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Update on Today's DoS Attacks — As noted earlier on our Status Blog, Twitter is back in action. The continuing denial of service attack is being mitigated although there is still degraded service for some folks while we recover completely. — Over the last few hours …

Google the latest victim of malicious online attacks — Hundreds of millions of web users around the world affected as malicious online attacks begin — A concerted attempt to crash a string of major websites appears to be underway, with malicious online attacks affecting services including Facebook, Twitter and Google.

Twitter, Facebook attack targeted one user — A Russian activist blogger with accounts on Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal and Google's Blogger and YouTube was targeted in a denial of service attack that led to the site-wide outage at Twitter and problems at the other sites on Thursday, according to a Facebook executive.

Twitter Attack Brings a Day Without Social Media
Twitter Blog, Epicenter, CNET News, Graham Cluley's blog, Data Center Knowledge, L.A. Times Tech Blog, Guardian, TechCrunch, Bits, VentureBeat, The Register, Telegraph, Network World, Download Squad, Switched, Silicon Alley Insider, CNN, Search Engine Watch, Digits,, Twittercism, ReadWriteWeb, Gadgetwise, Twitter Status and Liquidmatrix Security Digest

Twitter, Facebook and LiveJournal Back Up and Running After Attacks
Arbor Networks Security, LiveJournal Maintenance, Twitter Status, MediaFile, TechCrunch and Search Engine Watch

Phil Schiller Responds Regarding Ninjawords and the App Store — Tuesday's piece on Ninjawords was really about two stories. The small story is that of a clever $2 iPhone dictionary app, the developers of which removed “objectionable” words from its dictionary so as to get it published in the App Store.
The Register, Ars Technica, Macworld, MacRumors iPhone Blog, TechCrunch, mocoNews, CNET News, Technologizer, AppleInsider, InformationWeek, Life On the Wicked Stage, The iPhone Blog, MacRumors, MobileCrunch, WebWorkerDaily, EverythingiCafe, TheAppleBlog, 9 to 5 Mac, Pulse2, TidBITS, Techdirt, Engadget, Gizmodo, Silicon Alley Insider, Download Squad, Edible Apple,, Alec Saunders SquawkBox, PC World, GMSV and TeleRead, Thanks:mostlyyes

Apple's Phil Schiller Speaks On Censored iPhone Dictionaries, But Ignores The Bigger Issues — A lone messenger has emerged from the impenetrable fortress that is Apple's App Store, and his name is Phil Schiller. Earlier this week, John Gruber of Daring Fireball wrote a lengthy column detailing …

Windows 7 RTM Available Today for MSDN & TechNet Subscribers — As we previously announced, today MSDN & TechNet Subscribers will be able to download Windows 7 RTM in English. On October 1st, the remaining languages will be released. — The bits are available now!

Microsoft is now the proud new owner of — As of two days ago, Microsoft has been indeed confirmed to be the new owners of the domain that one clever commenter on this blog made a note of almost a month ago (thanks Bob). — The transition of this valuable domain …

Rejected By Apple, iPhone Developers Go Underground — Apple is the exclusive gatekeeper to its iPhone App Store, able to reject apps at will — as it did July 28 with Google Voice. But some developers aren't taking the rejection lying down: They're turning instead to an unauthorized app store called Cydia …

Apple working on device abuse detection technology — Apple has investigated a system where portable devices like iPods and iPhones would detect and store into memory “consumer abuse events” such as exposure to extreme cold, heat or moisture in void of warranty, a new patent application reveals.

Sprint plans to sell AM-OLED phones from Samsung — NEW YORK (Reuters) - Sprint Nextel will sell Samsung Electronics phones including an advanced display technology that will improve battery life and video and photo quality, according to executives for the companies.

Coffee Shops Pull the Plug on Laptops — They Sit for Hours and Don't Spend Much; Getting the Bum's Rush in the Big Apple — A sign at Naidre's, a small neighborhood coffee shop in Brooklyn, N.Y., begins warmly: “Dear customers, we are absolutely thrilled that you like us so much that you want to spend the day...”

Team Apart Joins The Startup Crusade Against WebEx (Invites) — It's no secret that group collaboration services like WebEx can be a major pain, particularly when they require proprietary browser plugins (some of them don't even support Macs at all). Team Apart, a new startup launching …

Meet Sherpa, the Hottest Android App — Sherpa, a location-based services application developed by Santa Monica, Calif.-based startup Geodelic, is among the fastest-growing applications for Google's Android. In the past week, the company claims that it has seen 50,000 downloads from the Android market.
BetaNews, Between the Lines,, TmoNews, NewTeeVee, AndroidGuys and Mobile Messaging 2.0

Confirmed: Layoffs at RealNetworks' Rhapsody — The ax is swinging at Rhapsody America. The subscription music service, a joint venture between RealNetworks (RNWK) and Viacom (VIA) subsidiary MTV Networks, is sacking nine percent of its employees, mostly in editorial.

iRex prepping new wireless e-book reader — Just got an image of a mock-up for a new e-Reader from iRex that's due out this holiday season. Not much info on this thing but it's larger than the Kindle 2 and just-announced Sony Readers. — Here's the little we know: — 8.1-inch display

Cyberkids quit social networking sites — • Datablog: get the numbers behind this story — From uncles wearing skinny jeans to mothers investing in ra-ra skirts and fathers nodding awkwardly along to the latest grime record, the older generation has long known that the surest way to kill a youth trend is to adopt it as its own.

Earnings: CBS Net Income Plunges 96 Percent; Interactive Rev Down 8 Percent — CBS Corp. (NYSE: CBS) had a particularly painful Q2, even by the standards of other broadcasters. The company's profits plummeted 96.2 percent to $15.4 million ($.02 per diluted share) from $408.4 million ($.61 per diluted share).

Researcher: Microsoft may launch ‘month of ATL’ patches on Tuesday — Advance notice offers clues Microsoft will update software hit by deep dev bug — Computerworld - Microsoft today said it would deliver nine security updates next Tuesday, all but one affecting Windows.

New tricks for Koobface — Once again, there's a new wave of Koobface. — But this time, the tactics have changed. There's a new twist to the social engineering, with links from infected messages leading to a very well designed Facebook lookalike page (far more convincing than the previous YouTube page)

Microsoft moving Azure from WA data center, citing state tax policy — Microsoft today told early users of its Windows Azure cloud computing platform that it will shift applications and storage away from its Pacific Northwest data center in Quincy, Wash., prior to Azure's commercial launch.

Tech Support Showdown 2009 — Hardware isn't the only thing you should consider before buying a notebook. — Contents: — “Your call is important to us. Please hold.” — If your eyes just rolled toward the back of your head, you're not alone. Just check out the tsunami …

DirecTV to Join TV Everywhere — Satellite Company in Talks to Launch Own Version for Web Video — NEW YORK ( — The cable industry's plan to get viewers to pay for TV on the web is getting a powerful new ally. But it's not cable. DirecTV, the nation's largest satellite TV operator …

Digg Ads beta rolling out this week — As announced earlier this summer, I'm excited to let you all know that we're rolling out an early beta version of Digg Ads. — A recap of how it works: your Diggs, buries and clicks influence a quality score that determines how often the ad gets displayed …

Fabless and fearless — How a Taiwanese firm became one of the world's fastest-growing chipmakers — MOST technology firms fall into one of two brackets: those that sell individual components, such as Intel, a chip giant, and those that offer finished products, such as Apple of iPhone fame.

MySpace is to Facebook as Twitter is to ______ — The past few weeks have come with two major reveals for the weirdos who follow online social networks. The first was big news. Twitter's internal documents leaked and the identity-crisis of earth's most popular start-up is now public.

London is the capital of Twitter, says founder @ev — Twitter was featured on the BBC's Newsnight programme last night. There weren't any great revelations about the service, however the confirmation from the CEO that London remains the top Twitter-using city in the world is pretty interesting.

Turning Out The Lights: SplashCast — (Note: We're keeping an ongoing tally of venture-backed company shutdowns this year as VentureWire reports on them. See the list below. Look for these postings under the title, “Turning Out The Lights.") — SplashCast Corp.,, which lets people …
Silicon Alley Insider

Is Google spending $106.5m to open source a codec? — The price of web standards — After acquiring On2's video compression codecs in a deal valued at approximately $106.5 million in stock, will Google simply turn around and open source them? — It certainly looks that way.