Top Items:

Magnetometer in next iPhone confirmed? — We just got a couple images from one of our Apple ninjas and it appears to show a compass option in one of the debugging menus. Our source says this is obviously for a built-in magnetometer in the upcoming iPhone hardware revision and with what's already been reported, we'd have to agree.

Google: A ‘natural monopoly’? — The search giant says competition is “a click away.” So what if it hasn't materialized? — NEW YORK (Fortune) — For the second week in a row, reports have surfaced that government regulators are closely eyeing Google. — The Justice Department is taking …

Apparently Google's Lawyers Were Prepped For Google/Apple Antitrust Inquiry

Google: Schmidt Hasn't Considered Quitting AAPL Board
New York Times, Associated Press, Digital Daily, Macworld, The Register, L.A. Times Tech Blog, Reuters, Guardian, The Mac Observer, Bits and Tech Beat

The 2008 Founders' Letter — Every year our founders take turns writing a letter that is included in our annual report. We originally published the 2008 Founders' Letter on our Investor Relations site. Since today is the annual Stockholders' Meeting at our Mountain View headquarters, we wanted to make it more widely available.

Google: Looking over shoulder at Wolfram|Alpha? — Google's Sergey Brin, co-founder and president of the search giant, on Thursday delivered the company's annual “Founders' Letter” and apparently is keeping a watchful eye on Wolfram|Alpha. — If you recall, Wolfram|Alpha …

Nokia's Gigantic App Store — Nokia is preparing an app store second in size only to Apple's. — Nokia is about to shake up the app store world. — The Finnish company is planning to roll out an online store for mobile applications later this month. Though Apple ( AAPL - news …

Multi-processor support coming for Firefox — Mozilla has started a new project to make Firefox split in several processes at a time: one running the main user interface (chrome), and another or several others running the web content in each tab. Like Chrome or Internet Explorer 8 …

Microsoft search to be powered by open source — Microsoft for years has been warning the world not to use open-source software. Apparently, its Kumo search team didn't get the memo. — Kumo will weigh heavily on open source. — (Credit: Screenshot by Ina Fried/CNET)
The Register

Speed Test: Windows 7 May Not Be Much Faster Than Vista — Though Windows 7 edged out Vista in our lab tests, you may not notice much of a difference. — Recommends — Improving performance is one of Microsoft's design goals with Windows 7, and many early reviewers (including ours) …

Facebook's official Windows Mobile debut (at last!) — Back in March, Microsoft promised the world, and especially Windows Mobile 6 owners, a native Facebook application for Windows Mobile phones. On Thursday, Redmond delivered. OK, so Facebook for Windows Mobile 6 was forecast for April instead of May …

Identity in the Browser — The current state of identity on the Web is not so great. — Much of the ongoing discussion and efforts around user identity on the Web focuses on tying identities to new or existing networks and using various protocols for federating it.

iPhone App Store: 40,000 and counting — Noah's rain lasted 40 days and 40 nights, but the flood of submissions to the iPhone App Store — which hit the 40,000 mark in late April — continues unabated. — The current numbers, as of Thursday afternoon are as follows:

The President's Name Trips Up a Would-Be Voice of the News — The Amazon Kindle, an electronic reader, has been lavished with praise by hopeful newspaper and book executives who say they believe it has the potential to do for newspapers and books what the iPod did for music.

The Favicon Marks Your Spot — Yahoo! tests favicons with popular search ad results — It's good for everybody when a user searching for your website can quickly identify that your ad belongs to you. That's why we're rolling out a new icon that helps searchers spot your site at a glance.

Breaking News: No new app submissions unless they run on OS 3.0 — iPhone OS 3.0 beta 5 was only released for general consumption yesterday, and already Apple is rocking our collective faces off with big news. While a cool new feature being uncovered would be great, what Apple has in store …
The Loop Blog, Ed Burnette's Dev Connection, TechCrunch, Macworld, Engadget, and The iPhone Blog

Them There URLs — I was interviewed for this NY Times story on potential URL shortening business models about three weeks ago, shortly after the investment was announced. I was a little disappointed to see that it is basically fluff. I thought I would fill in some the missing key points based …

UK gov squeezes ‘best pricing’ pledge from MS — One licence for all our rulers — Free whitepaper - Deploying high-density zones in a low-density data center — Buying Solutions, the procurement arm of the UK government, yesterday proclaimed a new, better licensing deal with Microsoft.
Microsoft UK Government Blog

Facebook platform developers could see $500M in revenue this year — A growing number of game makers on Facebook are making money from virtual goods — from poker chips to virtual clothes that users can buy or earn while playing gaming applications with their friends on Facebook.

David Simon: Dead-Wrong Dinosaur — The creator of the brilliant television series The Wire today asked Congress to legalize monopolistic collusion by newspapers. Only they can really cover City Hall, he said. Apparently he hasn't been there in a while.

Nintendo's Mysterious Caution on FY '10 — Here's a puzzle: Why does Nintendo (NTDOY.PK) expect dramatically fewer software titles to sell for its Wii and DS game machines this year? — This morning, Tokyo time, the company announced results for its fiscal year ended in March …
L.A. Times Tech Blog

The iPhone Is Accelerating Music Sales For Pandora — Pandora is a company that mainly makes its money through advertising deals on its streaming Internet radio service. But a growing portion of the business is also affiliate downloads of songs that users hear on Pandora and want to buy on either iTunes or Amazon's MP3 service.

Murdoch: Web sites to charge for content — (CNN) — Media tycoon Rupert Murdoch expects News Corporation-owned newspaper Web sites to start charging users for access within a year in a move which analysts say could radically shake-up the culture of freely available content.

SugarCRM CEO Roberts replaced by board member — John Roberts on Wednesday resigned from his post as CEO of open-source CRM vendor SugarCRM, leaving board member Larry Augustin to assume the role of interim CEO while the company conducts a formal search for his replacement. — John Roberts

Hulu agrees international TV deals — Hulu, the US online video service owned by NBC Universal, Fox and Walt Disney, has signed its first batch of content deals with international television producers, the first step towards a full global launch of the service.
PR Newswire, WebProNews, Lockergnome Blog Network, MediaPost, Electronista, Contentinople, NewTeeVee, AppScout and Hollywood Reporter

Happiness In Slavery: NIN iPhone App Approved With No Changes — Well, apparently if you speak loudly enough on the web with enough swear words, Apple does listen. After initially rejecting an update to Nine Inch Nails' iPhone app, Apple has relented and accepted it back into the store.

Higher Taxes Mean Making “Compromises” - Including on Jobs, Cisco CFO Says — President Obama sent a shot across the bow of U.S. multinationals Monday when he announced plans to close offshore tax loopholes. — Intentionally or not, Cisco Systems is one of the companies potentially …