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The long-awaited DreamScreen tablet computer comes from HP, not Apple — Hewlett Packard has beaten Apple to the punch in coming up with a beautiful tablet-like computer. The company's just-announced DreamScreen products represent a new category of wireless connected screens.

Twitter Closing New Venture Round At $1 Billion Valuation — Fast growing startup Twitter will soon be joining a select group of startups with private venture round valuations of $1 billion, we've heard from multiple sources. CEO Evan Williams disclosed the round to employees at a recent all hands meeting.
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Source: Insight Venture Partners Is The New Twitter Investor — We've been talking to sources all day about that new $1 billion valuation Twitter financing, and more information is coming in. The big missing part of the story was who was actually doing the investing at that massive valuation.

Teaching computers to read: Google acquires reCAPTCHA — The image above is a CAPTCHA — you can read it, but computers have a harder time interpreting the letters. We tried to make it hard for computers to recognize because we wanted to give humans the scoop first, but we're happy to announce …
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By Acquiring ReCaptcha, Google Acquired a Crowd Computer Along the Way

Zune HD apps are here... complete with pre-roll ads — The first batch of apps for the Zune HD can now be freely downloaded from Microsoft, and they come with an unexpected “present”: static and video ads that play during launch. — Apps for the new Zune HD (read our review) are now available …
AppleInsider, Daring Fireball, TechFlash, Maximum PC, MobileContentToday, Edible Apple and MacDailyNews

Why You Can't Get a Good Phone With Verizon — Why does the U.S. carrier known for the best network have the worst smartphones? — Verizon gets plaudits for its coverage and call quality, but consistently loses out to AT&T, T-Mobile and even Sprint when it comes to getting the newest high-end handsets.

Skype Founders File Copyright Suit Against eBay — SAN FRANCISCO — The founders of Skype are escalating their legal battle with eBay. — Niklas Zennstrom and Janus Friis, who became billionaires after selling Skype to eBay in 2005, have filed a copyright lawsuit against Skype in United States district court in Northern California.

Bing grabs 10 percent of search market — Microsoft's new Bing search service is the fastest-growing U.S. search engine among the top 10, according to a Nielsen report released Monday. — The total amount of searches on Bing rang in at 1.1 billion for the month of August …

Google Delivers New Java-like Language: Noop — The tireless, developer-centric engineers at Google have come up with Noop, a new language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). — The tireless, developer-centric engineers at Google have come up with Noop, a new language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

Google Eyeing 10% Market Share For Chrome. Mac Version Due By The End Of The Year. — As we noted yesterday, version 3 of Google's Chrome web browser is now available for PC users. But in an interview yesterday with Reuters, Google revealed a couple of interesting tidbits about the project.
Asa Dotzler, Reuters, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Maximum PC, PC World, AppleInsider and Webmonkey

Michael Robertson Wants To Crowdsource Proof Of EMI's Lies: You Lie EMI Bookmarklet Available — EMI has been involved in a lawsuit with MP3Tunes for a while now. The whole lawsuit seems weird, since MP3Tunes is about creating a storage locker for the songs you already have.

Is a trade battle looming with China over World of Warcraft? — World of Warcraft, one of the most successful fantasy online role-playing games of all time, was recently shut down in China for weeks. On June 7, Activision Blizzard changed its Chinese online operator from the9 to NetEase …

Google's Schmidt To Book Settlement Critics: What's Your Solution? — As the proposed Google Book Search lawsuit settlement is debated, I've read calls from various critics that everything should go back to “square one” for a solution. Would Google be willing to do this?

Music publishers: iTunes not paying fair share — Songwriters, composers, and music publishers are making preparations to one day collect performance fees from Apple and other e-tailers for not just traditional music downloads but for downloads of films and TV shows as well. They contain music after all.

Taming Your Digital Distractions — Is there any human invention more duplicitous than the personal computer? These machines were manufactured and initially marketed as devices to help us at work. We were told they would perform amazing feats of office derring-do …

Intel's Not-So-Mighty Atom — Netbook computers are cheap and popular, thanks in part to Intel's Atom chip. But the Atom isn't up to the job. — How would you like your dear mom to have to drive herself around town in a cramped, jerky car that sputtered along the roadway …

Phone Calls Come to Twitter. … JAJAH, a VOIP company, will announce the beta-launch of its Twitter calling solution, JAJAH@call tomorrow. — You'll be able to make phone calls via Twitter free of charge to anyone in the world, so long as they follow you back and have JAJAH accounts.

Yahoo May Eventually Let Home Page Users Select Alternate Search Engines — On Yahoo's new home page, users can check e-mail from other providers—and it's possible that flexibility could extend to search too. During an update on the status of the home page, Yahoo (NSDQ: YHOO) …
Search Engine Land

Hands-On With The Redfly That Turns Your BlackBerry Into A Psuedo-Netbook — Turns out the Redfly, that netbook looking device that extends a smartphone to its 8.9-inch display via Bluetooth or USB, is doing all right. So all right that they rolled out support for BlackBerry. I still would rather a netbook.

The Man Who's Beating Google — Robin Li has built the most popular search site for the world's biggest audience—in China. That's round one in epic battle. — On a smoggy August morning outside Beijing's China World Hotel, Li Yanhong's fan club is assembling.

Michelin Builds a Campaign Around Its Secret Reviewers — HERE'S a piece of advance information from the Michelin guide for New York City 2010: 18 new stars will be awarded to restaurants. Michelin is rigorously tight-lipped about the information in its guides until they arrive in stores …

Socializr Lays Off Staff, On DeadPool Watch — Socializr, the online event organization tool that first went into private beta in 2006, isn't in good shape. — We've heard from a couple of sources that Socializr has laid off most or all of the staff and that the site is running on autopilot.

Apple's iTunes 9 Makes it Easier to Share, Organize — Apple's iTunes program is one of the most popular software products in the world. The company says hundreds of millions of copies of iTunes have been downloaded, far exceeding the 220 million iPod music players it has sold.
9 to 5 Mac

Comcast plans to bring TV shows to your phone — Leading U.S. cable operator Comcast Corp said on Wednesday it plans to offer subscribers the option to watch their favorite TV shows on mobile devices through its new wireless Internet service. — The company is also exploring adding …
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