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Sean Parker: Facebook Won Because Of MySpace's “Gross Incompetence” — One time Facebook President Sean Parker, speaking at FastCompany's Innovation Uncensored conference, took the opportunity to absolutely dump on MySpace. — Sean began by pointing out that Friendster let MySpace into the game through its negligent management.
The Business of Search

Soon there will be no reason to have a big, boxy computer on your desk. — Consider the desktop. For decades, it was the king of computers. If you wanted a PC, you bought a big, boxy machine that sat on or under your desk. At first you did this because there was nothing else …
Mobility Site

Hedge Fund Financial Model Predicts Apple Inc. (AAPL) to Fall 80% as Early as This Fall — BAM Investor's advanced behavioral analysis financial model predicts Apple Inc. (AAPL) stock price to fall to $42 per share as soon as Fall 2010 — San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) June 17, 2010 …

The strange and consequential case of Bradley Manning, Adrian Lamo and WikiLeaks — On June 6, Kevin Poulsen and Kim Zetter of Wired reported that a 22-year-old U.S. Army Private in Iraq, Bradley Manning, had been detained after he “boasted” in an Internet chat — with convicted computer hacker Adrian Lamo …

Palm: 'we don't know what the hold-up is' on mobile Flash — Adobe hasn't given any signs that it's close to porting Flash to webOS, Palm said in an AT&T online app development seminar on Thursday. When asked about the multiple delays, a representative said that Palm didn't ‘know what the hold-up is’ with getting it ready.

Ray Kurzweil Vows to Right E-Reader Wrongs — There's's Kindle, Sony's Reader, Barnes and Noble's Nook, Apple's iPad and a bevy of iPad and Kindle clones. Still, Ray Kurzweil, the famed inventor, thinks people deserve yet another option when it comes to reading books and magazines with an electronic device.

World Cup Becomes Most Popular Web Event Ever — The 2010 FIFA World Cup is now the most popular event in Web history. Record usage began last Friday before the wins and losses. Not since Obama's election day victory has the Web swayed under a greater burden of Internet-connected hope.
Techie Buzz, Digits, Edelman Digital, AppScout, and Austin American-Statesman

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Mashable!, WebProNews, Bits, The Social, Twittercism, TechCrunch and L.A. Times Tech Blog

AT&T Tries, Fails To Justify 3G Cap-Eating Microcell - Should it count against the cap when no tower or backhaul's involved? — Yesterday we noted how AT&T's Microcell femtocell service was already a dubious value proposition given the device, intended to improve in-home cell coverage …

Quark takes on Adobe with e-publishing partnership — Ten years ago, Quark was the tool of choice for producing Wired magazine and many other high-production-value publications. Since then, Adobe's less expensive, aggressively competitive InDesign has stolen a lot of Quark's customers.

Apple Tells FCC: There's more to the iPhone than the Public Knows — Apple tells that FCC that there's more to the iPhone than the public knows and wants them to commit to a 45 day short term confidentiality that will freeze internal photos of the iPhone 4. What could Apple be holding back?
IntoMobile, Lockergnome Blog Network, Phones Review, AppleInsider, Edible Apple, Crave, The Register, TiPb and Fortune

Welcome to Valhalla: Inside the New 250GB Xbox 360 Slim — I own a total of five Xbox 360s. Four of them have died. Three because of the Red Ring of Death, all out of warranty. Many have had serial Xbox 360 failures, I had them in parallel. — The last revision of the Xbox 360 …
Electronic Pulp, Yahoo! News, Electronista, CrunchGear, The Tech Report, Boy Genius Report, Techland,, Engadget, TG Daily and Kotaku

Google's Street View Wi-Fi data included passwords, email — The French data protection authority has found passwords and email messages among the Street View Wi-Fi data Google intercepted — Wi-Fi traffic intercepted by Google's Street View cars included passwords and email …
The Register, Techie Buzz, Softpedia News, Agence France Presse, Tom's Guide and Switched

Might Threaded Conversations Be Coming To Twitter? — There's no question that Twitter's web experience has been improving pretty rapidly over the past several months. However, one area that's still lacking is a good way to view conversations. Clicking on the “in reply to” links is tedious for long conversations.