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EXCLUSIVE Breaking News : Windows Phone 7 Details Emerge From The Depths — With the Mobile World Congress event making its way around the corner, we can all be for certain that it is inevitable for Windows Phone 7 to make its long awaited debut. That being said, there have been rumours floating …
Engadget, MobileTechWorld,, Gizmodo, SlashGear, and

MacBook Pro Core i7 caught GeekBenching itself — If you were excited about the prospect of Core i5 MacBook Pros, which Intel briefly offered up in a contest last month, you are going to be pretty stoked about today's news from MacRumors. — Their forum members found a GeekBench scoring done yesterday …

Unreleased Core i7 MacBook Pro 6,1 Benchmarked? Supplies Constrained — A Geekbench result posted to their site on February 4th has generated a lot of excitement in our forums. The report seems to reveal the results for an unreleased Arrandale MacBook Pro running at 2.66GHz.

Walt Mossberg, David Carr And Michael Arrington Talk iPad With Charlie Rose — Charlie Rose had The Wall Street Journal/All Things D's Walt Mossberg, The New York Times' David Carr and our own Michael Arrington on his show Thursday night to talk about the Apple iPad.

Forrester tells analysts no more personally-branded research blogs with interesting implications for analyst relations — Credible reports - since confirmed - are coming into SageCircle that Forrester management has set a new policy that analysts with personally-branded research blogs must …

Forrester crimps bloggers: epic E2.0 fail — According to Sage Circle, Forrester plans to crimp its analysts from expressing themselves on personal blogs. I first heard of this (where else?) on Twitter via Jim Holincheck, Gartner Analyst. From SageCircle:

Looks Like Google May Have A Super Bowl Commercial — While Google is a company built on advertising, for the most part it has stayed out of advertising itself on the dominant medium: television. Yes, there have been those short ads for Chrome and a few for Android that it has been involved with.

Conan Who? NBC Disappears “The Tonight Show” From the Web. — Remember the whole Conan O'Brien/Jay Leno imbroglio from last month? Perhaps NBC wishes you didn't. The GE (GE) unit has removed every episode of the show's seven-month run from its site, as well as Hulu …

Proposed battery restrictions could crimp e-commerce, air travel — Stricter federal rules would affect gadget-loving fliers, electronics makers — Computerworld - Buying your next laptop computer or smartphone online could suddenly get a lot more expensive if a little-known U.S. Department …

HTC HD2 Coming March 24th, Zeppelin Called Cliq XT? — While we have no reason to doubt the authenticity of such images, this one comes the way of and a user on their forums. A few notables here are the launch date of the HTC HD2 on 3/24, Moto Cliq XT (aka Zeppelin) on 3/10 as expected and the Nokia Nuron, on 3/17.
Engadget, WMExperts, MobileTechWorld, Android Central,, Geekword, Softpedia News and I4U News

What Your Choice of Search Engine Says About You — Wunderman Study Finds Distinct Purchasing Habits Among Bing, Google and Yahoo Users — NEW YORK ( — What does your search engine say about you? Well, if it's Bing, you're probably an early adopter, but you also visit …

FCC worries about iPad bandwidth congestion — The iPad could potentially cause serious havoc for US data networks, say people writing on behalf of the Federal Communications Commission. Updating an official blog, Phil Bellaria, director of scenario planning for the Omnibus Broadband Initiative …