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Apple runs short of iPhones — The iPhone availability widget is back — new and improved — and it's showing spot shortages of selected iPhones at Apple (AAPL) stores across the United States. — The availability tool, which appears on Apple's website in times of scarcity …

Google mocks Bing and the stuff behind it — You call this a cloud? — Structure 09 Google has openly ridiculed Microsoft's entire approach to online infrastructure, while taking some wonderfully sly shots at the company's new [decision engine] search engine.

How To Save The Newspapers, Vol. XII: Outlaw Linking — Of all the misguided schemes put forth lately to save newspapers (micropayments! blame Google!), the one put forth by Judge Richard Posner has to be the most jaw-dropping. He suggests that linking to copyrighted material should be outlawed.

Reading machine to snoop on Web — What if the wisdom of Web could be yours, without having to read through it one page at a time? That's what the military wants. — DARPA has hired a company to develop a reading machine to reduce the gap between the ever increasing mountain of digitized text …

How to Make Easy Money on Google — Want To Make a Living on Google Money? — AdAge has a good post about how Google's promotion of fraudulent advertising is undermining their brand... Google's 5-Step Easy Money Process — Find a high paying affiliate program which sells a product about how easy it is to make money on Google.

Acer's Everywhere. How Did That Happen? — ABOUT three months ago, Gianfranco Lanci flew into San Francisco International Airport, got off the plane and made his way to the passport control stations. As he pulled out his documents, the passport agent immediately recognized him as the chief executive of Acer.

FriendFeed, Syphilis And The Perfection Of Online Mobs — People have always been inclined to join mobs - most people have at least one story to tell about a time that they got swept up in or had to face a crowd demanding justice for one thing or another (both of my experiences were in college).

Google Tries Hand At Targeting Consumers With Good Credit — Google has been testing the ability to lay consumer FICO scores on top of its Google Content Network to identify people with good credit. The strategy will enable the search engine to help advertisers target a specific type …
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The Video Bay, Now In Beta — poundhard writes “Some two years ago, it was mentioned on TorrentFreak and Slashdot that The Pirate Bay team were working on a YouTube competitor. At the oral proceedings of the Spectrial, I believe it was Peter Sunde, aka Brokep, who said to the prosecutor …

Domain-name wars: Rise of the cybersquatters — Trademark owners say cybersquatting on the Web has gone too far — and they're pushing back. — Computerworld - When the Web site began publishing pornographic images created with Lego toys, trademark owner Lego Juris AS …

Aardvark Open For Business Via Facebook Connect — Aardvark's social search service has been allowing beta users to invite friends since March. But if you don't already know someone on the service, you've had to wait in line. That wait ends today, though, at least for Facebook users.
New York Times, Local Mobile Search, Screenwerk, The Noisy Channel and Techgeist, Thanks:atul

Hulu to PlayStation 3 browsers: “This video is not available on your platform” — The PlayStation 3 has kept access to Hulu even without PlayOn or other workaround while others were blocked — with the exception of its own remote friendly desktop software — thanks to its browser's Flash support …