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Went Walkabout. Brought back Google Wave. — Back in early 2004, Google took an interest in a tiny mapping startup called Where 2 Tech, founded by my brother Jens and me. We were excited to join Google and help create what would become Google Maps. But we also started thinking about what might come next for us after maps.
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What Just Happened? Thursday Was Supposed To Be Bing Day. — Everyone knew today was the day that Microsoft was going to launch their new search engine. Everyone's been talking about it for months, and the press and marketing efforts were carefully tailored to maximize the impact.

Is Wave Bloatware? — Google has published a video of this morning's demo of Wave-its radically ambitious upcoming service which aims to be what e-mail should be and meld it with IM, allow for real-time dozument sharing, provide instant photo sharing, revolutionize spell checking …

Google Wave Drips With Ambition. A New Communication Platform For A New Web.
Fast Company, iTnews Australia, Softpedia News, Lifehacker, Google Code Blog, Joho the Blog, Between the Lines, Communications …, I4U News and L.A. Times Tech Blog, Thanks:dwr

Meet Bing, Microsoft's New Search Engine — The speculation is over. Microsoft's search engine officially has a new name, Bing. The name, along with some new features, opens the latest chapter in Microsoft's quest to best Google in the search engine wars.
The Register, eWeek, TechCrunch, Guardian, Tim Anderson's ITWriting, Techgeist, Bloomberg and Geeking with Greg

Bing! Microsoft Prepares For War With A Revamped Search Engine (Screenshots)
The Semantic Web, LiveSide, Softpedia News, Search Engine Journal, The Forrester Blog …, I4U News, Digital Life, TechFlash, Alice Hill's Real Tech News, Beet.TV, Network World, Changing Way, PC Magazine, The Noisy Channel, Epicenter, PC World, Groundswell, Geekword, InformationWeek, Channel 10,, istartedsomething, AdAge, New York Times, Andy Beal's Marketing Pilgrim, Agence France Presse and

Microsoft's Bing Vs Google: Head To Head Search Results
Discussion:, Don Dodge on The Next …, TechFlash, Financial Times, and Screenwerk

Hulu Launches Desktop App, Forbids Use on Anything Other than PCs — After beating competitors like Joost by choosing to go to the web rather than the desktop, and shutting out third-party apps that enable its videos on desktops or other devices like MyMediaPlayer and Boxee …
Techgeist, Softpedia News, Technologizer,, TechCrunch, BetaNews, Gizmodo, last100, Silicon Alley Insider, and All Facebook

is Hulu coming back to boxee?
Hulu Blog, 9 to 5 Mac, SlashGear, Zatz Not Funny!, Digits, Mashable!, AppScout, ReadWriteWeb and MacDailyNews

Wikipedia bans Church of Scientology — Wikioperating Thetan Level Zero — Hitachi IT Operations Analyzer - 30-day free trial — Exclusive In an unprecedented effort to crack down on self-serving edits, the Wikipedia supreme court has banned contributions from all IP addresses owned …

Rubinstein and McNamee: Remaking Palm — What a wonderful curative the Palm Pre has proven to be for Palm. Especially for a device that's not yet shipped. In early January of this year, the company's shares were trading below $3, having been dragged deep into the mud by a string of nasty quarterly losses.
The Register, Engadget, Reuters, WebOS Arena, Gadget Lab, VentureBeat, Gizmodo, Gear Diary, The iPhone Blog, OhGizmo!, MacBlogz, Palm WebOS, Mobile Tech Addicts, Silicon Alley Insider, The Technology Chronicles, CNET News, Tech Trader Daily, Forward Thinking, eWeek, The Toybox and Mobility Site

Palm Unveils More webOS Details: Palm Media Sync, Twitter Integration, App Catalog
Discussion:, Engadget, The iPhone Blog, MacRumors, CNET News, Palm Pre,, MobileContentToday and

Even If Pre Is a Hit, Palm Is “Running on Fumes,” Mossberg Says
PC World

Zune HD Hands On: Photos and Video Tour — Having just played with a prototype for a few minutes, I'm really impressed with the Zune HD. I've got a video, too, showing off how well the animations work. — The device is tighter and more physically beautiful than the iPod Touch and it's got a better UI …

Shhhh. Newspaper Publishers Are Quietly Holding a Very, Very Important Conclave Today. Will You Soon Be Paying for Online Content? — Here's a story the newspaper industry's upper echelon apparently kept from its anxious newsrooms: A discreet Thursday meeting in Chicago about their future.
Nieman Journalism Lab,, Gawker, Techgeist, Archive and Doc Searls Weblog

T-Mobile G2 (Google Ion) Review: Most Improved Award — Not only does the T-Mobile G2/HTC Magic/Google Ion phone improve on original T-Mobile G1 in just about every way, it manages to do it while cutting down significantly on the size. The only thing it doesn't have going for it is a hardware keyboard.

Hands-on impressions of Nokia's N97 [video] — I've been pretty excited ever since Nokia announced it's soon-to-be-released Nokia N97 all the way back in December. However, it wasn't till earlier this week that I was actually able to get my hands-on the company's new flagship device courtesy …

Electronic Arts Makes Big Play for Online Services — Videogame Publisher to Unveil Plans for Web Version of Its Popular Tiger Woods Golf Game; Some Titles Will be Free — Free or low-priced online services have squeezed profits from many businesses. But John Riccitiello is placing …

Snapdragon Netbooks Called Smartbooks, Coming This Fall — As I was out running some errands earlier today, Stacey over at the main GigaOm site did a little catching up with Qualcomm. Last time I met with them, they showed me some very basic netbook prototypes with tons of potential …

Palm Pre Default Ringtone Leaks Out — Want to hear the Palm Pre's default ringtone? Heck, want to download it to use now? Here you go, courtesy of an anonymous tipster: — Download it directly with this link — For those that are curious, the ringtone was composed by Roger Bourland …

Experts: Gumblar attack is alive, worse than Conficker — The Web site compromise attack known as Gumblar has added new domain names that are downloading malware onto unsuspecting computers, stealing FTP credentials to compromise more sites, and tampering with Web traffic, a security firm said on Thursday.
ScanSafe STAT Blog

Sky puts content on Xbox console — British broadcaster Sky has struck a deal with Microsoft that will see live football, TV and film content brought to the Xbox 360. — The deal marks the Xbox's first move into live linear broadcast TV. — Rival consoles, Sony's PlayStation 3 and Nintendo's Wii …

Verizon to sell Palm Pre, new BlackBerry Storm — *Verizon to sell Palm Pre, new BlackBerry storm — *Palm shares rise 11 pct, Sprint shares fall 3 pct — Verizon Wireless plans to start selling Palm Inc's (PALM.O) Pre and a new version of the touchscreen BlackBerry Storm in about six months …
InformationWeek, Dow Jones Newswires, CNET News, blogs, PC World, Gadgetell, and Gadget Lab

Watching Sergey Wander: A Sliver of Insight Into Google? — Sometimes it's the littlest things that reveal the most, and I had that experience today just watching Google cofounder Sergey Brin walk a couple of San Francisco city blocks. — For the second day in a row at Google's …

Born free — Open-source software firms are flourishing, but are also becoming less distinctive — MANY technology firms are floundering amid the recession. But many of the ones that offer services tied to open-source software—free programs written by volunteers who collaborate online—are boasting double-digit growth.

So Much For Twitter's Trending Topics To Indicate Breaking News — Twitter's near real-time search capabilities and the ability for them and third parties to mine the collective data from user messages for indicators of what's buzzing online is the intrinsic core value of the company …
the Econsultancy blog