Top Items:

Midnight Droid madness in Manhattan — NEW YORK—More than a hundred people were lined up at midnight outside a Verizon Wireless store in midtown Manhattan to be among the first people to buy the new Motorola Droid. — About 65 eager shoppers lined the south side of West 34th Street across …
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Fever Pitch: It's Droid Day, Enjoy The Moment. — If you are a tech lover, there is nothing quite like the launch day of a much hyped new gadget. Expectations run high. And since those expectations are rarely satisfied once you have the special little device in hand, it's a moment to savor.

Confirmed: Skype Founders Settle With eBay And Others, Get 14% Stake In Skype, Not 10% — eBay has just announced that it has reached a settlement with the founders of Skype, clearing the way for the sale of the Internet communication company to a consortium formed by private equity firm …
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Andreessen On Skype: “This Is One Of The Most Important Companies On the Internet.” — Earlier this morning, Niklas Zennström and Janus Friis settled their lawsuits with eBay and a syndicate of investors in return for a 14 percent stake in the company they founded.

Retweet Limited Rollout — We've just activated a feature called retweet on a very small percentage of accounts in order to see how it works in the wild. Retweet is a button that makes forwarding a particularly interesting tweet to all your followers very easy.

Twitter Starts Curating Trending Topic Tweets — Twitter's Trending Topics area is one of the easiest things to game on the web. Even when trends start out as real items, spammers often latch onto them with bogus tweets hoping to ride the wave and get some people seeing their spammy nonsense.

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A new design for LinkedIn — Some of you may have noticed a new site navigation experience on LinkedIn. We are in the process of testing a new design. During this testing phase, some users will see the new design, while others will not. — What's New

Seesmic Web Gets Lists, Geolocation and Trending Topic Support — On Monday, Seesmic introduced Twitter Lists to Seesmic Desktop. Today, Team Seesmic is bringing Twitter Lists to the Seesmic Web client, as well as geolocation support and Trending Topics. — This brings Seesmic Web closer …

Google CEO: Hopefully we won't repeat Microsoft's past mistakes — Eric Schmidt appeared on Fox Business Network tonight for an extensive interview with host Neil Cavuto, who pressed the Google CEO a couple times over whether the company has the potential to become the next Microsoft …

Betting on a Metal-Air Battery Breakthrough — A government-funded start-up claims it can make ionic liquid energy storage feasible. — A spinoff from Arizona State University says it can develop a metal-air battery that dramatically outperforms the best lithium-ion batteries on the market …

Giz Explains: Android, and How It Will Take Over the World — This week we met Motorola's Droid, the first handset with Android 2.0. To an outsider, it just looks like another Google smartphone, but 2.0 is more than that: it's proof that Android is finally going to take over the world.

GetJar: The unknown app store leader — I'm sure you've heard of Apple's App Store for the iPhone. But have you ever heard of an independent mobile app store called GetJar? — No? Well, that's not surprising. The tiny company now based in Silicon Valley has done virtually no marketing.

Microsoft College Tour 09: mindblowing natural user interface concept demos from Microsoft Research — It turns out 2019 is getting closer every day. At the moment, Microsoft's chief research and strategy officer Craig Mundie is doing the rounds at a number of prestigious colleges …

Woman to Broadcast Birth on Internet — Social Network for Mothers to Stream Live Video of Delivery — For many people, it's one of life's most intimate moments. But for a 23-year-old Minnesota teacher, the birth of her first child will be an event open to anyone in the world.

Apple is coming to Broadway — The Big Apple's newest Mac store is opening on the Upper West Side next Saturday — Media invitations went out Friday for a press preview of the new Apple Store in Manhattan — the city's fourth — scheduled to be unveiled Saturday, Nov. 14.

Inventor of mobile phones says they have become ‘too complicated’ — Mobile phones with cameras and music players are too complicated, according to the inventor of the device. — Martin Cooper, who was the lead engineer of the Motorola team that developed the mobile phone …

AT&T launching white BlackBerry 8900? — One of our connects just hit us up with this shot, and it would appear that RIM has a theme going on. Step 1: make successful handset in black, step 2: relaunch said handset in white. Almost a month after the vastly popular vanilla BlackBerry Bold hit the streets …

Reframe It Claims Google Sidewiki Emulates its Web Annotation Service — Table of Contents: — Reframe It believes Google's Sidewiki Web annotation service is a little close to its own Web annotation service for comfort. Reframe CEO Bobby Fishkin argued that Google Sidewiki features …
Google Watch

Controversial email blocklist SORBS sold — GFI Software has confirmed the purchase of sometimes controversial spam blocklist provider SORBS for a reported $451,000. — Spam and Open Relay Blocking System (SORBS) has maintained a list of email servers suspected of sending or relaying spam since 2002.

Boxee Beta Coming December 7 — NYC-based Boxee will release the long-awaited beta version of its Web video-watching software on Dec. 7, MediaMemo's Peter Kafka tweets. — It'll be shown off at an event at the Music Hall of Williamsburg. — Boxee is basically a Web video browser designed …

Microsoft To Offer Application Marketplace In Sharepoint 2010 — Microsoft will offer an application marketplace within Sharepoint 2010 that will integrate with third-party applications from its partner network. No date has been set for the marketplace lauch but it will evolve from …

Louvre App ships as Louvre Apple store opens — The acclaimed Musée du Louvre has introduced its own App through the App Store as Apple moves to open its first retail store to the French public in Paris at the Louvre Carrousel tomorrow morning. — The Louvre App lets iPhone …

Essay: Steve Jobs' Legacy Is Missing Clue to Apple Tablet — If you've only been half paying attention, you probably think that the Apple Tablet is a done deal. It isn't. Outside the impervious hallways of One Infinite Loop, the tablet remains a technological unicorn …

Smartphone, Ahem, ‘Converged Device’ Sales Continue to Climb — Smartphone sales continued to hum along in the third quarter, with worldwide shipments up 4.2% in the period compared to a year ago, according to new data from technology research firm IDC. — The total of 43.3 million smartphones …

Leaked PDF Reveals Google Voice International Plans — Google Voice is arguably the US equivalent to Spotify. Nothing but good things have been spoken about the service and international Google fanatics are waiting enviously for the day Google announces international availability.

Sean Parker's “Causes” to Leave MySpace: Does It Matter? — The wildly popular nonprofit fundraising application Causes reportedly emailed users of its MySpace app on Tuesday to tell them that all Causes will be removed from MySpace on Friday morning, in three days.