Top Items:
Making URLs shorter for Google Toolbar and FeedBurner — This morning, we launched updated versions of the Google Toolbar and FeedBurner that offer a new URL shortening service from Google called the Google URL Shortener. We mentioned our URL shortener as a feature in both announcements …
Search Engine Watch, Mashable!, The Apple Core, I4U News, Between the Lines, Google Blogoscoped, PC World, The Next Web Network, Screenwerk, Saad Kamal, Bits, Digital Inspiration, The Register, Ubergizmo, WebProNews, paidContent, ChannelWeb, CNET News, TechSpot, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Download Squad, Search Engine Land, Maximum PC, Domain Name News and Gizmodo
Announcing Pro — Today we're pleased to announce a new service: Pro. The Pro service provides custom short URLs powered by Publishers and bloggers will be able to use their own short domain names to point to pages on their sites. — As part of our initial beta program …
Facebook Testing New URL Shortener, — URL shorteners, like, have become a popular way for people to share links on Twitter while taking up as few of the allotted 140 characters as possible. But saving space is just one of the benefits that shorteners provide.
Saad Kamal, Mashable!,, VentureBeat, WebProNews, Silicon Alley Insider,, The Next Web Network and VatorNews
![](/img/pml.png) Just Got Fu.kd: Facebook And Google Get Into The Short URL Game — Moments after we heard reports of Facebook's new URL shortener, Google launched its own service, aptly called — At the moment, its only being used for Google Toolbar and Feedburner.
Author Grants Exclusive E-Book Rights to Amazon — Ever since electronic books emerged as a major growth market, New York's largest publishing houses have worried that big-name authors might sign deals directly with e-book retailers or other new ventures, bypassing traditional publishers entirely.
A Word About Twitter Commercial Accounts — Many people have asked us about Twitter's planned commercial account offering and what it means for CoTweet. Twitter has been planning for commercial accounts for a long time. Today Anamitra Banerji from Twitter's Product Team posted to their blog …
Twitter Starts Testing Features for Businesses — We know that Twitter believes that businesses are central to helping grow and monetize the microblogging service; recent integrations with Citysearch and LinkedIn have foretold its interest in the space. — Today though, Twitter has begun …
Is Facebook unethical, clueless or unlucky? — Sent this to my email newsletter earlier today... you can join the list at — Title: Is Facebook unethical, clueless or unlucky? — Location: CalaCompound, Brentwood, CA — Subscribers: 18,463
Socializing your feed with Twitter — Sometimes you reach across the hedgerow to share with your nearby neighbors. Other times, members of the household move away and yet you can't keep from calling to remind them to wear a hat and such because it's chilly out.
Google, Twitter, WordPress & Facebook: Publish/Subscribe Matrix …
The Wall Opens A Bit More: Facebook To Publish User Updates To Twitter This Week — A lot has been said recently about Facebook's decision to re-write its privacy rulebook to encourage users to be more open about what they share. Privacy implications aside, at least it appears that Facebook is eating its own dogfood.
Inside Facebook
Microsoft pulls China blog site amid code-theft charges — Microsoft said late Monday that is suspending access to an MSN China microblogging site amid allegations the service is based on code swiped from a rival. — Canadian start-up Plurk lashed out at Microsoft earlier on Monday …
Facebook For Android Just Got A Big Upgrade, Is Catching Up To Its iPhone Cousin — For quite a while now now, one of the biggest problems with Android has been its app support. In particular, the Facebook application has been quite limited: you could read your News Feed …
Google Phone With T-Mobile Contract in January: Source — FRANKFURT/SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Google Inc will sell a version of its own-branded cellphone for a reduced price to U.S. consumers who agree to a service contract from Deutsche Telekom's T-Mobile USA, a source familiar with the matter said.
The Bride Wore Snowflakes — Marissa Mayer, the gorgeous Google-ite who makes the world searchable for the likes of us, was married on Saturday on San Francisco's Treasure Island to the entrepreneur Zack Bogue. Mayer, who in her office life favors sheaths and cardigans from Oscar de la Renta …
Find people faster with LinkedIn's new faceted search — Here at LinkedIn, we believe that people search is one of the most valuable new areas of search technology. Late last year, we announced the launch of the new people search platform, rebuilt from the ground up.
Fuse: What Your Next Touch Phone Is Going to Feel Like — Fuse is what Synaptics—who probably made the trackpad you're swirling your finger on, and maybe your phone's touchscreen—says the next generation of touch phones will be like: You'll be squeezing, touching and stroking the phone, all over.
SlashGear, NEWSFACTOR, PC World, Mobile Whack, Synaptics, IntoMobile, Technologizer, Electronista, VentureBeat, Engadget and
ZumoDrive Lands $1.5 Million For Cloud Storage And Syncing Application — File syncing and storage startup Zumodrive has raised $1.5 million in funding led by Sherpalo Ventures with Tandem Entrepreneurs and VeriFone CEO Douglas Bergeron participating. We initially reviewed Zumodrive here.
Best Buy, Samsung, Westinghouse, 11 more named in GPL lawsuit — Best Buy, Samsung, Westinghouse and JVC are among 14 consumer electronics companies named in a copyright infringement lawsuit filed today in New York by the Software Freedom Law Center. — According to the complaint (.pdf) …
Boxee Beta Leaks on BitTorrent — Interested in trying out the latest version of Boxee with its fancy new UI? Beta is now available for download from The Pirate Bay. [TPB]
The Unofficial Google Text-To-Speech API — Last month Google unveiled enhancements to Google Translate. Among the new features was a simple text-to-speech function. You can try it out, or watch this video to see how it works (skip to 0:45). — There's no official API for the text-to-speech service.
Green light for internet filter plans — The Federal Government has detailed its plan to require internet service providers (ISPs) in Australia to block a list of banned material. — When Parliament resumes next year the Government plans to introduce amendments that will require ISPs to block banned material on overseas servers.
Swype swipes new venture round — Just a few weeks ago, Swype introduced its text input technology on the Samsung Omnia II, offering a new way for mobile phone users to compose messages with the “swype” of a finger rather than the traditional tap. Now, news comes that Samsung …
One Of The 32 Million With A RockYou Account? You May Want To Change All Your Passwords. Like Now. — It's no secret that most people use the same password over and over again for most of the services they sign up for. While it's obviously convenient, this becomes a major problem if one of those services is compromised.
The Mac's holiday momentum — A pair of analysts see an end-of-the-year uptick in Apple's computer sales — “Our conversations with industry contacts suggest that the Mac shipment levels have improved over the last two weeks,” writes J.P. Morgan's Mark Moskowitz in a report to clients issued Monday morning.
How LG is getting teens to think before they text — With its “Give It A Ponder” campaign, the handset maker walks the line between lecture and laughs — LG's viral marketing campaign is using humor to get teens to think before they text. Image: Facebook.
Between the Lines
Gamer population surges — consoles in 60% of households — Video game console usage is hitting new heights, with 60 percent of U.S. households now owning a video game console, based on the fourth annual State of Media Democracy report based on a survey of the media habits of Americans.