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Telecoms Face Antitrust Threat — Wireless Market, Generic Drugs Reviewed as White House Steps Up Enforcement — The Department of Justice has begun looking into whether large U.S. telecommunications companies such as AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc. are abusing the market power …
The Register, The Precursor Blog, L.A. Times Tech Blog, Apple 2.0, CNET News, FierceWireless, DSLreports, Digital Daily, Electronista, eWeek, GigaOM, Phone Arena, Epicenter, iLounge, Between the Lines, Law Blog, BloggingStocks, ChannelWeb, Macsimum News, Tech Trader Daily, MacRumors, Phone Scoop, Light Reading,, MacDailyNews, LOOPRumors and Gizmodo, Thanks:mrinaldesai

Justice Department May Bust Up AT&T's Exclusive Deal With Apple's iPhone — Obama's anti-trust cop Christine Varney is dusting off the Sherman Act and reviewing wireless companies' exclusive handset deals—most notably AT&T's monopoly control over Apple's iPhone. — One suspects that Google lobbyists are somehow involved.

Sprint Offers a Netbook for Under a Buck. Will AT&T & Verizon follow? — If you thought a $99 netbook might spur demand, what do you think a 99-cent netbook will do? We'll soon find out, because Sprint is subsidizing Compaq's 1040DX netbook. Customers can get the offer in a local Best Buy …

Marc Andreessen's Burgeoning Blogging Empire: Invests In Talking Points Memo — More news about Marc Andreessen making venture investments this morning after the launch of his new $300 million fund, Andreessen Horowitz: he is leading a round of financing for TPM Media, better known as the TalkingPointsMemo blog.
paidContent,, Gawker, Guardian, eWeek, GMSV, Silicon Alley Insider and VentureBeat

Slide Cuts Ad-Staff, Shifts Focus — Max Levchin's Slide, a San Francisco-based start-up that caught the Facebook application wave early made a strategic shift, refocusing its revenue efforts on higher-margin premium advertising that included brand sponsorships for many of its well known applications such as Super Poke.

Yahoo to Formally Launch New Research Tool — Search Pad, a search feature Yahoo has been developing to help users store and organize their search results, is set to be released to the public Tuesday, according to people familiar with the company's plans. — Yahoo has been testing the feature …
Discussion:, Between the Lines, Computerworld, eWeek, L.A. Times Tech Blog, paidContent, TechCrunch, CNET News and Search Engine Land

Motorola Woos Android Developers — The cellphone maker is investing in developers months before its Android phones launch. — It's no secret that Motorola Co-Chief Executive Sanjay Jha is betting on Google's Android mobile platform to bolster his company's faltering cellphone business.

Facebook's Own Estimates Show Declining Student Numbers; Now More Grandparents Than High School Users — How fickle are kids these days? Just when all the grown ups started figuring out Facebook, college and high school users have declined in absolute number by 20% and 15% respectively …

Nokia N97 Review: Nokia Is Doomed — The N97 is Nokia's attempt to stand tall in an unfamiliar, hostile world populated by the iPhone, Pre and Android the only way it knows how: by throwing the kitchen sink at them. If this is it, they're doomed. — Okay, maybe you don't think that's true …

The Return Of The Pay Wall — Newspapers have declared free content the enemy. But who are the allies? — Journalism Online's model resembles the pay-wall structure in place at some Dow Jones publications. And that's where its vulnerabilities lie. The Journal and Barron's are must-reads …

Taking flight: why the iPhone still beats Pre for air travel — If you're one of the handful of people who follows me on Twitter, you know that I (plus wife and eight-month-old baby) was stuck in New York's JFK airport for two days with no luggage, no laptop power cord, and a Palm Pre.

Microsoft Security Advisory (972890) — Vulnerability in Microsoft Video ActiveX Control Could Allow Remote Code Execution — Version: 1.0 — Microsoft is investigating a privately reported vulnerability in Microsoft Video ActiveX Control. An attacker who successfully exploited …
Discussion:, Microsoft Help and Support, MSRC, Computerworld, Security Research & Defense, SANS Internet Storm Center …, Graham Cluley's blog, Security Fix, InformationWeek, Zero Day, BetaNews, Download Squad, eWeek, F-Secure Antivirus …, CNET News, TG Daily, Threatpost Blog, Security Watch, Ars Technica, TechSpot, Network World, SC Magazine US News,, Donna's SecurityFlash, Gizmodo and DailyFinance

Facebook revenue to be “billions” in 5 years: board member — SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Facebook will likely be posting billions of dollars in revenue in five years, up from about $500 million this year, according to Silicon Valley entrepreneur Mark Andreessen who sits on Facebook's board.
Guardian,, Inside Facebook, Between the Lines, Silicon Alley Insider, eWeek, All Facebook, The Social, paidContent, Mashable!, MediaFile, Seeking Alpha and Fortune

Maybe The Palm Pre Isn't Selling So Well, After All — My, how time flies in the tech world. It was only one month ago today that the Palm Pre launched to the public, giving users their first chance to try out WebOS first hand. Critical response to the device was generally positive …

Social Security Numbers Can Be Guessed From Data, Study Finds — Social Security numbers, commonly used by criminals in identity theft, can be guessed using information found on Internet social networks such as Facebook and MySpace and other public sources, a study found.

A Nobel Peace Prize for Twitter? — The free social-messaging utility uniquely documented and personalized the story of hope, heroism, and horror in Iran. — WASHINGTON - — The video gave substance to what seemed so far away. We saw the look in her eyes as they went lifeless.

Craigslist, eBay fighting Michael Jackson scalpers — Humanity knows no depths. — On Monday, Craigslist and other sites were adorned with many of those lucky to have won tickets to Tuesday's Michael Jackson memorial service celebrating their good fortune—by trying to sell the free tickets.

Microsoft promises no patent prosecution of open-source .NET — Ubuntu joins Debian Mono denials — Understand how application security is evolving — Microsoft is promising not to pursue patent claims against Linux and open-source software using the open-source implementation of .NET, Project Mono.

HOT!!! RIM Working On Enhanced Gmail Plugin - Conversation View, Archive, Labels, Search, & More! — I have been waiting to hear this for a long time. Josep let me know about a thread on BlackBerryForum(de) where detailed leaked about an upcoming Enhanced Gmail Plugin.
Boy Genius Report, IntoMobile, Engadget, Phone Arena, I4U News, InformationWeek, BlackBerry Cool, Lockergnome Blog Network and Ubergizmo

Venture Capitalists Look for a Return to the A B C's — SAN FRANCISCO — For a group accustomed to looking outward for the next big thing, Silicon Valley's venture capitalists are getting very introspective these days. — Much of the soul searching along Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park …

The hazy future of Web typography — Current technology can break Web type free from the Georgia/Verdana prison, but getting all the stakeholders—Web designers, type designers, font vendors, and browser vendors—to agree on a standard may be a bigger challenge than the technology.

TomTom for iPhone en route — Among the third-party products demonstrated during June's WWDC keynote, the one that may have generated the most anticipation was TomTom's TomTom for iPhone. This combination of an iPhone app providing turn-by-turn driving directions and a hardware accessory …

Nokia and Symbian: Forget about Android, it's all about Cutey (Qt) — Nokia, the world's largest phone handset maker, is denying reports stemming from “industry insiders” that it is developing a smartphone that runs on Google's Android software. Nokia said, “everyone knows that Symbian …

BackType Releases Tweetcount to Challenge Tweetmeme for Retweets — Retweets have quickly become the best way to share great links on Twitter. And as we explained in our guide to retweeting, there are many ways to retweet and to track retweets. The most recognized brand in this area though is Tweetmeme …

Porn Downloads Strain Japan's Mobile Phone Network, Prompting DoCoMo Curbs — Takeshi says he pays 6,300 yen ($66) a month to NTT DoCoMo Inc. for unlimited Internet access, allowing him to download adult movies on his mobile phone. — “A mobile is far handier than a computer for Internet access …

AIM Embraces The Lifestream — AOL took another step towards fully embracing the lifestream today with the release of a slew of new AIM clients in beta and a new AIM Lifestream site, which brings together status updates from your AIM buddies with your activity streams from Facebook and Twitter.

iPods With Video Cameras? Sure. iPods With Projectors? I'm Skeptical. — Judging the accuracy of Apple rumors may not be a cakewalk, but one technique is surprisingly effective and obvious: Ask yourself if past Apple history suggests that a rumor sounds like something the company would do.

Projector-phones due by Christmas?
Network World, DigiTimes, The Toybox, The Apple Core, Mac Soda, MacRumors and 9 to 5 Mac