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The New MobileMe Mail. Now Available to All Members — The all-new MobileMe Mail at is now out of beta and available to all members. We'd like to thank the many people who used the beta and provided us with feedback. — Here's a summary of what's new in the Mail web application …
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Find My iPhone App Now Available — The Find My iPhone app is now available as a free download from the App Store. — If you lose your iPhone or iPad while on the go, simply install the Find My iPhone app on any other iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to find it.
Engadget, PC World, CNET News, Gadget Lab, App Advice, TUAW, Mashable!, Softpedia News, ZDNet,, Pocket-lint, 9 to 5 Mac, Gizmodo, News, MacStories and MacRumors

Droid 2: First Impressions — Gizmodo reader Zack recently had a chance to play with Verizon's next offering, the Motorola Droid 2. He sent us his impressions, some details about the specs, and a few extra pictures. — Zack wrote: … Zack's observations and impressions match …

White HTC EVO 4G coming exclusively to Best Buy on July 11th, pre-orders start today — Jumpin' Jehosaphat! Just when you thought America's first 4G phone couldn't get any hotter, along comes this: a striking white version of the HTC EVO 4G (so much for that unavailable white iPhone 4, eh?).

Verizon May Follow AT&T's IPhone to Tiered Pricing — Verizon Wireless, the largest U.S. mobile-phone carrier, may follow AT&T Inc. in introducing tiered pricing and eliminating unlimited data plans this year as it moves to its faster fourth-generation network technology.

Introducing the Google Command Line Tool — Ever wanted to upload a folder full of photos to Picasa from a command prompt? We did, a lot, last summer. It made us want to say: — $ google picasa create —title “My album” ~/Photos/vacation/*.jpg — So we wrote a program to do that, and a whole lot more.

Pakistani lawyer petitions for death of Mark Zuckerberg — Police probe Facebook chief over ‘Draw Muhammad’ contest — Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is being investigated by Pakistani police under a section of the penal code that makes blasphemy against Muhammad publishable by death.

Apple secretly updates Mac malware protection — Apple's 10.6.4 operating system upgrade earlier this week silently updated the malware protection built into Mac OS X to protect against a backdoor Trojan horse that can allow hackers to gain remote control over your treasured iMac or MacBook.
Technologizer, Computerworld, AppleInsider, MacRumors, Security Watch, TechSpot, ReadWriteWeb, ZDNet, 9 to 5 Mac, Tech Eye, Softpedia News, The Mac Security Blog, MacStories, SophosLabs blog and TG Daily

Facebook '09 revenue neared $800 million — (Reuters) - Facebook's financial performance is stronger than previously believed, as the Internet social network's explosive growth in users and advertisers boosted 2009 revenue to as much as $800 million, according to two sources familiar with the situation.

Photo, video quality of Apple's iPhone 4 demonstrated in Prague — An iPhone 4 obtained early by a user in the Czech Republic has allowed a look at the photo and video recording quality of Apple's latest handset, prior to its public release. — A reader of offered the hands …

Motorola to Pump Cash Into Spinoff — Board to Pump Bulk of Cash Reserves Into Cellphone Business After Spinoff — Motorola Inc. is planning to funnel billions of dollars to its money-losing cellphone business when it splits off into a separate company next year.
SlashPhone, Engadget, mocoNews, FierceWireless, Tech Trader Daily, Voices on All Things Digital, DealBook and Phone Scoop, Thanks:michaelkroker

Encrypt the Web with the HTTPS Everywhere Firefox Extension — Today EFF and the Tor Project are launching a public beta of a new Firefox extension called HTTPS Everywhere. — This Firefox extension was inspired by the launch of Google's encrypted search option.
Download Squad, ZDNet, Ars Technica, Lifehacker, Mashable!,, OStatic blogs and ClipperHouse

YouTube's Secret “News Experiment” Explained! (Warning: Not Really That Secret) — Is YouTube getting into the local news business? No, not really. — But! SF Weekly has a weird, confusing tale about YouTube's sort of secretive effort to launch a “local news experiment” in San Francisco.

Apple On The Cusp Of Crushing Amazon Kindle Platform (AAPL, AMZN) — Amazon's stock has been down this year, as investors worry about the threat of Apple's iPad to the long term health of the company's media business. — Citi analyst Mark Mahaney put out a report this morning tackling …

Millennial Media: Apple OS Drops By 33 Percent In May But iPad Impressions Grow 160 Percent — Mobile ad network Millennial Media, which claims that its network reaches 82 percent of 72 million mobile web users in the U.S., is reporting that iPad ad requests grew 160 percent from April …
AppleInsider, paidContent, VentureBeat, Mashable!, Mobile Marketing Watch and MediaPost Raw

OnLive gaming service now available for Mac — “OnLive can run on most PCs—but on all Macs,” boasted Steve Perlman, founder and CEO of OnLive. On Thursday, the cloud-based gaming service launched for the Mac and Windows, thereby enabling thousands of players to stream high-end games to their computers like never before.

E3 2010: Video of OnLive for the iPad
Agence France Presse,, 9 to 5 Mac, App Advice, WebProNews, TechSpot, MacStories,, VG247 and MacRumors

On Google Chrome's Lack of Native Support for Feeds — Google Chrome is the only popular browser that doesn't have native support for feeds: it doesn't detect or preview feeds and it doesn't let you subscribe to feeds using your favorite feed reader. Most of these features are available in Firefox …
Download Squad

Apple Tells FCC: There's more to the iPhone than the Public Knows — Apple tells that FCC that there's more to the iPhone than the public knows and wants them to commit to a 45 day short term confidentiality that will freeze internal photos of the iPhone 4. What could Apple be holding back?

Two location companies that are more important than Foursquare, MyTown, Loopt, Gowalla, or Whrrl — I still love Foursquare. I check in nearly everywhere I go. I still also check in with Gowalla (my checkins) and Yelp (my Yelps) and a variety of other services. Why?

Analyst: iPhone 4 Launch a “2 Million-3 Million iPhone Event” — The announcement from Apple that it presold a record 600,000 iPhone 4s on Tuesday despite a fiasco of an ordering process has analysts predicting this year's iPhone launch will be the best ever.

Google opens up VP8 for Web video tweaks — One month after releasing its open-source, royalty-free VP8 video compression technology, the company already is working on significant revisions to the technology. — VP8, combined with the Vorbis audio technology, form the WebM codec …
The WebM Open Media …

CBS Uses ‘Star Trek’ To Explore HTML5 Frontier — Star Trek Enterprise fans can watch any episode from Seasons 1-4 at as long as their browser plays nice with Flash—or, as I realized when I checked on a whim, a very limited grab bag of episodes if they want to geek out on an iPad.

Photo: first iPhone 4 camper shows up at Dallas Apple store on Knox St. [UPDATED] — A reader sends this photo: — You've got a long, hot week ahead of you, friend. — UPDATE: Drew, the reader who sent me the photo, notes that our intrepid camper has chimed in on the macrumors forum: