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HTC Desire: your Nexus One with Sense and Flash has arrived (video) — The one thing you'll never see on a stock Nexus One is a skinned interface like Sense or TouchWiz — they're just not Google enough for a phone commissioned and sold directly by Mountain View.
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HTC Legend Is Official, and Officially The Nicest Android Phone Money Can Buy — Not only is HTC's Legend their best-looking Android phone to date, I'm going to throw my hat in the ring and say it's the best-looking Android phone period. Created from a single piece of aluminum, it's more than MacBook-esque.

HTC's triple threat: Legend, Desire, and HD Mini
Telegraph, MobileCrunch, mocoNews, Engadget, Mobile Tech Addicts and Windows Phone

Jobs Is Said to Assist With Book on His Life — SAN FRANCISCO — A handful of presumptive biographers have, over the years, tried to tell the remarkable story of Steven P. Jobs: the youthful visionary who, after being ousted from Apple, the company he helped to found, triumphantly returned to lead a new era of high-tech innovation.
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Steve Jobs' 6 Sneakiest Statements — Steve Jobs was reportedly wearing a top hat when he visited New York publishers last week. It's a fitting lid for the Apple CEO, who can be as tricky as a magician. — Jobs has a knack for throwing off Apple watchers with his masterful misdirections.

Google admits Buzz testing flaws — Google has admitted to BBC News that testing of its controversial social network Buzz was insufficient. — The firm has had to make a series of changes to the service after a ferocious backlash from users concerned about intrusions of privacy.
Silicon Alley Insider, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim,, Search Engine Journal and Lifehacker

Google Buzz is planning more changes to please — and appease — users
Wall Street Journal, GigaOM, Los Angeles Times, TechCrunch, ChannelWeb, Digital Daily and GMSV

Windows Phone 7 Series: The good, the bad and the ugly — Earlier today, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer announced Windows Phone 7 Series at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. The new operating system is a bold move for Microsoft, which is looking to reinvigorate its mobile strategy.

Will all Xbox games work on Windows Phone 7 devices?
Fast Company, istartedsomething, Gizmodo, Engadget,, Recombu, ZuneBoards and Electronista

MWC: Windows Phone 7 Series Marketplace Screenshots
Engadget, Gizmodo, Coolsmartphone News,, Electricpig, and

First Peek at Stealth Startup From Facebook's Dave Morin & Sean Fanning of Napster — Three weeks ago Facebook Platform Manager Dave Morin announced he was leaving the company to start a stealthy new startup with Napster founder Sean Fanning. — The new company is called Path …

T-Mobile launching 21Mbps webConnect Rocket, HTC HD2 next month — During Deutsche Telekom's press conference this morning at MWC, Cole Brodman — T-Mobile USA's CTO — went on record with the news that it'll be launching its first 21Mbps HSPA+ USB modem next month across the country, the webConnect Rocket.
Business Wire, CNET News, I4U News, PC Magazine,, TmoNews, mocoNews, eWeek, Electronista and WMExperts

T-Mobile's webConnect Rocket Is a Mobile Broadband Missile

RIM Unveils WebKit Internet Browser to Compete With IPhone — Feb. 16 (Bloomberg) — Research In Motion Ltd., maker of the BlackBerry phone, unveiled an overhauled Internet browser for its devices today to attract more non-business customers. — “Today we are announcing an exciting …
GigaOM, blogs, mocoNews, jkOnTheRun, Softpedia News, Phone Scoop and

Verizon to allow unlimited Skype calling over 3G starting next month — We may be way off base here, but we're pretty sure the game just got upended. Days after AT&T appeased the masses by finally enabling 3G streaming over the iPhone's SlingPlayer app, Verizon Wireless has one-upped that gesture in a [big] gargantuan way.

Google Hires eBay Veteran for New Commerce Position — Google said Tuesday that Stephanie Tilenius was joining the company as vice president of commerce, a new position. — Google said little about the role of Ms. Tilenius, a veteran eBay executive who announced in late September that she would leave that company.
L.A. Times Tech Blog

You, Too, Can Soon Be Like Tom Cruise in ‘Minority Report’ — Hollywood imitates life. And sometimes life imitates Hollywood. — John Underkoffler, who led the team that came up with the interface that Tom Cruise's character used in the 2002 movie “Minority Report,” co-founded a company …

Mayor of the North Pole — I've been blatantly cheating at foursquare for the past week. I didn't mean to start the week this way. Most of my friends know me as a responsible father who occasionally plays piano at local open mics, and makes puzzles. — Last Sunday, while checking …

iPad deals with publishers face hurdles — Newspaper and magazine publishers are stumbling over key issues, such as sharing subscription revenues, as they consider deals to offer digital versions of their products on Apple's iPad digital media device. — These talks are in early stages …
AppleInsider, Silicon Alley Insider, iLounge, EverythingiCafe, Gizmodo, TiPb, 9 to 5 Mac and MacRumors

RIM's Lazaridis warns iPhone is prophet of data network doom — BlackBerry maker Research In Motion (RIM) has launched a call for economy in smartphone application design. — With Apple's thousands of developers clearly in the company's sights, RIM co-CEO Mike Lazaridis warned that the iPhone …
TechCrunch, CNET News, PC Magazine, Reuters, Times of India, AppleInsider, Tech Central, Gizmodo and Boy Genius Report

RIM Introduces BlackBerry Enterprise Server Express — Research In Motion, maker of the BlackBerry smartphones, announces a version of its Enterprise Server aimed at cost-conscious businesses. — Wireless solutions specialist and BlackBerry creator Research In Motion introduced BlackBerry …
Between the Lines, Electronista, CNET News, The Toybox, Boy Genius Report, Phone Scoop and Gizmodo

Vodafone warns Google's power could harm consumer choice — • Google's domination of search market ‘should be looked at’ — • Colao also calls for greater portability of apps — Vodafone boss Vittorio Colao has warned mobile phone executives about Google's growing power …
The Register