Top Items:

Android Most Popular Operating System in U.S. Among Recent Smartphone Buyers — According to August data from The Nielsen Company, Android is now the most popular operating system among people who bought a smartphone in the past six months, while Blackberry RIM and Apple iOS …
CNET News, ZDNet, Computerworld, Engadget, Macworld, BetaNews, Droid Life, PC World, Time, Fortune, Yahoo! News, ReadWriteWeb, Digital Daily,, AppleInsider, Digits, I4U News, Techland, VentureBeat, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, AndroidGuys, Google Android News …, Gadget Lab, IntoMobile, DailyFinance, Android Phone Fans, TechCrunch, Internet2Go, , Electronista, iLounge, The Next Web, Adotas,, Beet.TV and Silicon Alley Insider, Thanks:atul
Miguel Helft / Bits:
The iPhone Has a Real Fight on Its Hands — Back in March, I wrote about the increasingly personal fight between Steven P. Jobs, the Apple chief executive, and Eric E. Schmidt, his Google counterpart. In it, I quoted Mr. Jobs saying: “Make no mistake: Google wants to kill the iPhone. We won't let them.”
Ryan Kim / GigaOM:
Nielsen: Android Surges to No. 1 in Recent Sales — Nielsen is adding its voice to the chorus of research firms confirming the ascension of Android. Nielsen said among recent acquirers of smartphones in the last six months through August, Android was the top platform in the U.S. with 32 percent …
mocoNews,, The Praized Blog, Daring Fireball, TiPb, Boy Genius Report and Electronista

Open your eyes: Google Goggles now available on iPhone in Google Mobile App — Searching with Google on your mobile phone can be an eye-opening experience. Now your phone's camera can even help to find out more about the world around you. — Back in December we introduced Google Goggles on Android …
VentureBeat, Macworld, App Advice, CNET News, ReadWriteWeb, TechCrunch, Appletell, Boy Genius Report, Black Web 2.0, Search Engine Land, , Gizmodo, The Next Web, MacStories, Gadgetwise, Search Engine Journal, mobiputing, iThinkDifferent, Switched, IntoMobile, Redmond Pie, TheAppleBlog, Erictric, Phone Arena, Cult of Mac, Network World and Electronista
Foursquare Blog:
So, that was a bummer. — Yesterday, we experienced a very long downtime. All told, we were down for about 11 hours, which is unacceptably long. It sucked for everyone (including our team - we all check in everyday, too). We know how frustrating this was for all of you because many of you told us …
VentureBeat, ReadWriteWeb, Mashable! and The Next Web, Thanks:atul

Foursquare Explains Yesterday's 11 Hour Outage: An Overloading Of Database Shards — As you may have noticed yesterday, Foursquare was down. Very down. In fact, that service says that total downtime was around 11 hours all told. That's not good. And they know it.
Eran Shir / eran's posterous:
Why Did we sell Dapper to Yahoo? — A few hours ago we signed an agreement to sell Dapper, my four year old baby, to Yahoo! for an undisclosed sum that someone will probably leak to Kara Swisher in a day or two. I thought this an opportune occasion to summarize an amazing four years …

The new Internet craze: splitting hairs over fractional Web browser market share changes — In recent months you may have noticed a surge of posts by popular, authoritative tech sites on the topic of Web browser market shares. They all take roughly the same format: a bold title …
StatCounter Global Stats:
Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser falls below 50% of worldwide market for first time — Boston, USA and Dublin, Ireland; Tuesday, 5th October 2010:Microsoft's Internet Explorer (IE) browser has fallen below 50% of the worldwide market for the first time according to StatCounter.
Computerworld, Network World, Quick Online Tips,, Inquirer, Webmonkey, gHacks Technology News, TechFlash, Techie Buzz and

As MeeGo VP Quits, Nokia CEO Taking Calls From Eric Schmidt — News broke this morning that Nokia's executive in charge of MeeGo devices, Ari Jaaksi, resigned last week. This continues a string of high-profile people leaving the world's largest mobile phone company as it attempts to establish …
Thomas Ricker / Engadget:
Nokia's MeeGo device chief quits
Nokia's MeeGo device chief quits
Boy Genius Report, Wall Street Journal, Mobilized, Dow Jones Newswires, Times of India, SlashGear, TechCrunch Europe, The Register, Electronista, Fone Arena, GigaOM, Adotas, VentureBeat, TechSpot, DailyTech, TechEye, Inquirer, Digital Daily, I4U News, Gizmodo, IntoMobile, SiliconANGLE, Product Reviews Net and Softpedia News

Google Asks Court to Toss Oracle's Android Lawsuit — Silicon Valley's latest Goliath versus Goliath battle is officially on. — Google today responded to Oracle's claims that its Android OS infringes copyrights and patents related to Java, which Oracle acquired as part of its purchase of Sun Microsystems earlier this year.
Computerworld, FierceMobileContent, CNET News, GigaOM, TechCrunch and Electronista

Jason Calacanis: Revenge is a new editorial project to rival TechCrunch — Jason Calacanis is angry. You can tell he's angry partly because he talks even faster than normal, but also because he's (still) spitting feathers about TechCrunch founder (and now AOL, employee) Mike Arrington.
The Next Web, Gawker, NewsGrange, ReadWriteWeb, SiliconANGLE and broadstuff

Microsoft CEO says will see Windows slates by Christmas — (Reuters) - A Microsoft slate to counter Apple's popular iPad tablet computer will be seen by the Christmas holiday, Microsoft's Chief Executive Steve Ballmer said on Tuesday. — Ballmer did not say whether the palm-sized slates …

How many iPads has Apple really sold? — A preview of what analysts expect from the company's fourth quarter earnings report — Sources: Company reports and the consensus estimate for Q4 — Bernstein Research retail analyst Colin McGranahan created a bit of a stir Monday …
BetaNews, Computerworld, IntoMobile, eWeek, Engadget, App Advice, Ars Technica,, TheAppleBlog, Hardware 2.0 Blog, The Toybox Blog, AppleInsider and The Register

2 E-Books Cost More Than Amazon Hardcovers — Readers of e-books may not be able to turn paper pages, lend their copies to friends or file them away on living room bookshelves. But they do have the comfort of knowing that they paid less for them than for hardcovers.
Crave,, VatorNews and Fast Company

Bar Spy: Apple Trying To Hire a Blogger? — Apple's PR staff would be well advised to reach out more to bloggers, or even blog on their own. So the mysterious overture Apple made to a TechCrunch editor at a Cupertino, California brewhouse could be a big positive step.
Arik Hesseldahl / Business Week:
Apple TV Parts May Cost Less Than $64 — CEO Steve Job's redesigned “hobby” device is 80 percent smaller and much more profitable to sell, says iSuppli, noting the Samsung A4 chip that also appears in the iPad and iPhone 4 — The components in the latest version of Apple's (AAPL) …
9 to 5 Mac, TheAppleBlog, MacStories, Macsimum News, Cult of Mac and MacNN

Engadget's Darren Murph nabs Guinness World Record for most blog posts ever written! — We always knew Darren Murph had oodles of talent and was extremely prolific — but now the man has got the paper to seriously prove it. Our own Mr. Murph was just awarded the Guinness World Record for most posts ever by a blogger.
The Next Web and PSFK

Want to own, the precursor to Facebook? Now you can. — Of course, it will (at this point) set you back a mere $8,000. That is, if nobody else bids. —, the site that eventually became Facebook, is up on the auction block at Flippa. Worried that it might not be the real thing?
Flippa, TechCrunch and

Hipmunk Closes Hyper-Competitive Angel Round, Sans The Usual Suspects — There are two types of angel investors in Silicon Valley today. The first type includes most of the “super angels,” who are trying to hold the line on $4 million valuations for early stage investments and as a group seem unwilling …
alarm:clock and Mashable!

Skype now available for Android phones — You've been asking us for it - and now it's here. Skype is now available on a wide range of Android phones, so you can save money and stay in touch when you're out and about. Visit on your phone to download, or read on to find out what's inside.
PC World, DSLreports, ReadWriteWeb, Computerworld, Electronista, Android and Me, The Next Web, Engadget, ThinkMobile, Telecompetitor, TechCrunch, Fortune, Download Squad, Gizmodo, SlashPhone, Between the Lines Blog, Product Reviews Net, Droid Life, eWeek, BetaNews, jkOnTheRun, Widgets Lab, GigaOM, Android Community, Zatz Not Funny!, The Toybox Blog,, 901am, About Skype, Gadget Lab, Android Police, AndroidGuys, Geeky-Gadgets, , GottaBeMobile, EuroDroid, Android Phone Fans, iThinkDifferent, Switched, Black Web 2.0, mobiputing, Softpedia News, Coolsmartphone News, and Boy Genius Report

Jack Welch Blasts H-P's Board — Former General Electric CEO Jack Welch sharply criticized Hewlett-Packard's board of directors on Tuesday at the World Business Forum in New York. — “The Hewlett-Packard board has committed sins over the last 10 years,” said Mr. Welch.
DailyFinance, Digital Daily and Silicon Valley Sleuth

Qualcomm Goes Public With Flo TV Cancellation — After 36 hours of radio silence, Qualcomm (NSDQ: QCOM) is finally acknowledging that it is canceling its direct-to-consumer FLO TV operations. The company says in a statement that it is suspending direct to consumer sales of new devices …
Discussion:, Technologizer and IntoMobile

Apple's Data Needs Mean $1.7 Million, Jacuzzi for Carolina Pair — Apple Inc. needed land owned by Donnie and Kathy Fulbright for a $1 billion data center in rural North Carolina. The couple showed no interest in moving out of their home of 34 years in the town of Maiden.
The Register, AppleInsider, Gizmodo, 9 to 5 Mac, ReadWriteWeb, TiPb, DailyTech, TUAW, Edible Apple,, MacRumors, Cult of Mac, SiliconANGLE, MacNN, Data Center Knowledge, MediaMemo and Macsimum News

Where's All the Free Wi-Fi We Were Promised? — Municipal WiFi was supposed to bridge the digital divide. Here's why it failed. — Municipal WiFi was the free, ubiquitous mesh of wireless internet access that was supposed to carpet bomb the digital divide back to the stone age. — So what happened?