Top Items:

Andreessen Horowitz To Win The Foursquare Investor Badge — A months long fundraising process for Foursquare is in its last stages, we've heard from multiple sources, and Andreessen Horowitz looks to be preparing to check-in to Foursquare to take an investor badge.

Foursquare's Yelp problem (they just got time to figure it all out) — This week I downloaded a new Yelp app onto my iPhone. In it Yelp included a copy of Foursquare's badges, which reward people for checking in frequently. Sometimes you might get a swarm badge for checking into someplace …

Web Services as Governments — This spring Apple, Facebook, and Twitter, made controversial announcements. Apple announced the terms of service for the iPhone OS 4, that restricted how applications developers could use analytics data. Facebook launched Facebook Credits, and a completely different privacy policy.

“for the lolz”: 4chan is hacking the attention economy — (Newbie note: If you have never heard of 4chan, start with the Wikipedia entry and not the website itself. The site tends to offend many adults' sensibilities. As one of my friends put it, loving LOLcats or rickrolling as outputs …

In the Singularity Movement, Humans Are So Yesterday — ON a Tuesday evening this spring, Sergey Brin, the co-founder of Google, became part man and part machine. About 40 people, all gathered here at a NASA campus for a nine-day, $15,000 course at Singularity University, saw it happen.

Artefact puts Flash on your iPad ‘In A Pinch’ (video) — Despite Steve Jobs's ethical reservations, it's clear that people want Flash on their iPads (or at the very least, developers want to find ways put it there). Recently we saw Smokescreen, a browser plug-in that pulls apart SWF binaries …

When Google Fails, Yahoo & Win: Study — With Google owning the search landscape, the best other search engines can hope for these days is to be a searcher's second-favorite option — the place we go when Google doesn't help us find what we're looking for.

Motorola Shadow launching in July, DROID 2 in August — We have heard from a source that the two upcoming Motorola Android handsets that have been floating about are launching pretty soon. The Motorola Shadow (DRIOD X, keyboardless DROID) is set to launch in July with “shadow BLUR” and Android 2.1.

MOG's Music Streaming iPhone App Is Caught In App Store Purgatory, Too — Yesterday we reported on a music-streaming iPhone application called Rdio that has been waiting for weeks to have an update approved by Apple. Now we've learned that this may be part of a new trend: MOG …
App Advice

Mind Over Mass Media — NEW forms of media have always caused moral panics: the printing press, newspapers, paperbacks and television were all once denounced as threats to their consumers' brainpower and moral fiber. — So too with electronic technologies. PowerPoint, we're told, is reducing discourse to bullet points.

Scribd: Publishers Are Wasting Time, Money, Effort In Creating iPad Apps — Although magazines like Wired are reporting strong results for their early iPad efforts, for most publishers, this is still an experiment to see if they can recreate—or at least approximate—the revenue model that used …

Facebook: Calacanis Is Lying — Well, this is getting more interesting. This morning, we reported that Jason Calacanis' Facebook account was still active, despite his very public deletion of the account about 20 days ago. When he found out about this, Calacanis sent an angry email …
parislemon, greg hughes, Silicon Alley Insider, Startup Meme and Smashing Magazine, Thanks:katarmstrong

Boxee Delays Web TV Set-Top Box Five Months, Until November (AAPL, GOOG, SNE) — Boxee, the NYC-based startup that makes software for watching web video, announced today that its first hardware gadget — the “Boxee box” — is taking longer than they had hoped to develop.

Boxee Box by D-Link Release Set for November in North America
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