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bringing a bit of twitter to bing — There has been much discussion of real-time search and the premium on immediacy of data that has been created primarily by Twitter. We've been watching this phenomenon with great interest, and listening carefully to what consumers really want in this space.
Between the Lines, eWeek, The Register, LiveSide, Silicon Alley Insider, Search Engine Land, Search Engine Roundtable, BoomTown, Mark Evans, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, John Battelle's Searchblog, CNET News, Mashable!, Tech Beat, Gaea Times …, Softpedia News, Technologizer, MarketingVOX,, TechFlash, Search Engine Journal, paidContent, PC World, Digital Daily, MSDN Blogs and, Thanks:mrinaldesai

Bing Now Shows Some Twitter Updates — Microsoft is dipping its toes into the hot new area of real-time search. The company said Wednesday that Bing, the search engine it unveiled a month ago, would begin including the latest output of popular Twitter users in its search results.
Fast Company, TechCrunch, ithinkdifferent, 901am, InformationWeek, Epicenter, Scobleizer, Ars Technica and Channel 9

Microsoft to offer Family Pack for Windows 7 Home Premium — In two recent posts (Windows 7 versus Snow Leopard: How much do upgrades really cost? and Do you need more than Windows 7 Home Premium?), I took a closer look at the differences between Windows 7 editions and their counterparts from Apple.
PC World, Download Squad, All about Microsoft, Kristan Kenney's Digital Life, jkOnTheRun, Technologizer, Lockergnome Blog Network, and ithinkdifferent, Thanks:edbott

No to SQL? Anti-database movement gains steam — But can enterprises take open-source alternatives Hadoop, Voldemort seriously? — Computerworld - The meet-up in San Francisco last month had a whiff of revolution about it, like a latter-day techie version of the American Patriots planning the Boston Tea Party.

Haptic Feedback, Fingerprint Identification, and RFID Tag Readers in Future iPhones? — Apple has let loose a number of revealing new patent applications that cover some interesting technologies that could be used in future iPhones. — Haptic Tactile Feedback

Plug not pulled on Green Dam — Despite a last-minute delay in implementing Green Dam internet-filtering software, China's authorities and its PC manufacturers said Wednesday they expect the tool will end up on new computers. — One day after the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology …

PC makers voluntarily supply Web filter in China

Facebook Connect Is A Huge Success — By The Numbers — As much as Beacon was Facebook's low point, that service's replacement, Facebook Connect, is vaulting the company to new heights six months after its November 2008 launch. — CEO Mark Zuckerberg occasionally hints …

Child Porn Is Apple's Latest iPhone Headache (Updated) — (Updates with Apple pulling the application Thursday) — A photo ostensibly showing a 15-year-old nude girl has turned up in an iPhone app, highlighting Apple's inability to safeguard its application store from prohibited content.
PC World, The Register, GMSV, KRAPPS, iPhone Savior, Gizmodo, Download Squad and

Apple already dropping NVIDIA chips? — Apple and NVIDIA may be engaged in a fierce dispute that could exclude NVIDIA graphics chips from future Macs, according to sources reportedly aware of the talks. They claim to SemiAccurate that Apple views NVIDIA's proposals for renewed deals as …
O'Grady's PowerPage, AppleInsider, CrunchGear,,, Edible Apple and Gizmodo

Facebook for iPhone 3.0 — Facebook for iPhone 3.0 is coming very soon. I can't predict an exact date when I will submit to Apple, but I can say that I am about 98% done. So what's new in this update? — 1. The “new” News Feed — 2. Like — 3. Events (including the ability to RSVP)
ithinkdifferent, iPhone Buzz, MobileContentToday,,, TechCrunch and Inside Facebook

New Linux patch could circumvent Microsoft's FAT patents — Microsoft's recent lawsuit against TomTom, alleging infringement of filesystem patents, has left many questions unanswered about the legal implications of distributing open source implementations of Microsoft's FAT filesystem.
Lockergnome Blog Network

Hammering Usernames — Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) at Facebook is always under pressure to keep the site and all the moving pieces behind the scenes running while still delivering an excellent user experience. The recent launch of usernames to our 200 million active users on a single night …

A Day With 400 Tweets Starts With Simplicity — Bonnie Smalley has Internet bragging rights: She has been blocked by Twitter for hand-typing too many tweets in an hour. They thought she was a computer program made to spew spam. — Ms. Smalley, it turns out, is a 100 percent human customer service representative for Comcast.

The library that never closes — The Open Library hopes to unite the net and the printed word by creating a web page for every book. Bobbie Johnson talks to the audacious project's leader — The internet's relationship with books, it is fair to say, has been a tumultuous one.

Mozilla slates first Firefox 3.5 patch — Plans to patch bugs this month that went unfixed in final version — Mozilla will patch the just-released Firefox 3.5 in the next few weeks to stamp out several bugs that went unfixed in the final version of the browser, the company said Tuesday.

AMD preps RS880 integrated graphics — WITH THE ADVENT of Windows 7 and just before delivering its first DX11 GPU to the world, AMD is also preparing to squeeze out a brand new integrated package, according to certain mainboard partner roadmaps. — Designated the RS880 …

Coke, Pepsi Make Nice on Twitter — Amnesia Razorfish Promotes ‘Public Hug’ — Yes, even hardcore rivals can be social-media friends (or followers, at least). Earlier today Amnesia Razorfish launched an experiment to see if it could get the cola brands to follow each other on Twitter.
Amnesia Blog

Bing finds meaning in Powerset — Well, at least a little — Free whitepaper - eDiscovery best practices — Powerset's semantic obsession is already working its way into Bing's primary search engine, helping to suss out the meaning behind end-user queries, generate captions for query results, and suggest related queries.

Craigslist Sued For Trademark Based On Listing — In what appears to be a first, listings site Craigslist has been sued for trademark infringement based on ads posted by users. — The lawsuit was brought by Texas real estate company First Call Properties, which alleges that it began advertising …

How wide is the world's digital divide, anyway? — New broadband penetration data shows that the majority of the world has almost no home access to high-speed Internet access; in Africa, for instance, only 2% of homes have broadband. Ars takes a look at the worldwide digital divide.

Unlocking the unlocked cell phone market — Nokia and Sony Ericsson are targeting the U.S. with a new set of unlocked phones, but without hefty carrier subsidies will they ever be able to crack the U.S. market? — There is no question that when it comes to features, Nokia and Sony Ericsson's …

Facebook Activism: Lots of Clicks, but Little Sticks — ‘Click-Through Activism’ Broad but Fleeting — Facebook activism, the trendy process by which we do good by clicking often, was in its full glory last week after the death of Iranian student Neda Agha Soltan, killed by gunfire in the streets of Tehran.

Innocents accused of net piracy — Some 20 net users have come forward claiming they have been wrongly accused of illegally sharing video games. — It follows an investigation by Which? Computing magazine into a couple who were accused of playing a game they claim they had never heard of.

Companies pledge more openness about Web tracking — Companies that track consumer behavior online for advertising purposes are vowing to make their practices more transparent and to give people a way to decline being shadowed. — It's unclear how much of an effect the new policies will have.

Labels: drag and drop, hiding, and more — A few months ago Gmail got some new buttons and keyboard shortcuts to make labeling easier, especially for those of you accustomed to that familiar folder feel. Now we're making some more changes to Gmail's labeling toolkit. — 1) New location for labels
BetaNews, The Register, Google Blogoscoped, Softpedia News, The Official Google Blog, Enterprise Irregulars, Google Enterprise Blog, jkOnTheRun,, Lifehacker, Google Operating System,, Technologizer, Download Squad, Google Watch, AppScout, InformationWeek,, TechCrunch, Googling Google and CNET News, Thanks:mrinaldesai

Bridgestone Makes Full-scale Entry Into E-paper Business — Bridgestone Corp will begin its electronic paper (e-paper) business in earnest for electronic book readers, planning to announce the details in July or August 2009. — The company has been developing e-paper by using …

O2 wins Palm Pre exclusive — Network already has Apple's iPhone and move would strengthen its position in UK smartphone market — American gadget group Palm will next week confirm that it has signed a deal with O2 which will see the mobile phone network become the exclusive UK partner for its eagerly awaited Palm Pre handset.

Improvements to Google Apps contacts — Today, we're happy to announce updates to contacts in Google Apps: new features that many of our enterprise customers have been asking for. — For starters, we've launched a new API that, when combined with the existing shared contacts API …

Improving Sharing Through Control, Simplicity and Connection — The power to share is the cornerstone of Facebook. Privacy and the tools for tailoring what information is shared with whom are at the heart of trust. Over the past five years, Facebook has learned that effective privacy is grounded in three basic principles:
The Register, Web Strategy, GigaOM, L.A. Times Tech Blog, TechCrunch,, Between the Lines, InformationWeek, Guardian, PC World, Tech Beat, AppScout, Bits, UMBC ebiquity and Mashable!

Google Drops News Comment Feature — Google has eliminated an experimental feature that allowed people quoted in articles in Google News to post comments on those articles. — People in media were intrigued by the idea of giving article subjects the unique power to comment, and the idea drew considerable news coverage.