Top Items:

Google launching a Chrome OS tablet on Verizon, goes on sale November 26 — The title pretty much says it all on this one, folks. — Yes, our source tells us that Google is building a Chrome OS tablet. It's real, and it's being built by HTC. No surprise there, since HTC churned out the Nexus One for Google.
DSLreports, Techland, SlashGear, Techie Buzz, Erictric, Liliputing, The Next Web and Gizmodo

Google Shows the Future of Browser Games — Google's game developer advocate Mark DeLoura demonstrates the Google App store and more. — Earlier today at GDC Europe, which takes place before Gamescom this week in Germany, Google's new game developer advocate Mark DeLoura …

Chrome Web Store Slated For October Launch, Google Taking A Mere 5% Cut Of Revenue — Google's app store for the web is almost ready for business. — Gaming portal has detailed a presentation given by Google developer advocates Mark DeLoura and Michael Mahemoff at GDC Europe …
bijan sabet

Investors Chide Michael Dell — SAN FRANCISCO — Dell's shareholders delivered a sharp rebuke of Michael S. Dell, the company's founder and chief executive, when a fourth of the investors withheld support of Mr. Dell in a recent vote. — In a regulatory filing released Tuesday …
Digital Daily, Inquirer, DailyTech, Tech Eye, Silicon Alley Insider, Financial Times, Bloomberg, Reuters and Engadget

Google TV Is a Tough Sell Among Would-Be Partners — Google Inc. is launching a campaign to line up TV networks' support for its new Google TV software, but many remain reluctant to partner with a service that encroaches on their turf. — The service will allow people to watch and search cable …
NewTeeVee, DSLreports, MacDailyNews, AppleInsider, Company Town, atmaspheric, Fortune, ReadWriteCloud and Between the Lines Blog, more at Mediagazer »

Wired Says ‘The Web is Dead’ — On Its Increasingly Profitable Website — Chris Anderson will generate plenty of chatter with his “The Web is Dead” Wired cover, foretold here previously. Fair enough; that's what a smart magazine editor does. But all the more reason to note the rich ironies in his eulogy.
Fast Company, Wired, Service-Oriented …, broadstuff and The Atlantic Wire, more at Mediagazer »

Is the web really dead? — Wired uses this graph to illustrate …
A VC, DSLreports, Felix Salmon, Lockergnome Blog Network,, The Next Web, The Awl, The Atlantic Online, Bits, TechCrunch, Memex 1.1, FM Blog, Podcasting News, Techdirt,, Stowe Boyd, Switched, @vanelsas, FlowingData, Infocult, Webmonkey, and Daring Fireball

The Web Isn't Dead; It's Just Continuing to Evolve
Peter O'Kelly's Reality Check, Gizmodo, TechCrunch, Joyeur and Wired, more at Mediagazer »

For the Class of 2014, No E-Mail or Wristwatches — Every year the administrators at Wisconsin's Beloit College put together a list of information about incoming freshmen that is shared with the school's professors. It's not a list of student names, or the books they'll need to order for class.
Technologizer, Gizmodo, ResourceShelf and Gawker

Apple won't change antenna for Verizon iPhone, says expert — Dismisses talk of coating or change in design for possible CDMA iPhone — Computerworld - If an iPhone does appear on Verizon, don't expect Apple to change its antenna design, an expert said today.
Erictric, iPhone Buzz, everythingiCafe, I4U News, Ubergizmo, 9 to 5 Mac, SlashGear, IntoMobile and Phones Review

Confirmed: Facebook Rolling Out A New Slimmer, Sexier Like Button — Though it has only been out for a few months, it seems as if Facebook's Like button is all over the web. And despite some initial backlash, a lot of people seem to like it (see what I did there?).

Millennial Media: Android OS Grew By 47 Percent In July, iPad Requests Up 327 Percent — Mobile ad network Millennial Media is releasing its monthly mobile mix report today. According to Nielsen, Millennial's ads reach 63 million of a total of 77 million mobile web users in the U.S., or 81% of the U.S. mobile web.
Fortune, MediaPost and Electronista

If German Homes Can Now Opt Out Of Google, Then How About People? — Google made their “opt out of street view” service live in Germany today, giving select Germans until September 15th to exclude their properties from being mapped when the Street View service launches.
Jaunted, Erictric, Deutsche Welle and Wall Street Journal

Google Sued in Spain Over Data Collecting
Softpedia News, The Register, ReadWriteWeb, WebProNews, SiliconANGLE and Guardian

Plastic Surgeon Was Texting in Car Before Fatal Crash — Dr. Frank Ryan, plastic surgeon to Heidi Montag and other celebrities, was sending a Twitter message about his border collie just before his fatal car accident, his ex-girlfriend tells PEOPLE. — “He lived up in Malibu on a tiny street …

Your fears confirmed: “up to” broadband speeds are bogus — Broadband providers in the US have long hawked their wares in “up to” terms. You know—"up to" 10Mbps, where “up to” sits like a tiny pebble beside the huge font size of the raw number. — In reality, no one gets these speeds.
Discussion:, Computerworld, Lifehacker and DSLreports

Swipely Opens to Public, But Are People Ready to Broadcast What They Buy? — The social shopping network Swipely, in private beta for three months, is opening up to the public today. Users upload credit and debit card information so the site seamlessly records where they're “swiping,” …
VentureBeat, TechCrunch and Mashable!

Microsoft Flight Simulator is back! Less the ‘Simulator’ — It's been a day full of gaming news from Microsoft, but perhaps the most exciting - at least to your grandfather, or plane-obsessed uncle - was the announcement that marks the return of the longest running game franchise of all time.
Technologizer, PC Authority, iThinkDifferent, PC Magazine, The Microsoft Blog,, Computerworld, Pocket-lint, Softpedia News and

Apple awarded patents for Slide to Unlock, keyboard letter pop — In the fast-changing world of smartphone design, often the most valuable thing that a company can own is a patent for a specific feature they've invented. No matter how seemingly trivial the design feature is …
Discussion:, The Next Web and MacStories

Ray Kurzweil does not understand the brain — There he goes again, making up nonsense and making ridiculous claims that have no relationship to reality. Ray Kurzweil must be able to spin out a good line of bafflegab, because he seems to have the tech media convinced that he's a genius …
The Equity Kicker, Digital Tools and Embracing Chaos

Get ready for ‘Catfish’, another Facebook movie — While the upcoming “The Social Network” movie will offer one view of Facebook, another big-screen release may do a better job of showing both the power and pitfalls of the social network. — Catfish, which played at Sundance earlier …
The Next Web and BoomTown

Ebay Takes Down U.S. Access To Loquo Amid Sex Trafficking Allegations — Craigslist, embattled over the most recent allegations of sex trafficking and underage prostitution, pointed their finger at eBay yesterday. Craigslist has put significant efforts into moderating inappropriate listings on their site, says CEO Jim Buckmaster.
Discussion:, Techdirt and Orlando Sentinel

Android's Pursuit of the Biggest Losers — The mobile phone market is intertwined with the telecommunications industry which is vast and there are numerous competitors which are much more dynamic and better capitalized than the moribund PC or music player vendors.
GigaOM and Daring Fireball

HTML5-Optimized Yahoo Mail Hits the iPad — Yahoo on Tuesday unveiled an updated, HTML5-optimized version of Yahoo Mail for the iPad, promising a faster, more organized, and feature-rich experience. — “If you've used our recently launched HTML5 mobile Web mail for iPhone you'll feel right at home …
eWeek, App Advice, CNET News, 9 to 5 Mac, Yahoo! Mail Blog, Y! Mobile Blog, IntoMobile, TiPb, Erictric, Communications …, Webmonkey, Ubergizmo and MobileContentToday

Apple Testing Proximity-Powered Prototypes Today; Likely To Appear In iPhone 5 — Over the weekend it was reported that Apple hired Benjamin Vigier, an expert in near field communication (NFC), a short range wireless protocol most synonymous with contactless payments.
O'Grady's PowerPage, I4U News, Ubergizmo, AppleInsider, Erictric, App Advice, Gizmodo, everythingiCafe, Electronista and Crave