, Concert-Goers and Other ‘Normals’ — Amid throngs of entrepreneurs and digerati set to descend on the South by Southwest Interactive festival in Austin, Texas, next week …
Globe and Mail, The Social, Download Squad and Mashable!

Odd Couple Behind Nintendo 3-D Push — KYOTO, Japan—Nintendo Co.'s place atop the world of videogames, and perhaps the course of the industry itself, is riding on a geek bromance. — On Saturday, Nintendo launched its first all-new machine in nearly five years, a handheld player …
Digits and GoNintendo

App Store coming to Google TV — A version of the Android Market for the Google TV platform is due “very short term,” the general manager overseeing Google TV products for Logitech said Tuesday. — Speaking at the OTTCon here on Tuesday, Ashish Arora, the vice president and general manager …
PC Magazine, Electronista, Android Phone Fans, SlashGear and Android Community

Barnes & Noble Settles With Spring Design, Licenses Its Alex E-Reader Patents — Barnes & Noble this morning announced that it has settled a lawsuit it was served by Spring Design back in November 2009 in connection to the latter's Alex Reader (which, perhaps not so coincidentally, is in the process of being phased out).
Reuters and Electronista

Exclusive: Yahoo closes in on Yahoo Japan deal — (Reuters) - Yahoo Inc is in advanced talks to exit its joint venture in Japan with SoftBank Corp, a move that could lead it to focus on reaching a decision on its China assets. — A deal to transfer Yahoo's 35 percent stake in Yahoo Japan …
Post Tech, Tech Trader Daily, DailyFinance, Inquirer, Softpedia News, Bloomberg, @ericjackson, DealBook, SAI, paidContent and The Tech Trade

Dems push for Congressional investigation of HBGary Federal — Embattled HBGary Federal CEO Aaron Barr quit his job yesterday as the prospect of a Congressional investigation loomed. A dozen Democrats in Congress asked various Republican committee chairs to launch probes of HBGary Federal's idea for a …

Twitter, Digg investor Mike Maples: Yes, there is a tech bubble — Facebook, Zynga and Twitter have inspired a host of copycats, and it's those companies that are overvalued and are creating a growing tech bubble, said Floodgate partner Mike Maples. — Some major companies in the Web 2. era …

Now available with Google Apps: User Managed Storage — Editor's note: Last year we launched an improvement that makes over 60 additional Google services available to Google Apps users. This series showcases what's new and how your organization can benefit. — Welcome to User Managed Storage
Inquirer, Softpedia News,, InfoWorld and Rakesh Agrawal's Blog

Meet Google's human search engine for innovation — Google startup-hunter Don Dodge sheds Microsoft roots, ‘kisses a lot of frogs’ in quest for cool technology — It was November 2009, and Don Dodge had just been laid off by Microsoft. Instead of writing a new resume and collecting unemployment …

A Mobile Photo Sharing Casualty, Treehouse Hits The Deadpool; Founder Off To Google — In terms of hot spaces at the moment, you'd be hard-pressed to find anything hotter than the mobile photo sharing space. Instagram, PicPlz, and Path all have gotten huge amounts of funding recently.
The Next Web and PSFK

1 million workers. 90 million iPhones. 17 suicides. Who's to Blame? — It's hard not to look at the nets. Every building is skirted in them. They drape every precipice, steel poles jutting out 20 feet above the sidewalk, loosely tangled like volleyball nets in winter.
@radleybalko, SAI, CrunchGear, Gizmodo and Switched

To Grow Big, Twitter Seeks Small Ads — Twitter Inc. is a hot property among investors, who are pumping up the company's valuation. But whether the start-up can live up to its multibillion-dollar appraisal depends on the likes of David Szetela, who holds the purse strings of numerous small and medium-sized advertisers.
Venture Capital Dispatch, Search Engine Land, Digits and FM Blog