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The Google Phone Is Very Real. And It's Coming Soon — The debate over Droid v. iPhone rages on, but lots more Android surprises are on the way. Get ready for the Google Phone. It's no longer a myth, it's real. — The next “super” Android device will almost certainly be a HTC phone that's …
Tech Central, News, Android Central, IntoMobile, Engadget, PMP Today, Kindle Review, SlashGear, Gizmodo and Seeking Alpha, Thanks:atul

Explore images with Google Image Swirl, now in Labs — Back in 2001, to give people a new, quicker way to find images, we launched Image Search. When you do a search for [eiffel tower] you'll find an array of images of the tower in the daytime, in black and white, at sunset and more.
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Nokia dropping Symbian from N-Series by 2012 — This evening, at the official N900 meet-up in London, the Maemo marketing team revealed that Nokia plan to drop Symbian from the entire ‘top end’ N-Series range of handsets in favour of Maemo by 2012. — The future for N-Series: Maemo
The Register, jkOnTheRun, IntoMobile, SlashGear, Gizmodo, Engadget Mobile and All About Symbian

Google Holding Chrome OS Event Thursday. Complete Overview And Launch Plans To Be Revealed. — Google is planning to hold a special Chrome OS event at its headquarters in Mountain View, CA this Thursday morning, we've just been notified. The plan is to give some technical background information …

Microsoft's Ray Ozzie: Apps don't make your phone special — Microsoft's chief software architect Ray Ozzie weighed in at Microsoft's Professional Developers Conference today on the battle between different smartphone platforms (including Windows Mobile). It's not the applications available …

Digg CEO: Profitability Is Not A Problem Anymore — launched as experiment in 2004 to let people post articles from various news sources, which are then either selected by other users for inclusion on the main page or passed over. Now with about 40 million users …

A tale of two Diggs — NEW YORK—You had two options if you wanted to hang out with Digg founder Kevin Rose at the Web 2.0 Expo conference this week: head over to the lobby bar of the trendy Standard Hotel on Monday night, where Digg was picking up the tab for several dozen of the city's blogger elite …

Feds: Top e-tailers profitting from billion-dollar Web scam — Note 1:09 p.m. PT: This post is being updated as the Senate hearing takes place Tuesday afternoon. — Three companies have generated more than $1.4 billion by “misleading” Web shoppers into signing up for so-called loyalty program memberships …
Techdirt,, The Hill, eWeek, Sunbelt Blog, Daily News and Slashdot

Why imeem Really Sold Out — This morning news broke that MySpace, the second-largest social network that's currently reinventing itself as a music destination, was buying imeem, a free online music service that has been remixed (and remade) more times that '90s dance anthem “Keep on Moving”.

Music: Too Expensive to Be Free, Too Free to Be Expensive

T-Mobile staff sold personal data — Staff at mobile phone company T-Mobile passed on millions of records from thousands of customers to third party brokers, the firm has confirmed. — Details emerged after the firm alerted the information commissioner, who said his office was preparing a prosecution.
Softpedia News, mocoNews, Mashable!, IntoMobile, CNET News, Mobile Tech Addicts, MobileCrunch, Engadget Mobile, Graham Cluley's blog, Computerworld, and News, Thanks:blogfisher

PDC 2009: Windows Server's plan to move customers back off the cloud — Much of the value proposition for Windows Azure — the star of the show Tuesday at PDC 2009 in Los Angeles — has been its ability to open up new business avenues for customers who had not been able to envision hosting high-intensity data center operations before.

Google Squeezes LexisNexis and Westlaw Hard — Google's Uncle Sam service is arguably a more effective way to find information from various US government entities. I heard a couple of years ago that Google was indexing the content on various state servers.

Finding the laws that govern us
Screenwerk, Softpedia News, CNET News, metarand, WebProNews, ReadWriteWeb, Daily News and ResourceShelf

How Microsoft Blew It With Windows Mobile — Microsoft Windows continues to dominate the PC market with a 90 percent market-share stronghold, but when it comes to smartphones, Microsoft is getting beat up worse than a mustachioed villain in a Jackie Chan movie.

How Much Money Did Joyent Really Raise? — Intel today said it had invested an undisclosed amount in Joyent, the six year old Sausalito, Calif.-based start-up that started out as a web hosting company but eventually evolved into a cloud service provide. Neither Intel, nor Joyent disclosed …

Stephen Fry talks Twitter - “human shaped, not business shaped” — Twitter is a massively popular social networking and micro-blogging site that has gained an inordinate amount of headlines and copy over the past year or so. But what is the nature of Twitter?

Yahoo Go Is A No Go — Before there was an iPhone, Android and App Store, there was Yahoo! Go. Launched in 2006, Yahoo! Go was an application offered news, mail, weather, traffic, and Yahoo! search from a mobile device. Today, Yahoo is announcing that Yahoo! Go will be shutdown on January 12, 2010.
Search Engine Land, mocoNews, CNET News, Search Engine Watch, Softpedia News, IntoMobile, SitePoint, Phone Scoop and MobileContentToday

Microsoft feeds Excel to supercomputer — Windows HPC chases Linux — SC09 If the quants in financial services get tools for running their models more quickly, will the economy get better or worse? Who knows? But thanks to Microsoft, we're all going to find out.

ASUS best, HP worst for notebook reliability — A new study published by SquareTrade revealed that the smaller name brand notebook manufacturers are usually more reliable than their larger rivals. Of the top nine, ASUS has the lowest tracked breakdown rate with fewer than 10 percent of its notebooks failing in the past two years.
CrunchGear, Gizmodo, MobileContentToday, Liliputing, TheAppleBlog,, Engadget, 9 to 5 Mac, TechSpot, Digital Trends, TUAW and Ubergizmo

Crowdsourced cartography in PublicEarth, OpenStreetMap — Wikipedia killed the encyclopedia business, in print and online, as it's hard to make a revenue model work that involves paying people to create content when there are hordes of enthusiastic experts around the world willing to do the job for free.
TechCrunch, Rex Hammock's, All Points Blog, Hacking NetFlix and ReadWriteStart

Microsoft and SAP Again Team Up Against Oracle — As tech companies expand into one another's turf, rivalries are often created or intensify. So it should come as no surprise to see some deals that can be summed up as the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Seeking Alpha

Norwest Closes $1.2 Billion Venture Fund — Norwest Venture Partners (NVP), one of the most respected funds in Silicon Valley, says that it has closed NVP XI, a $1.2 Billion fund that would invest in diverse sectors and geographies. NVP, which recently recorded a major hit with the $405 million sale …

Hulu Steps Into Music With EMI and Norah Jones — Hulu, the joint online venture between NBC, Fox and ABC that mostly offers free TV shows and movies, is about to start singing a different tune: music videos. — On Wednesday the company plans to announce a somewhat limited deal with EMI …

Report: Countries prepping for cyberwar — Major countries and nation-states are engaged in a “Cyber Cold War,” amassing cyberweapons, conducting espionage, and testing networks in preparation for using the Internet to conduct war, according to a new report to be released on Tuesday by McAfee.

Internet Explorer 9 not coming at PDC — LOS ANGELES—Although Microsoft intends to talk a bit about its plans for the future of Internet Explorer this week, the company won't offer preview code of its next browser, CNET has learned. — The software maker is also not planning to announce …