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The Pirate Bay Sold To Software Company, Goes Legal — Software company Global Gaming Factory X (GGF) says it is in the process of acquiring The Pirate Bay and file-sharing technology company Peerialism. GGF claims to have the biggest network of internet cafés and gaming centers in the world.
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TPB might change owner — Yes, it's true. News reached the press today in Sweden - The Pirate Bay might get aquired by Global Gaming Factory X AB. A lot of people are worried. We're not and you shouldn't be either! TPB is being sold for a great bit underneath it's value if the money would be the interesting part.
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Dell Developing Pocket-Sized Device — Engineers at Dell Inc. have been developing a pocket-sized device for tapping into the Internet, people familiar with the company's plans said. — The gadget uses Google Inc.'s Android software, these people said. Two people who said they saw early …

Adobe shuts down for a week — Adobe Systems has shut down its North American operations for the week, as part of a cost-cutting effort that the company said it will repeat at least once more this year. — The San Jose software company, which makes editing, graphic design and web development tools …

China Bans Gold Farming — Trading virtual goods for real money has been banned in China, putting hundreds of millions of dollars in economic activity at risk. — In addition to its ongoing crackdown on Internet porn, the Chinese government has declared that virtual currency cannot be traded for real goods or services.
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Microsoft to charge Europeans double for Windows 7 — Prices new OS at 41% to 100% more than in the U.S., but leaves out browser — Computerworld - European customers will pay up to twice as much for Windows 7 compared to U.S. users, even though the new operating system will ship without a browser in Europe, according to Microsoft.

Birdfeed: Finally, An iPhone Twitter Client To Match Tweetie's Speed And Simplicity — If you own an iPhone, chances are you have at least one Twitter client on it. And while everyday seems to bring new ones into the App Store, at the end of the day, Tweetie always seems to be the one that I go back to.

Windows 7 preorder a hit—on Amazon — Amazon has been taking quite a number of early orders for Windows 7. The $49 preorder version of Windows 7 Home Premium is now the top seller not just among software products, but among all electronics items at the online retailer.

Dear Malcolm: Why So Threatened? — It's now clear that the bane of my next year will be questions about the future of the newspaper industry from journalists. I don't blame them—newspapers are indeed one of the industries most affected by Free (although that's just one manifestation …

PRICED TO SELL — At a hearing on Capitol Hill in May …
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Sneak Peek: What's On Tap for Firefox in 2010 — It has been just shy of two weeks since the first release candidate of Firefox 3.5 became available for download, and reports say that the latest version of Firefox should go official tomorrow. Yet already, the Mozilla team is wasting …

Yahoo Kills Maven: From Acquisition To Deadpool In 17 Months (Updated) — At the beginning of last year, Yahoo made a fairly large acquisition with the purchase of online video distribution and advertising platform provider Maven Networks. Under the terms of the agreement …

Sony Patents Emotion Engine Emulation Technology For Cell Processors — By Spencer . June 29, 2009 . PlayStation 3s without PS2 backwards compatibility are missing the Emotion Engine, a chip Sony designed as the PS2's CPU. What if the PS3's cell processor could emulate the Emotion Engine?

Steve Jobs Returns to Work as Apple CEO After Medical Leave — Steve Jobs is back at work at Apple Inc., returning to his job as chief executive officer as planned after taking medical leave in January. — “Steve is back to work,” Steve Dowling, an Apple spokesman, said today.
9 to 5 Mac, CNN, Gawker, VentureBeat, New York Times, Mashable!, Ars Technica, TechCrunch, ABCNEWS, Technologizer, eWeek, The Mac Observer, PC World, Apple 2.0,, MacRumors, tinyComb, paidContent, CNET News, Between the Lines, Engadget, TUAW, Silicon Alley Insider, MacNN, I4U News and's Grand Plans, And Their Inevitable Clash With Digg: Bitly Now — URL shortener and analytics service has been working on a new set of products, being referred to as “ Now” internally, which will define the next stage of the company's growth. The company confirmed these plans to us today.

Microsoft's strange new ads for Internet Explorer — Trailing a series of failed and questionable commercials, Microsoft has launched an experimental new advertising campaign. Can Superman, puke jokes, and lolcats make IE cool again? — The new campaign features actor Dean Cain …

Comcast launches High-Speed 2go WiMax service tomorrow in Portland, other cities to follow by end of year — Put down that bowl of homemade granola and take heed, citizens of Portland: you're about to get a first crack at Comcast's High-Speed 2go service, and we don't want any of your excuses about …

Battery Issues Likely Cause of iPhone 3GS Overheating — Just a week after the release of Apple's new iPhone, a few owners have complained about the handset's high temperatures, which in some cases are high enough to start browning the white plastic on the back of the phone.

Obama CIO To Unveil Transparency Tool — On Tuesday, White House Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra and White House New Media Director Macon Phillips will unveil an Internet-based interactive dashboard that will make available in a single location details about every major information …

Companies File Trademarks for New Top Level Domain Names — Filings unlikely to give a leg up in application process. — Companies are filing with the United States Patent and Trademark Office for service marks related to new TLDs. For example, Top Level Domain Holdings, Ltd (AIM: TLDH) …

YouTube To Broadly Release Call-To-Action Overlays, Allow Linking Off-Site — Tomorrow, YouTube is going to release a very important addition to its suite of advertising products, and it has the potential to have a huge impact for politicians, brands, and charities alike.

How the Mafia conquered social networks — Not so long ago, the faces of gaming on social networks were those of zombies, vampires, and cuddly virtual pets. Now it's more along the lines of Michael Corleone or Tony Soprano. — You've probably seen it in your news feed …

AMD to support Nvidia's CUDA technology? — Strongest hint yet from Nvidia CTO — Nvidia has hinted that it has a project in the works that will enable Nvidia's CUDA technology on AMD GPUs. — At a recent roundtable event, Nvidia's chief scientist Bill Dally explained why a developer …

Bsquare Announces Flash Platform Port for Android Smartphones and Smartbooks - 6/30/2009 — Bsquare's Android competency delivers rich Adobe Flash experiences on popular new devices — Bsquare Corporation (Nasdaq: BSQR), the leading software solutions provider to the global embedded device community …

Masked passwords must go — ‘Shoulder surfing is largely a phantom problem’ — Free whitepaper - The starter PKI program — Websites should stop masking passwords as users type because it does not improve security and makes websites harder to use, according to two of the technology world's leading thinkers.
Counter Measures

Average Twitter user has 126 followers, and only 20% of users go via website — Got 127 followers on Twitter? Congratulations - you're above average! And do you want to guess when its busiest time was? (Hint: not the Iran election...) — Here are some did-you-knows to drop about Twitter:

City Invites Software Developers to Crunch Big Data Sets — In an effort to improve government transparency and accountability and stimulate development of the digital media industry, New York City is inviting software developers and related professionals this fall to develop applications …