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Working to Fulfill our Legal Obligations in Europe for Windows 7 — Vice President and Deputy General Counsel — [Update to my original post earlier today below - I've added more historical context for readers who might be new to the issue - D.H.] — Earlier today CNET reported …

No browser in Windows 7 in EU — European buyers of Windows 7 will have to download and install a web browser for themselves. — Bowing to European competition rules, Microsoft Windows 7 will ship without Internet Explorer. — The company said it would make it easy for PC makers and users …
Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim

Open letter to Microsoft: It's time for a single version of Windows — An Open Letter to Microsoft: — Windows XP did a great thing. It united two operating systems - the Windows 9x codebase and the Windows NT codebase (including Windows 2000). I would argue that the move to unify …

Antitrust: Commission statement on Microsoft Internet Explorer announcement
All about Microsoft

Europe to get Windows 7 sans browser
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Snack time with the new iGoogle for Android and iPhone — We like iGoogle because it lets us “snack” on interesting information all day long. We can read a little bit of news here and there, glance at finance portfolios, take a look at the weather forecast, and then do a Google search.
Search Engine Land, InformationWeek, Search Engine Journal, Search Engine Roundtable, Android Central, MobileContentToday and CellPassion, Thanks:atul

Yet Another Mobile iGoogle — Sometimes it's very difficult to understand Google: in 2008, Google released a great iGoogle interface optimized for iPhone, but it was discontinued one year later. “We've decided to direct iPhone users to the standard mobile iGoogle page.

Palm Pixie Is Real, But May Never Come To Market — Lots of excitement today over a second Palm WebOS device now that the Pre has launched. The only problem is that none of this is news. We broke the story about the device, code named Pixie, on April 29. A day later we had the Pixie name and additional details.
Fast Company, Electronista, Gizmodo, SlashGear, Macsimum News, and Edible Apple

Twitter Launches Verified Accounts — Twitter launched the first phase of its Verified Accounts program moments ago, meaning that celebrities, musicians, athletes, actors, public officials and public agencies on the service can now display a “verified account” button on their Twitter pages.

Free Anonymous BitTorrent Becomes Reality With BitBlinder — A question which regularly pops up in the TorrentFreak mailbox is “How do hide myself online? How can I get free anonymous BitTorrent?” Our answer is usually something along the lines of “Free anonymous BitTorrent isn't really a reality right now.

T-Mobile's Samsung Bigfoot — One of our trusty ninjas just hit us up with the above photo of Samsung's Bigfoot Android device slated to hit T-Mobile USA this summer. We've been told it will rock a 3 megapixel camera, be a UMTS/HSDPA device, and sport a 3.0″ capacitive AMOLED touch screen display.

Safari 4 Downloads Top 11 Million in Three Days — Apple® today announced that more than 11 million copies of Safari® 4 have been downloaded in the first three days of its release, including more than six million downloads of Safari for Windows. Safari 4 is the world's fastest …

Daily Show Rips The New York Times — The Daily Show does a much better job than I did ripping the New York Times. … (Here's the video on Comedy Central, for our international friends). — Crunch Network: CrunchBase the free database of technology companies, people, and investors

Flowgram Was Cool. Now It's Dead — Well, this is a bummer. Flowgram, a promising startup that launched last July, is a goner. — The service let users create screencasts with live websites, and the early beta users really liked it: … But this evening founder Abhay Parekh sent …

Analysis of the Green Dam Censorware System — Scott Wolchok, Randy Yao, and J. Alex Halderman — Computer Science and Engineering Division — The University of Michigan … Introduction — Accordingly to recent news reports (NYT, WSJ), the Chinese government has mandated that …

Archos 9 UMPC video demo; Android PMP coming September — Archos' press event yesterday fell short of delivering the Android tablet many had suspected was on the cards, but CEO Henri Crohas did spare a few words in his keynote about the company's Android development.

Archos launch 9" Windows 7 Tablet UMPC
jkOnTheRun, Electronista, Engadget, Softpedia News,, Electronic Pulp, Gizmodo, MobileContentToday, Obsessable,, Liliputing and jkkmobile

Doom hack. I've gotten PRDoom running on the device. PRDoom is an open source doom clone that uses SDL for its rendering backend. The Palm Pre's GUI, Luna, utilizes a framebuffer. The SDL backend we used was directfb. — The Palm Pre's rootfs, based on openembedded, had directfb …

What Does $14 Million Worth of PageRank Look Like? — From Hitwise: … Not to mention the link equity, eh? — Not a bad strategy there Systemax. That traffic is cheaper than AdWords, will pay for itself in less than a year, and since they are a corporation the Google rankings + traffic will stick.
Search Engine Watch

Scoble's Building 43 Launching Tonight With Practical Tips For Businesses Stuck In The 90's — Tonight sees the launch of Robert Scoble's newest project, Building43, an online community that he's building in partnership with web-hosting provider Rackspace (we're having them over to celebrate with us at our birthday party).

Can eBay Get Its Tech Savvy Back? — New tech chief Mark Carges must regain the innovation that drew crowds to the auction site. It's a tall order — Watch the Video... Last November, eBay (EBAY) added a feature to its home page that tips off shoppers to one-day deals on certain products.

Your Facebook business name: Already reserved? — Facebook employees and tech journalists aren't the only ones whose names have been reserved ahead of the big Facebook vanity URL land grab that will open up at midnight Eastern time Saturday morning. The company already has “tens of thousands” …

Twitter Sells $3 Million Of Computers For Dell — Who knew that Dell had 600,000 Twitter followers? In any event...the company has apparently tweeted its way to $3 million in sales over the past two years, including $1 million in the last 6 months. — That's chicken feed for Dell, of course.