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iPad Has Risen: Steve Jobs Makes Easter Eve Appearance — With around 700,000 units of what was somewhat presciently called the Jesus Tablet sold yesterday, it's worth noting that Steve Jobs, wearing a black hoodie and ripped jeans, revealed himself to his flock on Easter Eve at the Palo Alto Apple store a.k.a The Mothership.

iPad jailbroken in a single day — iPhone Dev-Team member MuscleNerd revealed this afternoon that he has already managed to jailbreak the iPad after just a day of sales. The crack is a variation on the same “Spirit” jailbreak recently used to de-restrict iPhone 3.1.3 and, like the earlier technique …
Engadget, VentureBeat, Redmond Pie, Gizmodo, CrunchGear, App Advice, iHackintosh, The Next Web,, Geekword, I4U News and 9 to 5 Mac

iPad Day One: Charts Show Big Media Mostly Playing in Free Apps, Not Paid — So day one of iPad launch almost over—though West Coast's still in full swing—no estimates on how many iPads have sold, but it is instructive to see how the charts for iPad apps are doing.

iPad app pricing: A last act of insanity by delusional content companies — Looking at the iPad app rollout, you can easily separate the digital wheat from the chaff in the content industries, and you can see those who are developing digital businesses and those who are trying to protect print margins …

Analyst: Apple sold 600-700 thousand iPads the first day — We don't know for sure exactly how many iPads Apple had available to sell on Saturday, but one analyst says the number beat his previous expectations. — Piper Jaffray Senior Research Analyst, Gene Munster, on Saturday …

Apple iPad Dropped and Tortured — Here's the Story: Apparently, YouTube user THISisCaSpEr bought all three models of the WiFi iPad at a Best Buy at Pittsburgh today. And he decided that smashing the $500 iPad with a baseball bat was “fun”. — Though pointless, the video reveals …
Pocket-lint,, Phones Review, Gizmodo and EverythingiCafe, Thanks:firtvid20

Start-Ups, Not Bailouts — Here's my fun fact for the day, provided courtesy of Robert Litan, who directs research at the Kauffman Foundation, which specializes in promoting innovation in America: “Between 1980 and 2005, virtually all net new jobs created in the U.S. were created by firms that were 5 years old or less,” said Litan.

The App Store Now Has Over 3,000 iPad Apps, Only 20 Percent Are Free — With iPad app frenzy in full force, the App Store is growing by the minute as iPad apps are being approved. Early this morning, Mobile ad exchange Mobclix tallied the number of apps and the breakdown between paid and free apps in the store.

Opera alerts EU to hidden Windows browser-ballot — IE wizard obscures choice? — Just when it seemed like Microsoft's European anti-trust tangle on browser choice in Windows was over, trouble is stirring again. — Opera Software has told The Reg that it has informed the European Union …

Fake Steve Jobs on the iPad, conflict of interest, and Apple's draconian PR tactics — It's no secret that there weren't many iPads given out ahead of time. Apple is, of course, notorious for their extreme secrecy and the hammer that inevitably comes down on leakers and embargo breakers.

Chatroulette Creator Andrey Ternovskiy Gets an iPad, Gives Us a Peek At Version 2.0 — All Things D's Drake Martinet spent a long cold night in front of the Palo Alto Apple store. He files this dispatch: — What do you do when you're 17, you're visiting the US from Russia, and you've created the Internet meme of the moment?

iPad Keeps Up with Columnist's Speedy Typing — Larry Magid: Apple's iPad Leans on Peripherals, Software if Company Truly Wants New Multimedia Tablet to Replace Laptops — (CBS) I wrote almost this entire column using an iPad, which partially answered my biggest question about the device: Can it replace a laptop PC?
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