Top Items:

Facebook Is Secretly Building A Phone — Facebook is building a mobile phone, says a source who has knowledge of the project. Or rather, they're building the software for the phone and working with a third party to actually build the hardware. Which is exactly what Apple and everyone else does, too.
Silicon Alley Insider, Engadget, Phone Arena, Gizmodo, The Next Web, Mobile-Geeks,, I4U News, Stowe Boyd and Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check, Thanks:gamalmsabry

Intel wants to charge $50 to unlock stuff your CPU can already do — Digg Hold onto your hyperthreaded horses, because this is liable to whip up an angry mob — Intel's asking customers to pay extra if they want the full power of their store-bought silicon.
Hardware 2.0 Blog, DailyTech, Lockergnome Blog Network,, TechCrunch, GeekSmack and

Google Voice On The iPhone Comes Full Circle As Apple Accepts GV Mobile+ — This is a post I've looked forward to writing for a long time — and I'm surprised that I'm even getting the chance. In July 2009, we broke the news that Apple had banned Google Voice from the iPhone.
Fortune, eWeek, TUAW, Silicon Alley Insider, News, Redmond Pie and Gadgetell

As Apple relaxes App Store rules, C64 emulator for iOS gets BASIC again — If you weren't already convinced that Apple is seriously easing back on some of its more annoying App Store restrictions with the appearance of titles like GV Voice (a Google Voice client), this news might help.
App Advice, BlogsDNA, everythingiCafe, PalmAddicts, Cult of Mac, TiPb and Daring Fireball

GV Mobile + hits the App Store, finally — We have been waiting for this day for a long time. Not just because we love GV Mobile + so much, but because it shows that Apple has finally relaxed some of their App Store policies and will likely start being a bit more competitive with other platforms (hopefully).
9 to 5 Mac, Sean Kovacs, Phone Arena, App Advice, SlashGear, BlogsDNA, The Next Web, iThinkDifferent, Pulse2, everythingiCafe, Softpedia News, Technologizer, Gizmodo and IntoMobile, Thanks:greenpois0n_jb

Netflix Is Beating Blockbuster With Clicks, Not Bricks — NOT so long ago, in 2005, Blockbuster seemed invincible. However you preferred to rent movies — in stores or online — the company was ready to accommodate you. — At the time, Netflix could offer only one way of obtaining a movie …

Google Reader in Flipboard — As a new owner of an iPad, I was eager to dive in and get to know the device. A number of co-workers had raved about Flipboard, the “personalized, social magazine” app designed for the iPad. Sure enough, it's a really fantastic re-imagining of how we can consume content.
Technologizer, Thanks:atul

Details of the JPMorgan Chase Oracle database outage — After posting my speculation about the JPMorgan Chase database outage, I was contacted by - well, by somebody who wants to be referred to as “a credible source close to the situation.” We chatted for a long time …

Twitter, Transclusion and Trust — The new Twitter is here! The new Twitter is here! Besides sowing discontent in our household by giving me access to the new user interface before my wife's account has been upgraded, the big new feature of the update to venerable old …

Apple Said to Negotiate With Publishers Over Digital Newsstand — Apple Inc. is developing a digital newsstand for publishers that would let them sell magazines and newspapers to consumers for use on Apple devices, said two people familiar with the matter. — The newsstand …
PC World, AppleInsider, Hillicon Valley, I4U News, Electronista, BlogsDNA, MacRumors, everythingiCafe, iClarified, Engadget, and Computerworld

Important: ASP.NET Security Vulnerability — A few hours ago we released a Microsoft Security Advisory about a security vulnerability in ASP.NET. This vulnerability exists in all versions of ASP.NET. — This vulnerability was publically disclosed late Friday at a security conference.
Microsoft, TechNet Blogs, TechNet Blogs, Softpedia News and SANS Internet Storm Center …, Thanks:merawindows

Were Haystack's Iranian testers at risk? — First I was thinking of offering my readers an apology for overloading this blog with Haystack-related observations. Then I changed my mind and decided that I should make no such apologies whatsoever: Haystack is the Internet's equivalent of the Bay of Pigs Invasion.
culturalbytes, John Graham-Cumming and sami ben gharbia

The First Rule Of Defeating Web Censorship Is You Do Not Talk …
Electronic Frontier Foundation

Developers On Google Apps Marketplace: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly — Six months ago, Google launched its very own app store for enterprise apps, the Google Apps Marketplace, at the search giant's Campfire One event. The idea behind the marketplace was fairly simple—using a set of APIs …