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Netflix on Android — Hi, this is Greg Peters, from Netflix product development. We recently announced the availability of Netflix on Windows Phone 7 devices, which, alongside the iPhone, represents the second mobile phone platform we have enabled for streaming from Netflix.

Netflix headed to ‘select Android devices’ early next year — Netflix has always been something of a fickle beast, lavishing treats upon just one platform at a time, but now that iOS, Windows Phone 7 and every game console under the sun are streaming its video, the firm's finally turned its gaze on Android.
Electronista and Pulse2

Singel-Minded: How Facebook Could Beat Google to Win the Net — ANALYSIS — In 1993, The New Yorker ran a famous cartoon with two dogs near a computer, with one mutt telling the other “On the Internet, nobody knows you are a dog.” — Oh, how times have changed.

Why you're a pawn in Facebook vs. Google — Google would like Gmail users to think twice and say this is not all right. — (Credit: Screenshot by Tom Krazit/CNET) — It should make us nervous when two of America's most important Web companies resort to sniping through the media …

In the Grip of the New Monopolists — Do away with Google? Break up Facebook? We can't imagine life without them—and that's the problem — How hard would it be to go a week without Google? Or, to up the ante, without Facebook, Amazon, Skype, Twitter, Apple, eBay and Google?
Technology Liberation Front and Pulse2

GoDaddy Replaces .Com with .Co, Now Default Choice — A big lift for .co this weekend as world's largest registrar promotes .co to top of search box. — You might be in for a bit of a surprise if you visit GoDaddy today. This is what the search box looks like: — That's right.
Elliot's Blog and The Next Web

iPAD SURVEY RESULTS: Everything You Need To Know About How People Use The iPad — We recently surveyed Apple iPad owners to find out how they use their tablets. — The answers have implications for web publishers, app designers, and other gadget makers. — Based on responses …
9 to 5 Mac

Ping comes to iPad — Apple today updated the backend of their iPad iTunes application to add Ping support. Ping support was added to the iPhone right around the iOS 4.1 launch so this means we're close to the iOS 4.2 launch. The full Ping experience is present as a tab on the iPad iTunes app …
App Advice, Gizmodo, Engadget and Pulse2, Thanks:codyfink

‘I Am Spartacus’ bomb joke campaign explodes on Twitter — Thousands of tweeters repeat bombing joke in support of Paul Chambers, who lost his appeal against conviction — Twitter users angered by the conviction of a man who threatened to blow up an airport in a Twitter joke showed support …
BBC, New York Times, Mashable!, Telegraph,, Boing Boing, gHacks Technology News, ReadWriteWeb, Pulse2, LEWIS 360°, Pocket-lint, Fast Company, The Next Web, Softpedia News and TG Daily

What's That Torrent Thing Google Keeps Suggesting? — Thanks to Google people have all the world's knowledge at their fingertips. Simply type in a few words and the search engine usually returns hundreds of thousands of related websites - some background info on your favorite musician for example …

Meet the New Enterprise Customer, He's a Lot Like the Old Enterprise Customer — “'Cause hustlers hit the block when police change shifts — New York, California different toilet, same s**t. -The Game — Every day I hear from entrepreneurs, angel investors and venture capitalists …

Mystery Over! Apple TV Is Amazon's No. 12 Best-Selling Gadget — Amazon has quietly updated its best selling electronics list to include several gadgets that were not showing up before, including Apple TV and the Boxee Box. — Apple TV is currently the no. 12 best-selling gadget on Amazon, and the Boxee Box is no. 15.
Examiner, Daring Fireball and Pulse2

Why You'll Give Up Gmail for Facebook Mail — Get ready for a new invasion wave from Facebook: Mail. According to Techcrunch's sources, a full webmail client integrated with The One and Only Social Network will debut next Monday. This is why it may become your favorite webmail service.
eWeek, Elliot's Blog, Covering Web, WebProNews, InformationWeek, and TechCrunch

Confirmed: Facebook Acquires Domain Name
Elliot's Blog, Techie Buzz, Examiner, Pulse2 and TechCrunch