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Apple tablet: For video, not books? — Chatting with a Canadian analyst, Cupertino execs offer hints about Apple's future plans — Apple executives (AAPL) have strict rules about not discussing products that the company has not announced. But they'll talk about market opportunities …

iTunes Updated to 9.0.2, Pre Sync is Dead. Again. — Here we go again. Apple has updated iTunes to version 9.0.2 and Palm Pre sync is dead again using webOS 1.2.1, despite Palm's Hurculean efforts to spoof nearly every aspect of USB identification known to mankind.

Apple Introduces Apple TV 3.0 Software With Redesigned User Interface
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Facebook awarded $711 million in spam lawsuit — Facebook was awarded $711 million in damages in a judgment Thursday against self-described “spam king” Sanford Wallace. — Judge Jeremy Fogel of the U.S. District Court of the Northern District of California granted Facebook's application …

Introducing Cisco's FlipShare TV — How I love thee, FCC, and thy never-ending bounty of product announcements. Scanning through the filings this evening, I solved the Flip remote control radiation test report mystery. After perusing the unreleased “FlipShare TV” product manual …

Google Wave to be opened for federation today! Yes, for you to host. — We've just learned that Google might announce the opening of their Google Wave servers for federation later today. — So what does this mean? There are currently two major Wave infrastructures in place, both operated by Google.

Total Cost of Ownership: Motorola Droid vs iPhone 3GS vs Palm Pre vs MyTouch 3G — After months and months of blogger buzz and a heavy veil of secrecy, the new Motorola Droid by Verizon Wireless is set to launch within days, just in time for the holiday season.
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Sprint: Android, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile Updates Coming — Sprint executive David Owens sat down for a virtual chat on Sprint's Web site with consumers today, and updated folks with some good news about his carrier's plans. — Google Android OS updates are coming for the HTC Hero and Samsung Moment.

ICANN Moves Ahead With Non-Latin Web Addresses (Video) — As expected, regulatory body ICANN has approved plans to let web addresses be written in non-Latin characters in a move that it calls the “biggest technical change” to how the Internet works since its invention four decades ago.

For Facebook And Zappos, Two Divergent Views Of Its Employees — For fast-growing technology start-ups, there are many approaches to employee hiring and retention. — Two of the more successful Internet start-ups, Facebook Inc. and Zappos Inc., have very different methods …

27-inch iMacs having performance issues? — It's not at all clear what the root cause of the problem is, but we've noticed a big uptick in people complaining about performance issues on new 27-inch iMacs on Apple's support boards. The most common symptom seems to be incredibly slow Flash video playback …

Epix Launches Premium Movie Channel for TV and the Web (Invites) — Almost every TV channel offers some programming on the Web these days. Epix, a new premium movie channel that will launch this weekend, goes a step further. If you are a Verizon FiOS subscriber, you will be able to watch …

iPhone launches in China, faces challenges — Apple's iPhone launched in China this morning, but the introduction of the hot US product has hit a little snag - the first iterations to reach market lack WiFI, even though local law was recently changed to permit inclusion of support for the standard.
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How Sanjay Jha Overhauled Motorola's Culture — Sanjay Jha seems to be on track to pull Motorola's cellphone division out of a tailspin. — The company is hardly flying high. It reported ever-so-slightly better than expected third-quarter earnings Thursday morning (meaning it earned a penny a share …

One-handed computing with the iPhone — The easy single-handed operation of the iPhone1 is not one of its obvious selling points but is one of those little features that grows on you and becomes nearly indispensable. A portable networked computing and gaming device that can be easily operated …

Using RSS/Atom feeds to discover new URLs — Google uses numerous sources to find new webpages, from links we find on the web to submitted URLs. We aim to discover new pages quickly so that users can find new content in Google search results soon after they go live.

Foo Fighters To Stream Concert Tomorrow Night On Facebook, Powered By Livestream — The Foo Fighters will be streaming a concert live tomorrow night on Facebook, direct from the band's Studio 606 headquarters in Los Angeles. You can RSVP to the event here, and stream it live here beginning at 7 PM PST tomorrow.

More, more, more real estate in Google Maps — Since we announced the ability to see lots of real estate listings directly on Google Maps back in July, we've been working hard to make it even easier to use. As we've added new features and updated Google Maps, with things like brand …
Search Engine Land, Google Watch, GMSV, ResourceShelf, Search Engine Watch, tinyComb, AppScout, Screenwerk and Mashable!, Thanks:atul

VoIP Ringing Up Billions in Sales — Can you believe that VoIP-based telephony services brought in nearly $20.7 billion in revenues during the first six months of 2009? Incredible as it might sound, it is indeed true, according to data reported by market research firm Infonetics Research.

1,000-plus people crowd new Microsoft Store — The Microsoft Store at the Shops at Mission Viejo officially opened. — Recommend — MISSION VIEJO - Nobody was getting into American Eagle Outfitters this morning. — More than 1,000 people were blocking the entrance to the apparel store …

Marvel Comics come to iPhone — Excelsior! Comixology, makers of the free comic-book app Comics, have brought one of the “big two” comics publishers to the iPhone for the first time. — On Thursday the company announced that, effective immediately, several comics from Marvel Comics …

VodBurner Brings High-Quality Video Recording And Editing To Skype — Skype app developer Netralia is bringing high-quality video recording through it's app, VodBurner. VodBurner lets users create video podcasts directly from Skype calls using webcams, incorporating recording and post-production editing in a single software package.

Construction robot inspired by sci-fi movie — Activelink chief engineer Go Shirogauchi wearing the robotic exoskeleton inspired by Aliens / Activelink — JAPANESE engineers have taken us one step closer to the robot revolution by developing a machine inspired by the movie Aliens.

The Crapware Con — Mike Jennings reveals how PC makers hobble your laptop with preinstalled software — You wouldn't buy a new car that took five minutes to get out of first gear or a new hard disk that was already half-full of files - but plenty of people are unwittingly buying …

MIT researchers develop Affective Intelligent Driving Agent (AIDA) — MIT researchers and designers are developing the Affective Intelligent Driving Agent (AIDA) - a new in-car personal robot that aims to change the way we interact with our car. The project is a collaboration between …

On Gmail and the Constitution — Here's a question: Is it kosher for a law enforcement agency to, pursuant to a lawfully granted search warrant, search your Gmail account without telling you? — According to an opinion handed down earlier this year and currently making the rounds on legal blogs (here and here), the answer is yes.
Technology & …

Reocities: because Geocities is gone, but not forgotten — When Yahoo! decided to close down GeoCities, a lot of us shed a single tear for our first home on the Internet and moved on. For one man called Jacques, though, that wasn't good enough. — He took it upon himself to save …