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Zune HD hands-on, impressions, tears of joy — Do you believe in miracles? — (Credit: Donald Bell/CNET Networks) — I'll admit right off the bat that I've been a pretty big fan of the Zune ever since I bought my first one back in 2007. I've also had some disappointments …
SlashGear, Cruleword's Lifestream, I4U News, MobileContentToday, Podcasting News, Engadget and TechVi

Updated plist suggests new Apple device “iProd” coming soon — An updated USBConfiguration.plist in the most recent version of iPhone OS 3.1 beta offers compelling evidence that Apple has continued development on an unknown device, referred to as “iProd,” that was first discovered in March.

Innovation in video on the web — Today, video is an important part of many people's everyday activities on the Internet and a big part of many Google products. — Because we spend a lot of time working to make the overall web experience better for users, we think that video compression technology …

Google to Acquire On2 Technologies — CLIFTON PARK, NY and MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (August 5, 2009) - On2 Technologies, Inc. (NYSE Amex: ONT) and Google Inc. (NASDAQ: GOOG) jointly announced today that they have entered into a definitive agreement under which Google will acquire On2, a leading developer of video compression technology.

I didn't know that was there! — Here at Google Maps we're always looking for new ways to allow people to easily explore the world's information. Well, what could be easier than putting things right on the map? We've now added icons and labels of prominent businesses and places of interest directly on the map itself.

New in Labs: Hide labels, see subject lines on netbooks — Some time ago I bought a netbook. It's perfect in terms of portability, weight and space usage, but the natural drawback is the size of the screen. It's so small that sometimes I find it hard to read the subjects of emails in my inbox.

Sony launches two new readers including a pocket-sized $199 device — Sony on Wednesday will unveil two new e-book devices, a pocket edition with a 5-inch screen for $199 and a touch-screen version starting at $299. The devices will be available at the end of August.

ESPN's Memo on Social Networking: Smells Like They're Cooking Up Some Changes — The kind folks at ESPN PR just passed along - without us even asking! - ESPN's ‘additional guidelines for social networking.’ The rules are printed after the jump. Guess our homework tonight is to find out why this initiative was kick-started now?

I love my Mac. And so does Ovi Files. — Like many of us at Nokia, I lead a double life. I'm a Thinkpad guy by day and a MacBook guy by night. — So you ask, how do you, Mister Ovi Files product manager, update that Word document you were working on until 2 am? You know, the one you forgot to copy to your USB stick?

Goodbye iPod, hello iPhone — Apple passed an important milestone last quarter that nobody on Wall Street seems to have noticed: the iPod, once Apple's (AAPL) No. 1 source of revenue, fell into third place after the Mac (No. 1) and the iPhone (No. 2). — Think of Apple's business model …
9 to 5 Mac

Why consumers won't buy tablets — Rumors have it Apple is a month away from announcing a tablet computer. Another tablet, the Crunchpad, is also due for imminent release. These and other fine keyboardless computers get great play on gadget blogs (including our own Crave), but in the real world …

Ninjawords: iPhone Dictionary, Censored by Apple — Two years ago I linked to a web site called Ninjawords — a fast, simple online dictionary backed by a good data source (Wiktionary). — The developers behind Ninjawords, Matchstick Software, have released an iPhone version, currently available from the App Store for just $2.
GMSV, Wiktionary, Mashable!, Life On the Wicked Stage and Edible Apple, Thanks:rahulkumar

New Flickr Search — Today we're pleased to announce a redesign of our search results page. The changes we've introduced make it easier to browse through the billions of photos and videos on Flickr, and to connect to the communities that help make sense of all those photos.
Lifehacker,, Softpedia News, TechCrunch, Thomas Hawk Digital Connection, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Land, ReadWriteWeb, CNET News, AppScout, Search Engine Watch and Mashable!, Thanks:atul

Cluster Resources Rebrands, Expands Beyond HPC — The company behind supercomputing automation software is moving into datacenter management. — Cluster Resources has spent the better part of the decade working on high performance computing (HPC) automation.

WSJ's New Policy: Won't Take Herd Embargoes — The Wall Street Journal has a new policy for its editorial staff, we have learned: it will not accept embargoes for stories, but will take exclusives if handed to them. We have confirmed the policy from various sources, although a WSJ spokesman told us …

Hot Story to Has-Been: Tracking News via Cyberspace — Like a lot of new ideas, Media Cloud started with a long-running argument among friends. Ethan Zuckerman and a handful of his colleagues at the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School found themselves in endless disputes …

iPhone Claims 32 Percent of Handset Industry Operating Profits — With the iPhone, Apple is doing to the handset industry what it has done to the PC industry with the Mac: Claiming an inordinate share of profits relative to revenue. — Bernstein Research analyst Toni Sacconaghi estimates that Apple …

Windows XP Mode RC Now Available — Back in April, we introduced the Windows XP Mode beta and after a few months of incorporating your enthusiastic feedback, today we are announcing the availability of the Windows XP Mode Release Candidate. — Download: Windows XP Mode Release Candidate
CNET News, TechSpot, Download Squad,, PC World, Electronista,,, eWeek, AppScout,, CodenameWindows, and

Why I believe in the link economy — The following is a guest column by Chris Ahearn, President, Media at Thomson Reuters. — “Do unto others” — It's a simple standard my mom taught me when I was a kid - yours probably taught it too. It isn't always easy, but in business it's …

Handmark beats Microsoft to mobile app store — The countdown is well under way for Microsoft's Windows Mobile app store, called Windows Marketplace for Mobile, which is slated to arrive in early fall alongside the Windows Mobile 6.5 operating system. Yet on Tuesday, mobile media company …

Flickr Loses a Few Thousand More Pictures, with No Recourse — A Flickr user is complaining loudly that the photo service allowed 3,000+ of his photos to be deleted by a hacker with no warning. Now they're supposedly gone, forever. When will Flickr start making backups?

Chrome's New Feature: Click The UI Designer To Close The Window — This is just kind of odd. Look at the picture below. See the picture of some guy in place of the “X” button? Yeah, that's this guy. — Apparently, one of Google's Chrome UI designers, Glen Murphy, has inserted his face into the latest nightly build of Chrome.

Europe well-placed to profit from digital economy: study — (BRUSSELS) - The growth of the Internet and the emergence of a new computer-savvy generation leaves Europe well-placed to capitalise on the digital economy, the European Commission said Tuesday. — In its Digital Competitiveness report …

Mozilla Store Vendor Security Breach — Today, Mozilla discovered that GatewayCDI, the third party vendor entrusted to run the backend of the Mozilla Store, suffered a security breach. Once notified, we took the immediate preventative step of shutting down the Mozilla Store to ensure that no additional users could be compromised.

Despite iPhone's Success, BlackBerry Curve Was on Top in Q2 — In the battle of the smartphones, RIM's Blackberry Curve edged out the competition to take the top spot as the best-selling smartphone model in the U.S. in the second quarter of this year, according to inaugural smartphone market share data from research firm IDC.
Boy Genius Report, FierceWireless, SiliconBeat, MobileContentToday, InformationWeek, gdgt and Lockergnome Blog Network

Browser makers announce support for built-in 3D graphics — At today's sessions of the SIGGRAPH computer graphics conference in New Orleans, a group of hardware and software makers that includes browser makers Mozilla, Opera and Google announced their plans to deliver built-in 3D graphics …

Famed Choreographer Dies... Intellectual Property Lawyers Take Over? — A few years back, we wrote about the guy who claimed to have invented The Electric Slide sending DMCA takedown notices to people who put up videos of people (at weddings, for example) dancing the dance.