Top Items:

Google under investigation for alleged breach of EU competition rules — The European Commission has launched an anti-trust investigation against Google after three online companies alleged that the internet giant's search functions were penalising their businesses.

Committed to competing fairly — As Google has grown, we've not surprisingly faced more questions about our role in the advertising ecosystem and our overall approach to competition. This kind of scrutiny goes with the territory when you are a large company.
Rob Hof's Blog, BetaNews, The Register, Engadget, Tech Eye, Reuters, Bloomberg, Softpedia News, Financial Times, SlashGear, Silicon Republic,, Erictric, Between the Lines, Tom Foremski: IMHO, Pocket-lint, Ars Technica, Tech Daily Dose, The Next Web and Silicon Valley Watcher, Thanks:thenextweb

EU Opens Antitrust Investigation Into Google. Microsoft's Fingerprints Are Everywhere. — Uh oh. The European Union has apparently opened an antitrust investigation into Google to look into claims made by three Internet companies. Google is expected to announce the probe later today, the Wall Street Journal reports.

Serious threat to the web in Italy — In late 2006, students at a school in Turin, Italy filmed and then uploaded a video to Google Video that showed them bullying an autistic schoolmate. The video was totally reprehensible and we took it down within hours of being notified by the Italian police.

Google execs convicted in Italy for Down's video — *Video showed bullying of boy with Down's — A Milan court has convicted three Google Inc (GOOG.O) executives for the 2006 transmission of a video showing the bullying of a youth with Down's syndrome, the judge in the case told Reuters on Wednesday.

Apple COO Tim Cook: ‘We Have No Interest In Being In The TV Market’ (AAPL) — Apple COO Tim Cook says Apple will continue to invest in its Apple TV set-top box “hobby,” despite its relatively low popularity. — Why? — “We're continuing to invest in it because our gut tells us there's something there …
Telegraph, bijan sabet, Gizmodo, CrunchGear, Erictric, Daring Fireball, Gearlog, Gizmodo Australia, Digital Daily and …

Apple's Tim Cook on the iPad and the Company's Mobile Future … Tim Cook, Apple's chief operating officer, is one of the keynote speakers at Goldman Sachs' annual tech conference in San Francisco. The event allows investors to hear from top executives at tech companies from Microsoft and Google to Netflix and WebMD.

Yahoo Dramatically Expands Twitter Relationship in Next Stage of “Project Rushmore” (Complete With Cutesy Bird Puns) — Yahoo announced tonight that it is dramatically expanding its relationship with Twitter, integrating it broadly through its Web site, much in the same way it did recently with Facebook.
PC World, The Register, Bits, AdAge, ReadWriteWeb, Between the Lines, Fast Company, Yahoo! Developer Network Blog, Pulse2, paidContent and Mashable!

Yahoo strikes content-sharing partnership with Twitter
Twitter Blog, Relevant Results, TechCrunch, Yahoo! Search Blog, GigaOM, The Next Web, Mashable!, Web Analytics World and Search Engine Journal

Apple Quietly Reinstates Banned Bikini Shopping App … Apple appears to have quietly reinstated a shopping app from a beachwear retailer that sells bikinis. — As previously reported, Apple pulled the app by Simply Beach, an online beachwear retailer, as part of its great sexy apps purge over the weekend.

AT&T Roars Back in PCWorld's Second 3G Wireless Performance Test — After generating disappointing results in our tests last spring, AT&T's 3G network is now the top performer in our 13-city tests, with download speeds 67 percent faster than its competitors'. — Recommends
Discussion:, SFGate, AndroidSPIN, MobileContentToday, Boy Genius Report, Technologizer, I4U News, EverythingiCafe, SlashGear, VoIP Watch, App Advice,, The Microsoft Blog, Android and Me, Digital Daily, Phone Arena, MobileCrunch, AppleInsider, USA Today, MacRumors, TechFlash, 9 to 5 Mac, Electronista and Engadget

Apple Confirms: iPad Uses PowerVR SGX Graphics Hardware — While this shouldn't be much of a surprise to most, Apple has confirmed that the iPad uses the same family of graphics chip as the iPhone and iPod Touch. According to reports, Apple's latest iPad SDK Beta 3 documentation confirms this …

Initial iPad Demand Greater Than Initial iPhone Demand
MacRumors, Podcasting News, Gizmodo Australia, Gizmodo, Tech Trader Daily and Tech Check with Jim Goldman, Thanks:atul

Mobile Cloud Computing: $9.5 Billion by 2014 — According to the latest study from Juniper Research, the market for cloud-based mobile applications will grow 88% from 2009 to 2014. The market was just over $400 million this past year, says Juniper, but by 2014 it will reach $9.5 billion.

Twitter growth prompts switch from MySQL to ‘NoSQL’ database — Hopes open source technology can further boost improving Twitter uptime record — Computerworld - Ryan King, an engineer at Twitter, today told the blog MyNoSQL that the social networking company plans to move from MySQL …

When using open source makes you an enemy of the state — The US copyright lobby has long argued against open source software - now Indonesia's in the firing line for encouraging the idea in government departments — It's only Tuesday and already it's been an interesting week for the world of digital rights.

Cell phones show human movement predictable 93% of the time — We'd like to think of ourselves as dynamic, unpredictable individuals, but according to new research, that's not the case at all. In a study published in last week's Science, researchers looked at customer location data culled from cellular service providers.

Windows Phone 7: What's behind chassis doors 1, 2 and 3? — Microsoft execs have been explaining and re-explaining what the company's decision to tighten its mobile requirements will mean for both its phone makers and customers when the Windows Phone 7 Series phones start shipping late this year.

MagicJack Tries To Silence Boing Boing; Loses And Has To Pay $50,000 — MagicJack, a VoIP-dongle solution that I've used in the past, has a reputation as a product that actually works pretty well, but the company behind it has some serious problems. It's marketed aggressively on cable TV …

Intel Was Attacked at the Same Time as Google — Updated Adding update from Intel spokesman about the possibility of other similarities between the Google and Intel attacks. — Intel said that it was a victim of a “sophisticated” cyber-attack that occurred around the same …
Help Net Security, Threat Level, Softpedia News, Reuters, Ars Technica, Gizmodo Australia, The Register, Tech Eye and threatpost

Google Android's self-destruction derby begins — The dark side of the flood of new Android smartphones: versions run amok — Simply put, it's too much of a good thing. Every few days, another Google Android device is announced, as hardware makers and wireless carriers rally around …

Take a Step Closer for an Invitation to Shop — LIKE many retailers, the North Face has been having trouble luring shoppers into its stores. The company, which sells outdoor apparel and gear, is about to try a new tactic: sending people text messages as soon as they get near a store.

Cablevision Promises to Introduce Your PC to Your TV — What if you could move the contents of your PC directly onto your TV? If you're a tech-savvy reader, you may already be doing this. And if you're not, you may wonder why you'd want to. — But Cablevision says it will let any of …

Augmented Identity App Helps You Identify and Friend Perfect Strangers, Face to Face — By this point, we're all familiar with augmented reality, but Swedish mobile software firm The Astonishing Tribe is taking information overload to the next logical step: augmented identity.

SugarSync beefs up service: More storage, email-based doc syncs — Syncing documents among multiple computers and smartphones is a pain in the kisser. SugarSync, which offers subscription sync services for as low as $4.99 a month, has added a clever feature based on everyone's favorite ad …