Top Items:

Judge: Microsoft can't sell Word anymore — A Texas judge ruled Tuesday that Microsoft cannot sell one of its flagship products, Word, in the United States because of patent infringement. — You read that right: Microsoft cannot sell Word, the judge ruled.

Injunction on Microsoft Word unlikely to halt sales — IDG News Service - A judge on Tuesday ordered Microsoft to stop selling Microsoft Word products in their current form in the U.S., but legal appeals or technical work-arounds make an actual halt of sales unlikely.

Facebook Begins Testing Facebook Lite, A Faster Simpler Version Of The Service — It looks like Facebook has tonight turned on a feature called “Facebook Lite” for some users to test out. We're getting bombarded by tips about it, and some of us are seeing it as well.
Inside Facebook, VentureBeat, ReadWriteWeb,, John Battelle's Searchblog, Gawker and BloggingStocks, Thanks:atul

What Facebook Lite Actually Is. Hint: It's Not Twitter Or FriendFeed. — So, the web pretty much exploded tonight over the appearance of something called “Facebook Lite,” a new service that's apparently being beta tested by Facebook. But users who received the message that they were invited …
Download Squad, Mashable!, SquashBox Media, Wallen's,, WebWorkerDaily and GMSV

Schiller Reaches Out Again To Acknowledge App Store Problems — A few weeks ago, we wrote about Steven Frank, a well-known Mac developer who was giving up his iPhone over his disgust with the ways Apple is managing the App Store. (This was right before Mike also gave up his iPhone).
AppleInsider, MacRumors, Silicon Alley Insider,, 9 to 5 Mac, VoIP Watch, DailyFinance, AdAge and FierceDeveloper, Thanks:atul

On Saturday night, we drove up to Seattle to attend a memorial service for my wife's grandmother. Shortly after checking into the hotel, I checked the inbox on my Android phone and found myself staring at the words “Philip Schiller”. — Needless to say, I had a minor freakout.

Is a Perfect Storm Forming For Distributed Social Networking? — Maybe it's better to host your own. That's the thinking coming from a growing number of early technology adopters as service after service goes down, sells out or otherwise frustrates the users who have published their content online …

After FriendFeed's Sale, Trust In Social Sites Has Been Shattered

RealNetworks Barred From Selling DVD Copy Maker — RealNetworks, the Seattle-based digital media company, portrays itself as fighting for people's right to legally make backup copies of the DVDs they own. It appears to have lost at least the first and perhaps most important round of the battle.

Zune HD Release Date and Packaging Leaked, Will Hit Stores September 15th — Some loyal Giz readers and Best Buy employees sent us a couple shots of the much-anticipated Zune HD's packaging, and they clearly state that the gorgeous PMP will be available on September 15th. Break out the wallets, people.
Discussion:, SlashGear, 9 to 5 Mac, CrunchGear, Electronista, Engadget, The Tech Report,, Fast Company, AppleInsider and jkOnTheRun

Microsoft, Nokia plan mobile Office deal — Microsoft is expected on Wednesday to announce a partnership with European mobile giant Nokia to help get its Office software onto that company's mobile phones, CNET News has learned. — With the next version of Office, Microsoft is trying …
Wall Street Journal, MobileCrunch, The Register, Engadget, All about Microsoft, Fone Arena,, VentureBeat, MobileContentToday, Ars Technica, Computerworld, Microsoft Watch, mocoNews, IntoMobile, SlashGear, InformationWeek, Macworld, Gizmodo, ReadWriteWeb, Electronista, The Microsoft Blog,, TechFlash, Gearlog, Skype Journal,, ChannelWeb and Phone Scoop
RELATED: Resurrected — We have restored, and re-opened its website. We have been absolutely overwhelmed by the popular response, and the countless public and private appeals I have received to keep alive. — We have answered those pleas. Nambu will keep operating going forward …
Fast Company, The Register,, PC World, Softpedia News, CNET News, VentureBeat, CloudAve, MediaMemo, Ben Kessler, I4U News, Nieman Journalism Lab, Dealscape,, Download Squad, Mashable!, Silicon Alley Insider, Digits, BetaNews, AppScout, E-Media Tidbits and TechCrunch, Thanks:atul

How Do iPhone Users Find New Apps? — AdMob just released some data about how iPhone users discover new apps in the App Store and how they use them once they have downloaded them. According to AdMob, most users download apps from the App Store directly from their phones. Only 7% go through iTunes to download apps.

Google Opt Out Feature Lets Users Protect Privacy By Moving To Remote Village — Web users who choose to move to the desolate village are guaranteed an environment free from Google products and natural light from the sun.

Nokia: We're Fully Commited To Symbian — The Financial Times (Germany) quoted a source close to Nokia saying that the company might dump the Symbian operating system and instead opt for its LinuxOS, Mameo. The rumor got picked up by various blogs and built up a life its own.
Mobile Opportunity, Technologizer, Mobile Roar, TechCrunch Europe,, MobileContentToday and Seeking Alpha

Google File System II: Dawn of the Multiplying Master Nodes — A sequel two years in the making — Increase responsiveness and effectiveness in your organizations — As its custom-built file system strains under the weight of an online empire it was never designed to support, Google is brewing a replacement.
Search Engine Land

Are You a Digital Sharecropper? — Will Work for Praise: The Web's Free-Labor Economy describes how many of today's websites are built by the users themselves: … This raises some disturbing parallels. Are users being turned into digital sharecroppers?

Wikipedia approaches its limits — The online encyclopedia is about to hit 3m articles in English - but growth is stalling as ‘inclusionists’ and ‘deletionists’ fight for control — Yet again, Wikipedia is about to break new ground. The website that has become one of the biggest open repositories …

Intel moving to 32nm — Intel is scheduled to introduce its 32nm ‘Sandy Bridge’ microarchitecture, which will succeed Nehalem and Westmere, in the fourth quarter of 2010, according to sources at PC makers. — Intel is set to volume produce new Westmere chips based on 32nm manufacturing …

What If All Web Ads Were Blocked? Ten Speculative Scenarios — Last week, I blogged about a post over at Windows IT Pro that posited that all browsers would include ad-blocking as a standard feature within five years, and that it would be turned on by default.

Twitter backlash foretold — Technology market research firm Gartner Inc has published the 2009 “Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies,” its effort to chart out what's hot or not at the cutting edge of hi-tech jargon. It's just one of an annual phalanx of reports that handicap some 1,650 technologies …
Discussion:, Gartner, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Tech Central, broadstuff,, Silicon Alley Insider and MediaMemo

How to hack a Sony Reader — Hands On Amazon's Kindle receives plenty of publicity, but it's only available in the US. Book buffs elsewhere have to content themselves with other e-book readers, of which one of the most popular is the Sony Reader. The PRS-505 is available from High Street stores …

Xbox gaming platform may soon span Web, console, mobile — A new job posting suggests that Microsoft is looking to create a gaming platform that goes beyond just the Xbox 360. Way beyond. — According to a job posting from August 10, 2009, Microsoft is looking for a LIVE Community Director in the Entertainment & Devices Division.