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Facebook's Own Estimates Show Declining Student Numbers; Now More Grandparents Than High School Users — How fickle are kids these days? Just when all the grown ups started figuring out Facebook, college and high school users have declined in absolute number by 20% and 15% respectively …
iStrategyLabs, Guardian,, Softpedia News and, Thanks:atul

Sony Takes First Step Into the Netbook Market — Sony will begin selling its first netbook computer next month and in doing so enter the only sector of the PC market showing significant growth. — The Vaio W is based around a 1.66GHz Intel Atom N280 processor, the same processor used in many other netbooks.

New algorithm guesses SSNs using date and place of birth — Two researchers have found that a pair of antifraud methods intended to increase the chances of detecting bogus social security numbers has actually allowed the statistical reconstruction of the number using information that many people place on social networking sites.

Telecoms Face Antitrust Threat — Wireless Market, Generic Drugs Reviewed as White House Steps Up Enforcement — The Department of Justice has begun looking into whether large U.S. telecommunications companies such as AT&T Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc. are abusing the market power …
9 to 5 Mac, Reuters, Latest VoIP, Voice 2.0 …, L.A. Times Tech Blog, The Register, The Precursor Blog, Phone Arena, ChannelWeb, DSLreports, GigaOM, Between the Lines, CNET News, eWeek, BloggingStocks, FierceWireless, iLounge, Macsimum News, Epicenter, Electronista, Law Blog, MacRumors, Light Reading, Phone Scoop, Tech Trader Daily, LOOPRumors, Gizmodo, and MacDailyNews, Thanks:mrinaldesai

Justice Department May Bust Up AT&T's Exclusive Deal With Apple's iPhone
Wall Street Journal, Techgeist, Mashable!, Apple 2.0, MobileContentToday, Digital Daily and mocoNews

Push Gmail Comes To The iPhone — Through An App (If It's Accepted) — You'd think on a phone that can do as many cool things as the iPhone, push email through one of the world's most popular email services, Gmail, would be one of them. But for some reason, Google and Apple haven't turned …

Slide Cuts Ad-Staff, Shifts Focus — Max Levchin's Slide, a San Francisco-based start-up that caught the Facebook application wave early made a strategic shift, refocusing its revenue efforts on higher-margin premium advertising that included brand sponsorships for many of its well known applications such as Super Poke.

Microsoft opens Hohm to energy monitoring — Microsoft opened up its Hohm Web application on Monday to U.S. users, a site that gives people a starting point for cutting home energy use. — The launch of Hohm, still in beta, was marred at least for some people, including me …

Motorola Woos Android Developers — The cellphone maker is investing in developers months before its Android phones launch. — It's no secret that Motorola Co-Chief Executive Sanjay Jha is betting on Google's Android mobile platform to bolster his company's faltering cellphone business.
Between the Lines, mocoNews, Engadget Mobile, Techgeist and FierceDeveloper, Thanks:mrinaldesai

Yahoo to Formally Launch New Research Tool — Search Pad, a search feature Yahoo has been developing to help users store and organize their search results, is set to be released to the public Tuesday, according to people familiar with the company's plans. — Yahoo has been testing the feature …

Palm Pre to Launch in Europe with O2 and Movistar — Print page E-mail page Download PDF — Palm webOS Phone to Arrive in UK, Ireland, Germany and Spain on Local Telefónica Networks — Palm, Inc. (Nasdaq:PALM) today announced that the Palm(R) Pre(TM) …
Digital Daily, Between the Lines, Reuters, TechCrunch Europe, Reuters, SlashGear, PalmAddicts and Engadget Mobile

Marc Andreessen's Burgeoning Blogging Empire: Invests In Talking Points Memo — More news about Marc Andreessen making venture investments this morning after the launch of his new $300 million fund, Andreessen Horowitz: he is leading a round of financing for TPM Media, better known as the TalkingPointsMemo blog.

LG teases next-generation Chocolate for August unveiling — To say that the Chocolate was a hit for LG would be similar to saying the PlayStation 2 went over well for Sony. Indeed, the outfit's best selling handset ever (21 million units worldwide) holds a special place in the hearts …

Hear That? It's The Sound Of Your New Hearing Aid, The iPhone — Back in 2007, Amy Tenderich wrote about the need for Apple to share its renowned industrial design and user-friendliness with the medical device community. Her plea wasn't necessarily for Apple to get involved in the field …

Where have all the white iPhones gone? — It's the reverse of Henry Ford's line about the Model T. Today you can buy any iPhone you want, as long as it's not white. — Apple (AAPL) has been having trouble keeping the entry-level white iPhone in stock since the new 3GS went on sale two and a half weeks ago.
PC World

Nokia N97 Review: Nokia Is Doomed — The N97 is Nokia's attempt to stand tall in an unfamiliar, hostile world populated by the iPhone, Pre and Android the only way it knows how: by throwing the kitchen sink at them. If this is it, they're doomed. — Okay, maybe you don't think that's true …
Electronic Pulp, Softpedia News, Alec Saunders SquawkBox, Edible Apple and Technologizer

Where to watch the Jackson memorial online — If you weren't among the luck few who won tickets to attend Tuesday's memorial service at the Staples Center in Los Angeles and feel the need to bear witness to the spectacle, fear not—several Web sites plan to provide live streaming video of the event.

Sprint Offers a Netbook for Under a Buck. Will AT&T & Verizon follow? — If you thought a $99 netbook might spur demand, what do you think a 99-cent netbook will do? We'll soon find out, because Sprint is subsidizing Compaq's 1040DX netbook. Customers can get the offer in a local Best Buy …

Microsoft Security Advisory (972890) — Vulnerability in Microsoft Video ActiveX Control Could Allow Remote Code Execution — Version: 1.0 — Microsoft is investigating a privately reported vulnerability in Microsoft Video ActiveX Control. An attacker who successfully exploited …
PC World, Softpedia News, Microsoft Help and Support, Associated Press, Graham Cluley's blog, BetaNews,,, Computerworld Blogs, InformationWeek, Security Fix, MSRC, SANS Internet Storm Center …, F-Secure Antivirus …, Security Research & Defense, CNET News, Zero Day, Mashable!, TG Daily, SC Magazine US News, Download Squad, eWeek, TechSpot,, Ars Technica, Threatpost Blog, Security Watch, Gizmodo, Network World, Donna's SecurityFlash and DailyFinance

Nokia and Symbian: Forget about Android, it's all about Cutey (Qt) — Nokia, the world's largest phone handset maker, is denying reports stemming from “industry insiders” that it is developing a smartphone that runs on Google's Android software. Nokia said, “everyone knows that Symbian …
Softpedia News, Communities Dominate Brands, MobileContentToday, Gear Live and Distimo Report

Maybe The Palm Pre Isn't Selling So Well, After All — My, how time flies in the tech world. It was only one month ago today that the Palm Pre launched to the public, giving users their first chance to try out WebOS first hand. Critical response to the device was generally positive …

$1.9m verdict is unconstitutional, Thomas-Rasset says — While an appeal is likely in the cards, the motion Jammie Thomas-Rasset's lawyers filed today was a request for new trial (PDF) or for the judge to alter the jury's “shocking” $1.9 million award. — Thomas-Rasset's lawyers argued that …

A Nobel Peace Prize for Twitter? — The free social-messaging utility uniquely documented and personalized the story of hope, heroism, and horror in Iran. — WASHINGTON - — The video gave substance to what seemed so far away. We saw the look in her eyes as they went lifeless.

AMD Slowly Evolves With Netbook Demand — Despite Advanced Micro Devices' historical stance that it has no interest in the netbook space, PC makers continue to build the chip maker's processors into low-cost PCs. — Just two weeks after Acer's Gateway unit announced an AMD-based netbook …

Video Game Engagement At All-Time High During Recession — How have gamers responded to the recession? While much of the conversation has focused on fluctuations in new game sales, a new study “The Value Gamer: Play and Purchase Behavior in a Recession” by the Nielsen Company shows there is much more to the story.
PC World, DailyTech, The Microsoft Blog, Kotaku, Technologizer, MediaMemo, GoNintendo and Los Angeles Times