Top Items:

AT&T Randomly Cancelling iPhone 4 Pre-Orders? — The saga continues. A reader forwarded us this note he got from AT&T, simply stating that his iPhone 4 preorder had been cancelled, for no apparent reason. And he's not the only one. — Even for AT&T, a company that's proven itself adept …
Boy Genius Report, Erictric, Fone Arena, I4U News, MacRumors, MobileCrunch, TiPb, Google Android News …, everythingiCafe, iPhone Savior, GeekSugar and displayblog

Apple Begins Shipping iPhone 4 to Customers — Several readers have notified us that they have started receiving shipment notifications and FedEx tracking numbers for their iPhone 4. Several of the shipment notifications indicate a “Delivers By” date of June 23rd — a day before the official launch day.
Engadget, I4U News, everythingiCafe, TUAW, App Advice and, Thanks:srikarlovesmanu

Apple randomly canceling some iPhone pre-orders? Update: AT&T pre-orders too? — We haven't verified exactly what's going on here, but we've gotten several tips tonight from people who've received an iPhone 4 pre-order cancellation email from Apple saying that their order couldn't be authorized.

iPhone 4s Are Shipping Now — We've got multiple tips about iPhone 4s shipping out to pre-order customers now. Here's reader George's, which says he's getting his on the 23rd (rather than the 24th). Reader Alex also says the same. Thanks tipsters!
Phones Review

The Best iOS 4-Ready Apps So Far — We all know that the iPhone 4 launches this coming Thursday. But on Monday, current iPhone users get an early treat in the form of iOS 4, the new iPhone operating system (formerly known as iPhone OS 4). It comes with several enhancements …

Mozilla intern examines startup speed of Firefox, Chrome — A Mozilla intern has figured out a way to make Firefox open faster - or at least seem like it's opening faster. In a blog post, interface designer John Wayne Hill explained how Chrome, although only slightly faster than Firefox at starting, feels much quicker.
Lockergnome Blog Network

David Fincher's ‘The Social Network’ Official Poster Unveiled — Bold marketing going on here - the tagline is the poster! So where is the title? It's along the side, as part of a sidebar that looks like the header from Facebook. Notice anything similar?

IPOs Just Aren't What They Used To Be — I spent the day yesterday with VCs from other firms. I heard two stories about IPOs that are worth sharing. — One VC told me a story about a failed IPO for one of their portfolio companies a few years ago. He told me the legal and accounting bill …

Like E-Books? Amazon Sells More of Them, For Less, Than Apple. For Now — The introduction of the iPad and the iBooks store has lots of people forecasting doom for Amazon's Kindle. And Citigroup's (C) Mark Mahaney, an Amazon bull, acknowledges that Apple (AAPL) will eat into the Kindle's share …

Exploring the software behind Facebook, the world's largest site — At the scale that Facebook operates, a lot of traditional approaches to serving web content break down or simply aren't practical. The challenge for Facebook's engineers has been to keep the site up and running smoothly …

German Publishers Want Monopoly On Sentences — Glyn Moody writes “You think copyright can't get any more draconian? Think again. In Germany, newspaper publishers are lobbying for 'a new exclusive right conferring the power to monopolize speech e.g. by assigning a right to re-use …

OnLive Streaming Game Service Tested (At Home, Finally!) — We've checked out the OnLive pure-streaming gaming system before, but it was always in a somewhat controlled environment. Finally, the service has launched, and we can see what it's like to play this at home. Where it matters.

Thoughts on OnLive — Today OnLive officially launched.

Soon there will be no reason to have a big, boxy computer on your desk. — Consider the desktop. For decades, it was the king of computers. If you wanted a PC, you bought a big, boxy machine that sat on or under your desk. At first you did this because there was nothing else …