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bringing a bit of twitter to bing — There has been much discussion of real-time search and the premium on immediacy of data that has been created primarily by Twitter. We've been watching this phenomenon with great interest, and listening carefully to what consumers really want in this space.
Technologizer, Softpedia News, Search Engine Land, BoomTown, paidContent, PC World, CNET News, Search Engine Journal, Mashable!, John Battelle's Searchblog,, Tech Beat and Scobleizer, Thanks:mrinaldesai

Labels: drag and drop, hiding, and more — A few months ago Gmail got some new buttons and keyboard shortcuts to make labeling easier, especially for those of you accustomed to that familiar folder feel. Now we're making some more changes to Gmail's labeling toolkit. — 1) New location for labels

GDGT Launches For Non Stop Gadget Action — Last summer we broke the news that Engadget editor-in-chief Ryan Block would team with former editor-in-chief Peter Rojas to create a new gadget startup. Today that new startup, GDGT, launches. Gadget lovers rejoice - this is a social site …
Bloggers Blog, Mobility Site, CrunchGear, Boing Boing Gadgets, Silicon Alley Insider, mocoNews, Agence France Presse, Technologizer, VentureBeat, CNET News, jkOnTheRun, Gizmodo, AppScout, The Blog Herald, MediaMemo, Download Squad, Mashable! and, Thanks:mrinaldesai

So, here we are — So, here we are — It's taken a little while for us to get here, but we're very happy to be finally unveiling gdgt to the world. So what is it? — Well, for starters it's the gadget site we've always wanted. We both love devices and spend an insane amount …

Apple already dropping NVIDIA chips? — Apple and NVIDIA may be engaged in a fierce dispute that could exclude NVIDIA graphics chips from future Macs, according to sources reportedly aware of the talks. They claim to SemiAccurate that Apple views NVIDIA's proposals for renewed deals as …

No to SQL? Anti-database movement gains steam — But can enterprises take open-source alternatives Hadoop, Voldemort seriously? — Computerworld - The meet-up in San Francisco last month had a whiff of revolution about it, like a latter-day techie version of the American Patriots planning the Boston Tea Party.

Improving Sharing Through Control, Simplicity and Connection — The power to share is the cornerstone of Facebook. Privacy and the tools for tailoring what information is shared with whom are at the heart of trust. Over the past five years, Facebook has learned that effective privacy is grounded in three basic principles:
GigaOM, Macworld, Between the Lines, L.A. Times Tech Blog,, Guardian, InformationWeek, Tech Beat, Bits, AppScout, UMBC ebiquity and Mashable!

Microsoft to offer Family Pack for Windows 7 Home Premium — In two recent posts (Windows 7 versus Snow Leopard: How much do upgrades really cost? and Do you need more than Windows 7 Home Premium?), I took a closer look at the differences between Windows 7 editions and their counterparts from Apple.

Child Porn Is Apple's Latest iPhone Headache — A photo ostensibly showing a 15-year-old nude girl has appeared in an iPhone app, highlighting Apple's inability to safeguard its application store from prohibited content. — The image appears in the free app BeautyMeter …

Facebook for iPhone 3.0 — Facebook for iPhone 3.0 is coming very soon. I can't predict an exact date when I will submit to Apple, but I can say that I am about 98% done. So what's new in this update? — 1. The “new” News Feed — 2. Like — 3. Events (including the ability to RSVP)
ithinkdifferent, MobileContentToday, iPhone Buzz, TechCrunch, and Inside Facebook

Q2 2009 Spam Trends — Editor's Note: The spam data cited in this post is drawn from the network of Google email security and archiving services, powered by Postini, which provide email security to more than 50,000 organizations, including businesses of all sizes, government agencies, and educational institutions.
Discussion:, the Econsultancy blog, InformationWeek, ReadWriteWeb, Silicon Alley Insider, The Official Google Blog, PC World and Security Fix, Thanks:atul

May The Tweets Be With You — The ecosystem growing around Twitter is something we very much believe in nourishing and supporting. There are lots of really awesome services and applications out there like TweetDeck, TweetMeme, Tweetie, BackTweets, Tweetboard, and others that we absolutely love as do many users.
L.A. Times Tech Blog, Library clips, TechCrunch, WebProNews, Twitterrati, MediaFile, The Blog Herald and Trends in the Living Networks, Thanks:atul

Coke, Pepsi Make Nice on Twitter — Amnesia Razorfish Promotes ‘Public Hug’ — Yes, even hardcore rivals can be social-media friends (or followers, at least). Earlier today Amnesia Razorfish launched an experiment to see if it could get the cola brands to follow each other on Twitter.
Amnesia Blog

O2 wins Palm Pre exclusive — Network already has Apple's iPhone and move would strengthen its position in UK smartphone market — American gadget group Palm will next week confirm that it has signed a deal with O2 which will see the mobile phone network become the exclusive UK partner for its eagerly awaited Palm Pre handset.
Discussion: News, My Pre, Palm WebOS, Techgeist, The Register,, Electronista, Pat Phelan,, Engadget, Ubergizmo, all things Pre and

New Linux patch could circumvent Microsoft's FAT patents — Microsoft's recent lawsuit against TomTom, alleging infringement of filesystem patents, has left many questions unanswered about the legal implications of distributing open source implementations of Microsoft's FAT filesystem.
Lockergnome Blog Network

Craigslist Sued For Trademark Based On Listing — In what appears to be a first, listings site Craigslist has been sued for trademark infringement based on ads posted by users. — The lawsuit was brought by Texas real estate company First Call Properties, which alleges that it began advertising …

Chinese to go ahead with net filter, says official — Government claims technology will curb access to pornography, but internet users say it blocks politically sensitive content and monitors behaviour — China's controversial plan to install Green Dam internet filtering software …

Microsoft Starts Officially Tweeting — It's Twitter day at Microsoft, apparently. Not only did the software giant announce that it would start adding tweets to its Bing search results, the company actually started officially using Twitter today. — To be clear, Microsoft …

AT&T Problems Can Delay iPhone Voicemail — Ever feel like your iPhone is holding out on you? Not delivering voice mail in a timely manner? Well, I have and now I know why—sometimes AT&T doesn't deliver visual voicemail for days. — That's according to Glenn Tenney …

Microsoft clips Butterfly program's wings — The rumors circulating earlier this week were true: Microsoft has decided to pull the plug on its MSN/Windows Live Butterfly program. — Over the past few years, the Butterfly testers got pre-beta Windows Live products and services before the public had a chance to test them.

Twitter's Popular Facebook App Has Been Broken Or Exploited For Days. — Twitter has long had an official Facebook application that allows users to update their Facebook status with tweets. It's quite useful for those of us who don't want to have to spend all day updating multiple services with the same messages.

Improvements to Google Apps contacts — Today, we're happy to announce updates to contacts in Google Apps: new features that many of our enterprise customers have been asking for. — For starters, we've launched a new API that, when combined with the existing shared contacts API …

Twitter Raises API Limits? — As I always do, the first thing I did when I got home this evening was to open TweetDeck. What did I see waiting for me? — Instead of the usual 100 API calls per hour, TweetDeck says that I now have a maximum of 150. — Is this something permanent?

‘Accidental Billionaires’ is deliberately careful — This review contains some spoilers about the plot of “The Accidental Billionaires,” but most of them are common knowledge to people familiar with Facebook's history. — There's a reason why there aren't more lurid tell-all books …

iPhone Gets Big Stamp of Approval — In the hotly competitive smart phone arena, bragging rights mean a lot, and when one handset can claim a big stamp of approval over the competition, it gets a lot of attention. And such will be the case in Cupertino where Apple's iPhone team can print …

Overstock Drops Affiliates In 4 States to Protest Taxes — Inc. informed its marketing affiliates in four states — California, Hawaii, North Carolina and Rhode Island — that it is ending its business with them to avoid collecting sales tax. — Lawmakers in the states …

Tech IPO LogMeIn Jumps 25% — Only five U.S. startup companies have gone public this year, down from 86 in 2007, according to data from the National Venture Capital Association, as related by Bloomberg. — Supply, then, is so thin, that today it drove a 25% stock price appreciation on the first day of one of those IPOs.

MoTB #01: Multiple vulnerabilities in service — What is — “ allows users to shorten, share, and track links (URLs). Reducing the URL length makes sharing easier. can be accessed through our website, bookmarklets and a robust and open API. is also integrated …

Blackberry's U2 Plans Revealed — Much has been said about Blackberry's sponsorship of the U2 360 Tour, but very little of it has been said by either Blackberry or U2. When the tour was announced months ago, U2 manager Paul McGuinness promised “new and innovative ways to enhance …

Design for a universal plug — I've written before about both the desire for universal dc power and more simply universal laptop power at meeting room desks. This week saw the announcement that all the companies selling cell phones in Europe will standardize on a single charging connector, based on micro-USB.