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References to new iPhones, new iPod touch and new iPad found! — While today marks the first day the Apple iPad went on sale, it also gives us a glimpse into the upcoming stuff from Cupertino. One of our connects has been digging around the iPad filesystem and found references to the following:

Apple iPad review — The Apple iPad. The name is a killing word — more than a product — it's a statement, an idea, and potentially a prime mover in the world of consumer electronics. Before iPad it was called the Apple Tablet, the Slate, Canvas, and a handful of other guesses …

iPad App Review Marathon Live — We're going in and reviewing as many iPad apps as possible—LIVE—right now, and updating throughout the day. We'll start with the essential apps. If you have a specific app you want reviewed, let us know in the comments.
Mobile Entertainment, Gothamist, Macworld, App Advice, Mashable! and The Official Netflix Blog

The iPad is for Porn — Mainstream media companies aren't the only ones gearing up for the launch of the iPad this Saturday. iPad users will also soon have access to plenty of porn optimized for Apple's touch-screen device, thanks to a number of studios working feverishly on converting …

Square Turns Your iPad Into A Cash Register — As a general-purpose tablet, the iPad can be many things to many people: an ebook reader, a wireless TV, a touchscreen videogame console. But to store owners and business people it can also be a cash register, with the right app, of course.

Live Blogging the iPad's Big Day — Since the word “iPad” entered the collective consciousness back in January, there has been plenty of punditry about what Apple's new device means for the future of technology, media and life as we know it. On Saturday, people will finally be able to start making up their own minds about it.

Live Dispatch From The iPad Line At SF's Flagship Apple Store
Wall Street Journal, eWeek, TUAW, Jeff Clavier's Software Only, VentureBeat, Gizmodo, AppleInsider and Digits

ChatRoulette faces a stiff challenge in becoming a legit business — Video chat site ChatRoulette has been mocked by everyone from Jon Stewart on the Daily Show on down for the hordes of anonymous masturbators who sometimes lurk on the site. But Silicon Valley can't help falling in love with anything so trendy with young people.

Publishing's last hope — Commentary: Old media is expecting too much from the iPad — BERKELEY, Calif. (MarketWatch) — Print media seem to be pinning a lot of hopes on the iPad. — In addition to creating a fantastic media promotional blitz to jack up the public for the iPad …

cd-roms and ipads — Watching that $14 Elements demo …
Kindle Review, if:book, TeleRead, Bits, PC World, Geekosystem,, Boing Boing and brainwagon

Charging the iPad: Hit or miss — If you're used to charging your phone, music player, or device in the USB port of your computer, take note. So far, we've been unable to charge our iPads in any USB port on a non-Apple Computer. Apple Tech Support has told us that the iPad is designed …
Apple, Yahoo! News, TUAW, Daring Fireball, Electronista,, Silicon Alley Insider, Gizmodo and The Consumerist

Print-On-Demand Publisher VDM Infects Amazon — erich666 writes “In recent months a flood of so-called books have been appearing in Amazon's catalog. VDM Publishing's imprints Alphascript and Betascript Publishing have listed over 57,000 titles, adding at least 10,000 in the previous month alone.

Buying an iPad Day Zero: The Survival Guide — You didn't preorder an iPad. But you want one now. Can you still buy one? Where do you go? What's it going to be like? This is what you need to know to buy an iPad tomorrow. — Are there gonna iPads for people who didn't preorder? — Yes.

Digg's app comes to Android, minus some features — Digg users with Android devices, who might have been jealous of Digg's recently-launched iPhone/iPod app, now have one of their very own. — The good news is that it's free, and has the same, simple interface as its iPhone cousin.

NBC reevaluating streaming TV episodes to iPad — PEOPLE WHO READ THIS ALSO READ: — This weekend, developers, consumers, and companies will finally get entry to the iPad party. Unfortunately, there are still those uninterested in the affair—we've already seen companies like Random House hesitate.