Top Items:

Nexus One changes in availability — We launched Nexus One in January with two goals in mind: to introduce a beacon of innovation among Android handsets, and to make it quick and easy for people to buy an Android phone. We're very happy with the adoption of Android in general, and the innovation delivered through Nexus One.
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4 Lessons Learned From Google's Nexus One Store Closure — Google plans to close its online retail store for the Nexus One handset in the U.S. and instead pursue the mobile operator retail model it uses in Europe with Vodafone. And as available inventory spreads worldwide …

Apple spurred police in iPhone probe — REDWOOD CITY, Calif.—Apple pressed local police to investigate the loss of a next-generation iPhone a day after Gizmodo published photographs, telling investigators that the prototype was so valuable, a price could not be placed on it, according to court documents made public Friday.
Tech Check with Jim Goldman, TechCrunch, MacRumors, paidContent, MediaMemo, Fast Company, Threat Level, AppleInsider, L.A. Times Tech Blog, Bloomberg, Silicon Alley Insider, TUAW, DailyTech, Mercury News, MacDailyNews, The Huffington Post, TNW Apple, MacNN, The Snitch, Edible Apple, EverythingiCafe and The Loop, Thanks:atul

Roommate's Tip Led Cops to iPhone Finder — Police closed in on the man who found and sold a prototype 4G iPhone after his roommate called an Apple security official and turned him in, according to a newly unsealed document in the ongoing police investigation.

Adobe, You Brought An Advertisement To A Gun Fight — Adobe, no one seems to want to say this to you, but I will. Stop it, you're embarrassing yourself. — You've just spent God-knows how much money on an ad buy that blankets much of the technology press (including this site).
Stay N' Alive, CNET News, Erictric, News, Guardian, Tech Check with Jim Goldman, Fortune, Steve Sloan …, The Small Wave., Softpedia News and AdAge, Thanks:mlntp

The Best Response To Adobe's Lame ‘We Love Apple’ Ads (AAPL, ADBE)

Adobe Co-Founder: We Never Abandoned Apple, but Apple Is Abandoning Us
ZDNet, AppleInsider, Mike Chambers, InfoWorld, eWeek, Tim Anderson's ITWriting,, John Nack on Adobe and Akihabara News

Google Voice invites for students — We've found that Google Voice can be useful in many different ways to many different people. But one group of people that it's especially well-suited for is students. We've heard college students in particular really appreciate getting their voicemail sent …

The Media Attacks On Facebook And Mark Zuckerberg Are Getting Out Of Hand — Friday is Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's 26th birthday. My guess is he won't be enjoying it as much as he should, given that the top tech story of the day is a look at a private instant message exchange he supposedly had six or seven years ago at Harvard.

Dear Mark Zuckerberg:
@vanelsas,, Fast Company, Gawker and, Thanks:atul

WiFi data collection: An update — Nine days ago the data protection authority (DPA) in Hamburg, Germany asked to audit the WiFi data that our Street View cars collect for use in location-based products like Google Maps for mobile, which enables people to find local restaurants or get directions.

Google Says It Inadvertently Collected Personal Data
Search Engine Land

Cellphones Now Used More for Data Than for Calls — Liza Colburn uses her cellphone constantly. She taps out her grocery lists, records voice memos, listens to music at the gym, tracks her caloric intake and posts frequent updates to her Twitter and Facebook accounts.
Discussion:, Fast Company, VentureBeat, GigaOM, Techland, Technologizer,, techPresident, Gadget Lab,, Erictric, Electronista, Phone Arena and Gizmodo, Thanks:markmayhew

New York Times to Begin Website Charges in January — The New York Times will begin charging for access to articles on its website in January, Bill Keller, executive editor of the newspaper, said at a dinner for the Foreign Press Association Thursday evening.

Wi-Fi Sync app rejected by Apple, headed to Cydia for $9.99 — Can't say we're surprised to hear that Apple rejected Greg Hughes' Wi-Fi Sync app. You know, the app that allows you to wirelessly sync your iPhone / iPod touch with iTunes without having to USB tether to your computer.
TechCrunch, PC World, Gizmodo, TiPb, ReadWriteWeb,, TheAppleBlog, EverythingiCafe, Gadget Lab, TUAW, iHackintosh, App Advice, AppleInsider, SlashGear, MacRumors, Edible Apple, Geekword, News, Phones Review, 9 to 5 Mac and Ubergizmo

BlackBerry Bold 9800 slider launching in June at AT&T — While June has usually been strictly roped off as “iPhone month” for AT&T, this year looks like it will be different. A couple of our RIM sources have informed us that the BlackBerry Bold 9800 slider will be making its public debut …
Electronista, Obsessable, Engadget, TiPb, SlashGear, blogs, Erictric, and SlashPhone

Google hiring 300 workers to pinpoint bugs in Google Maps — Google is hiring an army of 300 temporary workers in Kirkland as part of a yearlong campaign to improve the accuracy of Google Maps. The search giant is working with temp staffing agencies to find “computer geeks” …

44 Workers Sue iPhone Contractor Wintek Over Alleged Poisoning — News, analysis and insights from Barron's Silicon Valley bureau. — Daily Analysis Blogs & Columns Investing Ideas Rankings & Reports — Market Data — Daily Stock Alert — Forty-four workers in Suzhou, China …
AppleInsider, TUAW, 9 to 5 Mac, Gadget Lab, MacRumors, DailyTech, CrunchGear and Macsimum News

Twitter Search Adds “Expand” Option For Shortened URLs — Twitter Search has added a new “expand” option that allows you to turn a shortened URL into back into its original longer version. That's handy to know where the URL is taking you to. It may also help increase the relevancy matching of some tweets.